It's time to add solo queue Mythic+

Don’t worry. People will find something equally if not more annoying to clog the forums with. Player housing is coming up pretty soon. We might even be getting High Elves.


Let there be some aspects of the game that require social interaction. Don’t do them if you don’t like it, or make friends if you want to circumvent it, but let it just be.

I wouldn’t call someone clicking invite in the Group Finder real social interaction which is the only difference between a human picking the group and an AI.

Once the group is formed the amount of social interaction between players is up to them in either scenario.

The players who will use queues will be the reason its 6 hour average wait times and why the runs fail and it never gets off the ground.

Discuss matters and form a group manually around it. AI isnt going to do that. AI will grab a shaman and throw it in the group because of access to PCT and then the group fails because that player doesnt even have that ability on his bars because hes never used it because its not his job.

AI forming a group based on data but missing the human element as to how/why those data points show up. Trust me…theres 610+ ilvl KSM players still failing +4 and +5 Ara Kara because they cant properly do mechanics

For forming groups for specific reasons**

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I wouldn’t either, which is why group finder should also be removed.

Well, that’s just never going to happen. Let’s go back to the days of spamming in trade chat. That sounds fun. Won’t be long before an addon is made for this.

I agree!

  1. It sucks as a player logging in and spending 30-40m applying for groups. I’d rather wait 10m and fail within the first 5m and try again than wait 40m, get to the dungeon and start 10m later and then fail 5m in. It’s such a waste of time, and creates a huge time suck.

  2. When you think about it, no modern multiplayer game that’s come out recently has had a manual grouping system for content. The only reason it works for WoW is because the player base is used to it. But, if you’re a new player from outside of the game trying to get involved – it’s super confusing. Not to mention the same place you get into groups for a M0 (the next step of progression after heroics) is also where you apply for M+.

They should also keep the rewards and difficulty the same as group queue too. Stop making LFG content dumbed down, just create a ranking system instead.

Blizzard gave me a full Warrior/ranged group. Thats why it failed. Blizzard needs to take away key depletions if theyre gonna be the reason i failed!!

Do you mean now? You can’t queue for M+, now.

This fundamental lack of understanding of what queueing means is a very good reason why this idea shouldn’t even be considered. The people requesting it don’t even know what they’re asking for.

(It’s like the people who don’t understand how group and personal loot are different. There’s just a massive lack of knowledge among much of the playerbase regarding how the game even works.)

They probably just blurred the wording. You’re making it sound like they’re a baboon because you’re a bad faith actor. No surprise. Happens often here.

There, I fixed it.

You’re being a troll and nitpicking something trivial. The pain point I’m highlighting, and the OP is highlighting is that finding groups to play with in games is difficult. This is why other games have matchmaking services, or whatever you want to call it.

I called it “queuing” because using those creates a queue time in WoW. But the point is the same regardless what you call it.

And they were in a group created by a human while an AI could have made sure that player has an Ara Kara 4 completed before queueing for a 5.

You’re also missing that Blizz wouldn’t get rid of the Group Finder meaning you nor I would have to interact with the match making system if we didn’t feel the need.

Wait 10 minutes? Lol what world do you live in? Even LFR that has a 9:1 dps to tank ratio. Whats going to happen when thats reduced by 3x??

Every MMO

Had your mis-wording been a one-off, I would have ignored it. But people on this forum are constantly talking about long queues for M+ because they don’t understand what a queue is.

It isn’t, but you need to put into it what you expect to get out. Finding groups is only difficult for people who want disposable players to group with - use them, and then never see them again.

For people who join guilds or communities, make friends, and play with them… there’s zero trouble finding people to play with. And their game time is much more efficient and productive.

What we’re seeing, these days, is the culmination of the old “I don’t need a guild anymore to play WoW” sentiment that’s been boiling on this forum for years.

Turns out, if you want to do top-end stuff… yeah, you do.

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There’s that word again. No one is forcing you to do anything. If you want to do M+ make a group.

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No one is phasing out guilds and communities from the game. But people are not 16 anymore. It is not 2008 anymore. Many other video games have solo queue modes. They are popular for many reasons. People don’t have the time all day to sit at their PC. So if they want to log on and pop into a queue, people will do that. Whether it’s in WoW, or another game that allows them to.

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Meh. For the Guilds I’ve played with that generally only applies to the most old school outfits who’ve been playing together for years.

Most guilds are just a loose collection of cliques with absent or sub par leadership.

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Most bad guilds.

Don’t join a bad guild.

So… finding groups isn’t a problem when you:
(1) Find the good guild out of the thousands out there.
(2) Find a group of consistent players within that guild to play with out of the hundreds of thousands of players.

Idk man, I just want to do dungeons after work for a bit and have fun. I don’t want to create a second life on this game, I’m only able to spend serious time playing during holidays.

It’s easy to log into pretty much any other modern game, get into a group of equally skilled people and play. Idk why we can’t have the same for WoW.

You can do that right now, you can even queue for them.