It's time to admit M+ and tank changes have made this season DOA

You have to multi pull or stand in really obvious one shot mechanics and even then on T8 most of them are not 1 shot instantly and you can recover from them if you are quick enough.

Tanks aren’t queuing to farm 4s…they are farming 9s for gilded crests. All that’s left playing low keys are casuals and bads.


M+ players of any marginal skill which means pretty much all tanks and healers, got fully geared in delves then skipped the line of M+ and are doing 7+s

Even on dk the number one hit button is death strike, they’re not hard but the healing req is rough, and brann sucks at throwing his heals lol

What are you talking about? Branns potions will heal you for like 1/3rd of your health for just 1 of them, you dont have to grab all of them.

Brann heals better then some healers i have grouped with the only time i die while brann is healing is if its on an 11, i over pull or dont get out of something.

Also bran literally throws the potions around you. he throws them at YOU.

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Oh… maybe I know that the problem is. You have to actually wear your equipment, it cant just be in your inventory… maybe give that a go.

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If someone’s been pugging for years and hasn’t bothered to get a good friends list going, they really missed out on having a better experience.

Something needs to change with mythic+. The tank changes have really impacted a lot more with the way things work.

Followed up with…

Delves. The go to answer for All problems in and out of the game. :grinning:

He never even throws them near me lol, or he throws them in pools of bad

He literally throws a triangle of pots around your feet.

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Bro he is litearlly programed to do that, are you constantly moving? because he could be throwing them as you are running and thye are not landing where you are.

Maybe mine is broke, they’re always a good bit of distance away

I just hit 2.5k earlier this afternoon. The season didn’t feel dead at all.

Good times. Also some bad times! But mostly pretty good.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

Delves are to M+, what M+ is to Raiding.

It is funny seeing M+ folks upset that Delve folks can get gear, that’s how raiders felt the moment M+ arrived.

No, i think you are just not reporting whats actually happening then. Branns healing is insane, each potion heals for easy 1/3rd if not more of you health. His Relic of Uldum also does amazing healing i dont understand how you are syaing he does not do good healing.

They provided an easier path to the same rewards, resulting in a drop in participation.


They didn’t simultaneously drastically increase the floor to participation in raiding at the same time. The two are not analogous.

Gave you a heart for the right answer. Now all you need to do for another is add something more about mythic+ and tank changes. :grinning::upside_down_face:

By chance do you have the name numlock reserved?

When I can get them they heal for a lot yea

Void kind of sucks right now for Aff and Destro, lot of threat issues, but Felguard is fine especially with the current popular talent setup for Demo giving it like 40% increased flat damage (assuming those talents even work yet).

But we’re talking about T8 Delves, the ease of which is armor type agnostic.
Just consider defensive abilities.

I’ve got coil, resolve, sacrifice, soul leech, healthstone, a 30% cast speed reduction, and an aoe stun. Also axe toss which is interrupt / stun.

Mage? They’ve got two barrier spells, alter time which can heal from 1% back to upwards of like 90% if used properly, poly, mass poly, frost nova, slows, ice block, mirror images, alongside random timewarp procs.

Priest I would need to play to get a handle on, but off the cuff they have dispersion, psychic scream, silence, psychic horror, dominate mind, and such. Dominate mind in particular is good with how much damage certain enemies in delves can pump out if not properly controlled.

And with all of the aforementioned in mind, we must now consider Brann.
Brann as a healer is cracked. His little red tonics can keep you going through serious damage, his relic of uldum is a nice fat stream of healing, and with the proper r4 relics he amps your own damage significantly meanwhile.

It’s absurd to say that clothies struggle in t8 delves, it’s absurd to say anybody really struggles who has been at least mildly diligent when it comes to gearing. If there is a challenge to them, it’s in remembering to let your cooldowns come back before you truck into the boss or an elite or whatever.