It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Please stop stalling. Either cite your source or retract the claim that Remorseless Winter is death magic instead of Frost.

Im not stalling. Its kind of funny because the information I put out was from Blizzard themselves.

There are different aspects of different magic. Death Magic is Frost and Shadow, not at all odd.

So you should have no issue citing them. Yet you refuse to.


No, I cited Blizzard.

Do… do you know what a citation is? Just saying “blizzard said it” isn’t a citation.

If it were, I could say “Blizzard said Frostmourne is definitely Frost” and you’d have to accept that.


Well you said that Remorseless Winter

and when he said

You said

According to Blizzard, Remorseless is most definitely, 100% a Frost spell that deals Frost damage. It doesn’t matter where magic is drawn from. As suggested from in-game and story-related evidence, the school of magic is independent of the domain it was drawn from.


Yes. A citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source.

Though Blizzard did state that we get out magic from the “realm of death”. Death magic can do frost damage. Its really not that odd.

This is False…


Fairly close.

Definition of citation
2a : an act of quoting

What I’m asking you to do, which you continually refuse to do, is provide your sources, or at the very least cite them. Not just say “Blizzard said it therefore it’s true”.

Because again.


I did not say that it also does shadow damage. He said that it was odd that a death magic ability does frost damage. I then asked how its odd since it also does shadow damage refering back to death magic, a type of magic.

Close? I pulled that from wiki.

Also, from the dictionary you used, it also means “mention”.

I already proved that this “frost” conversation was started by Dreadmoore, so its actually true.

Still False…

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If you want to be wrong say it as many times as you want.

Advice you should take for yourself…


Except I actually backed up my claim, thanks for trying.

This is False…

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How exactly? Or are you just going to troll?

Okay then.

Blizzard once said Frostmourne is definitely a Frost weapon.


“Death magic” is not a singular school in itself. It is a source of magic that can be tapped into, like Shaman using the elements. There is “elemental magic” which also includes Frost, but Frost in and of itself would not be considered “elemental magic” because it is still its own school, regardless of where it originated from. Just like Paladins can use multi-school abilities, specifically Holyfire spells, that include fire. However, fire is not exclusively the result of tapping into a source of light to cast the spell. Fire is an available option that can utilized by calling upon the Light, even though every instance fire being used by Light-casters involves the fire being coupled with holy magic.

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