Neither will I, rest assure I’ll be here laughing at every post crying. Just like the one made Tuesday calling for alliance to boycott av and now all these threads bragging about “we’re back, baby!” With this new exploit
welcome to the forum meta!
How many alts do you have to post the same thing?
What makes you think Blizzard would ban players if they are not even banning bots?
Why would it be an issue?
Time to allow 40 man premade to “Q as Group”.
I didnt realize you couldnt, thought this way going to be a thing.
Was looking forward to doing 40 man guild premades.
I do not care if both factions can. Obviously if one can “q as group” with 40, the other should be able to also.
Treasure finding - it’s OP
Take away gnome warrior’s escape artist? OK! sounds good.
WOTF is pretty useless when there are no warlocks in the game.
It is easy to see who is batch queueing over and over to specific AV#s. If you think Blizzard can’t easily identify and sanction the people exploiting this you obviously have no idea how Blizzard responds to things like this historically.
In what world do you live in that has no priests, locks or warriors?
If only I had a way to keep priests and warriors at range…
Perhaps racials are not as valuable as you think they are, and you just use that excuse as a crutch?
If they’re not valuable then it shouldn’t be a problem should it?
Did you already miss the part where I said to go ahead, remove all racials. Alliance lose theirs too.
Alliance losing their last excuse for being bad would be worth it.
Yeah, pretty sure I agree with you since I’m the one who brought it up in the first place.
No, just get rid of cross realm bgs. Problem fixed
I can imagine all the dwarf-priest tears. Horde racials are mostly for 1v1 fights, not particularly great in organized group fights. Alliance racials are great for objective based, group play…so suggesting racials be removed from BGs may actually be a net-buff for horde.
Do you want queue times that last 4 or 5 hours because that is how you get queue times that last 4 or 5 hours…I mean I like long queues as much as the next but that would be ridiculous. if they ban all the alliance doing it I wouldn’t be surprised if queques went longer then 4 or 5 hours.
It’ll never happen and it has nothing to do with pvp.
Alliance are 80% pve carebears, and humans would freak the f out if they lost their pve racial advantage.
You see Qpon you can be smart at times. I agree 100% with alliance being 80% pve carebears. Get rid of cross realm bgs.