Also its not gloating to say they added 2h Frost, its stating a fact.
Did I say that? Did I say I didnt want it? Or are you just trolling off the back of another person that does like to stir stuff up?
So then its just spam that you are pointing to me and saying 2h is back?
You did state it, multiple times. I can pull the quotes up if I had the interest, or if you try to pretend that you were anti-2h Frost. You use to always argue something akin to - “Why does everyone say I am against 2h Frost.” I am sure many people will back me up on that.
Therefore, the insinuation is, you were always pro-2h Frost, or, at least, indifferent. As such, how am I gloating? You are wither happy with me or don’t care.
Its not spam… I am trying to have a conversation with you about the recent changes to Frost within the Alpha…
So which is it? Am I anti-2h like everyone else claimed, or am I pro-2h like you claimed?
No, its either spam or gloating.
I am taking you at you prior words and assumed you are wither pro-2h Frost or indifferent. So, if you are pro, are you not happy, and if you are indifferent, what does it matter to you?
P.S.: You don’t have to speak in riddles, you can actually just tell me directly if you are pro or anti.
A repeat of history matters to me, because historically having both weapon sets, or even splitting the spec into 2, was not good for the spec overall.
I have already said that I didnt care either way. Used a 2h in Cata when 1h weapons were scarce, and used DW when I was able to get the weapons. I like the spec. I like the cold, I like ice, and I like the overall theme of the frost dk, even unholy though I cant play it well at all.
Its not like I havent said all this before, over and over and over again.
The difference was negligable, and 2h Frost was ahead of DW at times. DW was not always ahead or light years better than 2h Frost. DW was, however, often slightly ahead of 2H in PVE near the end of an expansion.
Could have fooled me with all your posts on the topic.
Me too. I just don’t like DWing, in any class.
The difference was not negligable. And 2h was head in highmaul. Name another raid tier that it was ahead. I dont know of one. In wrath it was ahead, cata it was ahead by 10% even with 2h recieving a buff to its melee damage, MoP it was ahead, WoD it was ahead in everything but Highmaul. Blizzard likes to have things around 5% different, if razorice alone makes up for a 7-8% difference before adding in the extra Killing Machine procs then it wasnt “slight” at all.
Yes it was. A few percents. Top tier raiders would care, no one else.
Beyond that, 2h was always better in PVP.
I have been playing WoW since the original classic was in beta, which I participated in. Don’t try to re-write history.
It wasnt a few percent. A few percent is like 2-5, not 10+
It was never 10%+ (excluding some singular pre-hotfixed moment in time).
Yeah, it was.
I trust the Vanilla player over anyone else. 2H Frost is back now, perhaps Kelliste can hop over to the single-minded Fury forums now and sprinkle a little fairy dust on their efforts?
Never forget that the original deathknight quests only awarded two handers. DW was a meme spec gone wrong and is in my eyes an abomination to the entire class. We have always been a two handed class and finally the injustice of legion+bfa has been reverted.
I don’t mind giving Blizzard money when they deliver on things I wanted. Like I wanted Pandaren DK’s for the longest time, so when they gave such early access for them for the preorder, I had no problem spending the $50.
And to think how some people keep saying the spec was “meant” to be DW all along, since its conception, but… the weapons they give to you were just big, badass, 2H runeblades.
the very the first one is the [Runed Soulblade]
then later you chose to pick either the mighty [Greataxe of the Ebon Blade] or [Greatsword of the Ebon Blade]
but strangely, no onehand weapons at all, even when it should be so iconic, and meant to be the right way.
In fact, they only add an onehand weapon in legion because they literally removed the option to use 2H from frost, so a frost player would do nothing in acherus.
How strange isn’t? and im not even mentioning how almost all frost icon skills with weapons are literally 2H weapons, the most iconic being frost strike and obliterate
Almost like those arguments have already been addressed and it’s being repeated.