Right if they went this route as well, it could even be seen as a practice field or stepping stone into LFG mythic+ as well. I don’t think anyone really loses with this being added to the game.
I don’t know if LFR is a comparable thing though for a few reasons:
- LFR is coordinating 10+ people. M+ only has 5. A lot of other games have matchmaking systems that manage groups of 5 and are able to do it decently well.
- There’s no MMR for LFR, so you have a mixture of players who are entirely new / don’t care mixed with players who have been playing for awhile. Because of that they are catering to the lowest common denominator.
I have never run any Heroic raids in TWW, and yet I have some pieces lol.
I think running LFR, and getting my vault rewards got me those.
Nope, it’s literally impossible. Your heroic ilvl came from delves, most likely.
Yes and this brand new magical system you’re wanting isnt going to happen because of how Blizzard designs things. Amd they’re not going to abandon tried and true for a failed concept design.
The closest youre gonna get is a copy paste of what already is. LFD / LFR
And it was more careful with selection than an AI would be…its showing how faulty your system would be.
PvP yes. WoW has that too. Go PvP
Thats a you problem. If it takes me longer than 5 minutes to form a group, its because i went AFK somewhere in the process.
Open LFG, set min ilvl, set min io score, accept the first 4 appropriate roles and go. Who cares what their classes are, what their experience is, or if the group make up is good to go or not. Grab and go.
Boom. Theres your queued system
True, but again, it’s an alternative avenue to the same result.
Different amounts of play, same rewards.
I do think there will be a “different M+” based on how many complaints there are surrounding it, at some point.
And the survey that was sent out. They’re clearly looking for feedback.
Maybe the ceiling will be lower overall, and you can’t get the M+ mount or something, idk.
There are already many m+s. +2 to +10 on the gear ladder and higher for bragging rights.
And what survey?
That’s not a survey about queue m+ though…
No, it’s not, but clearly they’re trying to see what sticks and works.
Alongside the change that they were suspending people who left too many groups.
There’s clearly some people that just hate the current system.
I personally think a queued M+ will come along someday, like how we got LFR.
I think they should start by testing solo queue mythic 0. On live, because that’s where they test new features, of course.
LFR exists because a whole content mode was being unseen by a decent portion of the playerbase. You can already do dungeons.
So long as you can guarantee no nerfs will ever come off of it, I don’t overly care.
Meta comps aren’t really necessary until really high keys, which are not required.
M+ solo queue won’t work, but I’d be interested in seeing it as an experiment to see the complaint threads we’d get out of it.
I think it’s moreso to help players that have hard time being social or are playing non-meta classes/specs that want to try M+
The same was said about LFR too lol, that PuGs should not be raiding.
And they were kinda right, it’s a nightmare at times, but LFR remains a huge success regardless.
It’s the only way I raid anymore tbh. Haven’t raided seriously in years.
I’ll avoid it but sure. Make it a thing. Rofl.
I just feel people aren’t going to explain how to do things much. Unless que mythics are easy like LFR. But that’s just heroic.
I’d expect them to be, TBH.
Call it Mythic Minus lmao.
PuG raiding happened long before LFR
It did, but usually someone took the role of leadership.
Someone experienced.
LFR is a bunch of randoms with no leader lol, unless a random decides to lead everyone.
In Vault of the Incarnates back in DF, I lead a group but I had no idea what I was doing because it was my first time there, it was a crapshow but fun. I was tanking.
Nobody else stepped up.
I think they should do this for other reasons too. I don’t think there are good, accessible ways for new players to learn mythic mechanics.
They basically go from LFG norms → LFG heroics → manual grouping for M0s, which are limited to once a day.
That said they shouldn’t make M0’s easier if they do add LFG. I’d be interested too to see if people figure it out.