It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Careful, that’s the road blizz took for d3, and it doesn’t end well.

i.e, d3 so gfd boring im still playing d2. Why? Well, first off- its sooo basic that even tho it got not only an actual xpac, but a character xpac, theres very little options for any build on any character that there is literally nothing to think about.

Secondly, runewords revived d2. It was going to full on die out without the LoD xpac.

Thirdly, viable, usable class sets, perpetually.

Oh noes, it didn’t roll primal. Complete rekt.

Vs d2. Lite sorc with eldd ss? Just as viable at 70 as at 95.

If you tried even using bfa sets, you’re boned.they bout as useful as a goiter.

I mean, i agree, but its going to have to be extremely finesse’d to actually not knock us back to dark ages.

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im crossing my fingers that my guy holinka brings back presences and makes death knight do some heavy damage again, also pls bring back execute soul reaper


Curious what mortega was trying to say, lol

I like 1h Frost.

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i hate it. a death knight is supposed to be slow, inexolerable, powerful, inevitable. we got death grip because we do not rapidly close with our victims. fate will bring them to us, and we’ll simply wait and help it along at the right moment.

frost should exemplify that steady cadence and pacing with massive swings of a 2hand sword for gigantic obliterating bursts of damage. with dual wielding 1h weapons we spin and twist like whirlybird schitzo freaks on crack. if i wanted machine-gun speed stabby-stabby i’d play a rogue.


Agreed. You’re right.


You’re not alone… The Majority of DK’s who play Frost feel your pain. I miss those big Obliterates also! Now I feel like I just tap things with my toothpicks… :frowning:


I really just need to say my piece. Anyone who supports the option of, or favors, the 2 handed playstyle…please for the love of this class do not role over on your back like a puppy pissing on himself saying things like “at least just a glyph” or “if we could just xmog 2 handed”…that completely defeats the purpose!!! It needs to come back. It is an aquired taste for the player base that could make it work. But number 1. It was enjoyable. Simming 3k dps behind dw at the end of wod doesnt justify what was taken away from the player base. If top end raiders didnt want you in their group then oh well. Give us back our BALLS Blizzard. This plate rogue spec doesnt intimidate anyone in battlegrounds and its boring. Nice big 2 hander would give us a reason to aoe cleave frost scythe everything. Presences would be nice to…hell necrotic plague and plague leech should be optional useful talents. Because the 2 handed spec DID work right up to its death at the end of warlords. Some of you absolutely know what im talkin about! Peace :innocent:


No i left koa when the guild leader tried to puff up on me during baradin hold. And i was tanking lol


D’oh! “What do you mean you dont care!!?” Just Classic :sweat_smile:

You guys do know that DW obliterates were hitting as much as blood big hits right? DW obliterates were hitting 22-25k while blood was hitting about 26k.

Masterfrost didn’t come in until later, much later, where you would ignore obliterate at a certain point. Wrath DW was a totally different beast.

This frost dk obsession with 2h obliterate crits didn’t happen until WoD when there was 25% downtime and they had to compensate for that downtime. They buffed abilities and when you mixed those buffs with the 2h buff to obliterate you would get 2-3 obliterate crits and people were dead. This was fixed about 2-3 weeks into WoD and was flavor of the month. Mages were the biggest complainers because they couldn’t really do anything against it.

Wrath though had other things to worry about in the spec and killing machine procs weren’t one of them. They just got used up passively while you were focused on keeping your diseases up so obliterate would hit harder as well as the passive dot damage, keeping your blood runes turned into blood runes and weaving in rime procs. You didn’t want to overcap on runic power since rime procs gave runic power. DW just played in better in how the spec was initially designed.

