It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Death is cold.

So is Frostmourne. Because it’s a Frost Death Knight weapon.


Yes, we reforged the big frost weapon to make 2 frost weapons

Basic logic here, i will create a very creative questionary, so you can answer, lets go:

Q: What does it need to make a frost weapon?
A: To make a frost weapon you obviously need frost weapon material.

Q: Where do you get frost weapon material?
A: From a source of Frost weapon material

Q: What source did they use to make the Frost Weapon?
A: Frostmourne

Q: Then Frostmourne is indeed, a frost weapon material source?
A: Yes

With the above questions in mind, lets go to the last question, it will be more easy:

Q: Knowing Frostmourne have ice powers, can entomb people in ice, have blue ice-frost magic aura and is indeed a source of frost weapon material to make other frost weapons, And her memory only stirs in the heart of the Frost Death knights, what kind of weapon is frostmourne?

A) An Unholy Weapon
B) A Blood Weapon
C) A Toy Weapon
D) a Frost Weapon


Its the Lich Kings weapon.

He is almost trapping himself in a corner, if we squeeze enough he will have nowhere to run.


I think this is the most I’ve ever seen you reach. Kinda surprised you didn’t just say “Metal is cold”.

Dead things do not drain away heat in their presence. They are simply cold, an absence of heat. Not the active DRAINING of heat.


It was also Arthas’s weapon when he was a Death Knight, dealing Frost damage, creating Frosty paths. It’s also the Frost Death Knight’s artifact weapon, encased in an icy slab, using frost magic to reform.


So by your logic, you need a frost weapon to create a frost weapon. So then where did the first frost weapon come from?

So what does it need to make a frost weapon, metal to forge the blade or blunt instrument, and a grip or haft.

Your second question doesnt apply to my answer, and neither does any of your other questions.

How do you make it frosty? Well for the dk its the runeforge.

Again, the Lich King was using his weapon as a wand to direct his power. And I think we have already established that he is no singular spec.

Fun little note. Remorseless Winter drains the warmth of life. Probably not Frost though.


Absolutely not. It’s a Blood DK move.


Actually they do. Heat radiates from things that are hot to things that are cold. In a sense they do drain heat from things that are hot.

by my logic, you need frost weapon material to create frost weapons

it can be another frost weapons, or not.

But once again you show some disingenuous logic right here.

the rest is just babbling that doesn’t even make sense, again, not even you believe in what you are saying

Just answer the question:


Radiating cold is not the same as draining heat. One is passive, the other is active. No matter of reaching will resolve that.


And Frostmourne is an extension of the Lich King, so its still his weapon. Arthas was the perfect puppet.

Idk why we’re trying to educate them. They know the truth. They lie to stir spit. They have nothing of value to say, and are only wasting our time.


Cold does not radiate, heat radiates.

You guys are the ones that started all of this… yet im trying to stir it up… what kind of backwards logic are you using?

You have now resorted to semantics instead of the actual point. Why do you avoid admitting error so adamantly?

It’s disappointing, even though I should know better by now.

EDIT: INB4 you apply real-life physics to a magical ice sword.


What? Cold does not radiate, it absorbs. Its a fact.

You brought it up, just like Dreadmoore started this whole frost stuff up again and is trying to say im stiring things up.

Lets see everyone was talking about 2h frost and then he came in with a quote from who knows how long ago when this conversation first started and said “The heck do you think the Frozen Throne is? Steel?” which started this whole pointless conversation.

Oh and by the way, that picture that you shared, what does that say “drain away all heat in its presence”? That means absorbs right? And what was the Lich King. Oh man what did he do… I dont know why but I want to say something with death.

In real life, that’s true. Not in Warcraft.

From the Frost Wyrm bnet page (now defunct) and the WC3 manual.

When Ner’zhul the Lich King took control of Northrend, he used his powerful magics to raise the ancient Dragon skeletons from the dead. Now the skeletal Dragons radiate cold power and think of nothing other than serving their dark master.

An ability Jaina has in Dazar’alor.


I know admitting you’re wrong can be difficult, but it’s a healthy and rational thing to do.