It's time to add solo queue Mythic+

Nah…it’s most Guilds and even though I consider my current Guild “good” it’s got it’s cliques (i’m certain yours does as well) and filled with adults who don’t log on every day.

Get into que, wait an hour for a single tank insane enough to join a random m+

Tank sees someone playing a spec they dont like, leaves instantly

Wait another hour

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Well I mean tanks need to get their power back like they had in Dragonflight. That’s a whole separate issue. Tanks have it really rough right now.

Not too bright are ya. KSM is 7-8 range. They were hand picked through a list of specific criteria. And still failed.

Queue system doesnt take any of that into consideration. And they’re not gonna add AI for a system theyve already got in place

Which would make it DoA. Imagine LFR with strictly LFR players. A full group of 590 ilvl players who havent completed it before, no over geared carry DPS/tanks/healers. How well do you think that would go over? You know, the group of people who still cause wipes even with carry folks in there.

Now throw them into m+ where mechanics and interrupts and heals are considerably more important. Gonna take off and be the best addition WoW ever had, right? Because its going to be a smashing success with its pool of players that actually interact with that game mode.

Put forth about 8% effort on your end**

-signed: pure pugger


That’s because for years they were content with +8 where vault gave myth track. Now they’re funneled onto much harder 10s on top of every other changes that already made m+ harder than before.

Normal dungeons and heroic dungeons are brain dead, and there’s literally no point in doing them. They’re not challenging or rewarding to play.

In a good guild, everyone wants everybody else to be successful. Every good raid team makes sure everyone gets their vault filled up every week for as long as it’s needed. You want the person standing next to you to be on top of their game as possible.

More idealism that doesn’t really mean much to majority of the playerbase. “Just find friends bro”

LOL bro I’m not talking about the current system. How many times do I need to say it?

The point was that a HUMAN made the group you cited and failed. An AI would use the same criteria and still fail because a human group leader nor an AI can’t make players do mechanics.

Oh right they buff tanks up

Que for m+, wait an hour for a tank insane enough to do random m+, sees a spec he doesn’t like and leaves, wait in que for another hour

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Not really. Lost DPS and self sustained healing. Didnt lose tankiness.

Nothing thats worthwhile is going to be “queued content”

Its akin to me saying: i just want to work 3 hours a day, few days a week, at Mcdonalds, and be a millionaire".

Certain things just arent compatible

Given they did this for Rated PvP, I think there’s a growing chance.

It should be treated as a separate bracket though, similar to how it works with PvP.

PuG M+ has its own challenges, and should be recognized as such lol.

Solo Shuffle has a lot stand-alone titles and stuff, this queue should ideally work the same.


Which is the only sort of thing that Blizzard will make queued. Because Blizzard has stated that queued PvE needs to be auto-win.


That’s an old school mentality and those old school Guilds still have it and that’s also mainly for Guilds who Raid Mythic.

The vast majority of Guilds are looking for AOTC and to run Keys/PVP. I think you’re out of touch. I had a siumi8lar argument with some old school EJ players last year who live in a bubble.

You’re expected to lose 50% in pvp. Current queue content pve is meant to be 100% success rate, with round the clock nerfs whenever a mechanic is slightly challenging, buffs that activates as soon as you queue and ramping buff when you wipe.

I can literally log onto pretty much any modern game and play within 5-10ms of opening the application. Other games have competitive ranking systems that let them queue into people as good as they are and play.

You shouldn’t need to devote hours and hours to this game just to have a rewarding experience. Especially when so much of that time isn’t even playing, it’s just trying to find groups.

LFR exists.

Again, I’d expect them to treat it like a different bracket, maybe even tweak things to make it easier.

And LFR has determination and has had more rounds of nerfs than anything else in the game.

That’s exactly my point lol, the rewards would be nerfed as a result, too.

Maybe you’d need to get a lot further in the queueable mode to get the same stuff that regular M+ offers.

You can still get Normal/Heroic gear from LFR, just have to upgrade it.

You absolutely cannot get heroic ilvl from LFR.