It’s a different play style now which truthfully sucks. Killing Machine is designed poorly in what it does and how it procs now making itself not needed in the game outside of some talents. I haven’t played since dec though so I don’t know how the spec is played now. But from wrath to legion I have a good grasp on what was going on.

i didn’t play through MOP, WOD, or Legion, i quit at the end of cataclysm. i logged out with an epic two-hander from deathwing over six years ago, and when i resubbed i logged back in and i had two green toothpicks for a consolation prize. obliterate was a thing clothies complained about in pvp even back then. the build and stat priorities were different from dual wield. mainly, crit was far less vital because of killing machine, and you prioritized haste to recover your runes faster for more obliterates. for dual wield you were already heckin fast and you wanted crit over everything else.

the screaming came from PVP. dual wield always edged 2h out for dps in pve because of the extra runeforging enchant from it. longer time on one target let you get the full effect from razorice. pvp was fast enough you didn’t generally benefit from razorice so we just went fallen crusader for the extra STR. dual wield was more dps on most fights, but 2hand was still viable. 2-3 obliterates with killing machine procs and you could mow down cloth classes and rogues.

it was genuinely a different style of play and not just a gimmick. it fit the class fantasy so many of us were searching for. i never played a melee class before Death Knight, because every single one i tried felt lackluster and bland. walking out of archerus with my massive two-hand runeblade after finishing the starting zone for DK’s felt like comin home when i didn’t realize i was lost before.

blizzard took that away basically on a whim, and i’ll never stop calling for it to come back.


Thanks for the out of context quote. You could of used the entire sentence.

And yes the build was different because instead of getting Nerves of Cold Steel and Threat of Thassarian you just picked up 2h Weapon Specialization in the blood tree. Haste rune recovery only happened from Cata onward. Wrath it didnt have any impact on rune regeneration. It was set and they all regened at the same time. Crit wasnt good either just due to how Killing Machine worked and was equal to about 30% crit.

In Wrath with DW you could mow down clothies with obliterate as well. Like I say to everyone else, im not opposed to 2h, but just yelling I WANT IT doesnt solve the mechanical problems between the 2. Frost is DW, and primarily has been. because like you said, it always edged out ahead of 2h. Why try to balance 2 subspecs when one is almost always better.

Even in PvP DW was hitting hard with obliterate. Ever since they started to mess with making DW one playstyle and 2h playstyle being different it was downhill from there.

If you want 2h back you have to tackle DW crit mechanics vs 2h, rune forge, killing machine proc chance at the very least. Thats why I think people played the 3 weeks during WoD that obliterate was doing so much damage that they dont understand the difference between the 2 and try to weasel in Arthas to use “class fantasy” as their reason when mechanically you have to solve a lot of issues.

Solve those and go ahead and bring back 2h, but they would have to play almost identical and it just be a cosmetic change and in that case it would just be better to have a glyph to change your weapon type.

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Nope, i was given a choice between 2h sword and a 2h axe waaaay back in the day.

After that we had a choice, but then, one day I recieved 2 one handed swords in the mail with a notice from the Lich King saying DW or die, with a Seabag inspection in one week.


I wish we could choose what we want personally. The talent tree needs a serious overhaul. I love the complex web systems over the “pick 1 of 3 choices where one or two are the obvious choice”


I’m gonna make this short and sweet.

Please bring back two handed frost.


Dual wield on DK was always dumb. Period.


Why? Because you don’t like it? One of the first death knights used 2 1h swords, another used a sword and shield. Arthas, who is debatable if he was even actually a death knight, used a 2h. Plus the specs had figureheads, blood had Mograine, frost had Thassarian who dual wielded, and Rivendare.

The 2 death knights I’m talking about were Marwyn and Falric, who were most likely the first 2 death knights created by Arthas, they were with him when he killed the king and they killed the citizens of Lordaeron.

So no, DW death knights aren’t dumb. In terms of lore, we should also be able to use shields. If you cherry pick stuff you can have an argument that death knights should only use bows. Sylvanas was raised by Arthas and she uses a bow, therefore we should actually be archers. See how stupid that argument is, well that’s what using only Arthas is like.


we should have a choice a 2h and dw and dont give me that bs that its hard to balance when you have something like azerite armor.


How about because Blizzard suddenly changing their mind and making 2 one-handers mandatory for people who weren’t entirely thrilled at the premise of dual-wielding is extremely lame.

Your argument is based on the fact that dual wield is lore-friendly which is entirely true but let’s put down our near-mint copy of warcraft lore vol. 54 for a second and realise that doesn’t excuse the fact we had our class design altered and arguably was never appealing for a majority of players.

There is no possible argument to support dual wield OVER two-handed.