It's time to add solo queue Mythic+

LOL how do you know what the system could or couldn’t do?

And now we’re at the ad hominem phase I see.

How much time do you spend “explaining” to the sort of player who doesn’t understand things much? Why do you think it should be somebody else’s obligation to do something you aren’t willing to do? I’ve tanked heroic level 70 dungeons where all the other players just boosted and have never stepped in a dungeon before.

This is something I’m advocating for- a queueable M0 so people can learn mechanics before going on to M+.

Right now, you can get into a M+ group knowing nothing, just having a good enough ilvl or IO.

And I think that’s just the problem people are having, folks not knowing mechanics in dungeons.

Yet somehow getting to a high level of play, ruining it for everyone else.

So i had a similar idea. Maybe the queue system wouldnt be bad. Would take the people who are solely responsible for holding groups back, out of the LFG pool, and put them with like minded/experienced folks over in the queue system

But then i remember we have delves and those players are still making their way into m+ lfg

and queueable mythic raids. Might actually get some raid participation up. No reason not to, they already did it for PvP which is harder than PvE.

It’s not really a comparison. Because the LFR version of dungeons exists, and that is heroics. And it doesn’t have affixes, which people who hate M+ really do not want to deal with. So it seems that option already exists for those players.

If the complaint is that heroics are too easy, well, that’s because it is queued content. People have the expectation that when you queue into a dungeon, you will complete it eventually. If the queued party cannot complete the dungeon, people will get mad at Blizzard for wasting their time when that is a natural failure condition of not being able to beat the dungeon.

I’m pretty sure that Heroic dungeons don’t offer the same level of danger as M0s do, not even sure if all the mechanics are present for those as well.

Heroics are kinda, too easy lol.

Not sure they’d serve the same purpose as M0 would aside from ‘seeing the dungeon’.

Mostly, I think folks are trying to skip the ‘queue simulator’ that is finding M+ groups.

I thought the appeal of M+ is that you didn’t always make it, that element of danger/failure.

And the extreme meta-chasing is a result of people afraid of said failure.

Go ahead do this and then just shut the servers down. The game would die so fast because there are so many bad players. Solution to your issue. RUN YOUR OWN KEY.

The fundamental question, which is never brought up in these threads, is why people feel the need to have queued M+ in the first place.

“So I can get groups!”


I try to differentiate between LFG and LFD by using LFG for premades and LFD for random dungeon finder groups.

Unfortunately, at current time it is not possible to move from normal to heroic dungeons at level 80. I presume this change a few weeks into the expansion was intended to boost participation numbers in delves.

I spend plenty of time helping people in mythics… don’t need to assume things lol.

Mythic +0?

In my opinion the low key levels removed in Season 4 should also be queueable. This would be an entirely separate progression intended to prepare players for premades, teach them the dungeons, as well as provide entertainment for those who don’t have the ambition to fancy themselves esports professionals.

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Yeah I agree. I also think normal / heroic and mythic should all have the same mechanics and M+ should add the additional affixes.

I don’t think LFR and autogrouping heriocs are comparable. Also, heroics don’t have the same mechanics as mythic (unless they changed that). Either way, normal and heroic are stupidly easy, and that’s a larger problem.

People rolling heroics this season in the first week pulling half the dungeon in one go. There’s a lot of really awkward difficulty gaps going from heroics into m0 and M+ this season.

Because of:

A human would have to set the parameters for how an AI would select groups. Which would have to involve an ALL/ALL for every dungeon otherwise specific classes/specs wont ever see specific dungeons. And this would entirely mimic the current LFD/queue system.

Calling your imaginary system imaginary isnt ad hominem. You may want to go look up what that phrase means

Open LFG, set dungeon to mythic and accept the first 4 appropriate roles. Much faster than a queue system with the same exact results

Literally did this yesterday on my priest I was gearing, I waited 15m and gave up after no one queued.

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Queued? Hmm.

Yes… mythic 0s. I do mythics a lot. lol even low ones with guild or on new characters.

It’s fun. I find value in helping sometimes.

I don’t find it fun to help people with mechanics in 7s. :joy:

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So you’re saying you listed a key on your priest and NOBODY wanted to sign up?

What key difficulty was it, if I might ask?

First bingo card square

Second one


Shoot only one away from BINGO!

As I said, I think that is not a bug but a feature of queued content. People don’t want to be challenged in queued content, we saw that back in Cata with heroics that were very difficult (compared to WOTLK heroics).

That’s the appeal of M+, not of queued content.

The meta chasing is required for very high keys because the margins are so thin on the highest levels of keys that it becomes difficult or impossible to beat them without a comp that has been calculated to have the best possible damage and speed potential.

Meta comps are not necessary for low keys, and certainly not for M0. The reason why people don’t really do M0 is that the rewards are kinda trash for the effort that you spend setting up the group.

LFR also doesn’t have mechanics that are present in higher difficulties. Because it’s harder to get a group of queued players to coordinate. The signing up for a group on LFG is kind of a barrier to entry, as we see with all the threads wanting a queued M+.

I think queued M0 could work. But the queues would still be long, because people would just prefer to do a +2-4.