It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

I do agree with you that they probably will not give ret dw. That being said Ion did say make post on the forums and tweet him with what you want for Shadowlands class wise. If enough people ask for dw for ret it could happen. I doubt it will but it could. I am just saying for ret a good 70-80% of our kit is melee with 2-3 being spells. So it could happen.

And with the last cenematic showing The first blood elf Paladin in game Lady Liadrin dw it could happen.

What cinematic?

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Yeah, I never saw such a cinematic either. But if what he said is true, I hope Ion can help 2h Frost return, and let us get Frostmourne for real as well if possible. Even as a tmog of course. But I would like to have how we earned the tmog in the first place explained if possible, and I think reforging Frostmourne proper for Bolvar to use in the final raid against Sylvanas and the Jailer could be a great way to do that.

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It is the BFA Reckoning where Sylvanas kills Saurfang. what you are looking for is at the end after all the alliance leave org by the portal created by Jaina. Lady Liadrin walks off and she has 2 1h swords on her waist.

I just watched this and have no idea what you’re talking about. The cinematic ends with Thrall/Anduin/Zappyboi carrying saurfang into Org and that’s it

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The in game Cinematic has the boy king talking over a table that has Saurfang laying on top of it. He gives a speech about how he gave his life to stop the war. And then he stops. Thrall is talking to the other leaders of the horde and while he is talking the alliance leaders leave as Jaina has opened a portal. At the very end of the Cinematic the leaders of the horde start to walk away thats where it shows her dw. Every cinematic I have seen dose not have that last bit. But the in game one dose

Found an image of what Illuminat is talking about, seems to happen immediately after the cinematic ends.


Ahh in game thing. Got it. That is interesting. I wonder if it’s a bug, since she’s normally supposed to have sword/shield

I could not remember if it was in the cinematic or just after but I knew I had seen it. She has been seen with a 2h, a sword and shield and now dw 1h swords

Just wanted to note that it appears weqpon damage is still used in a minor way for ability damage calculations. Was brought to my attention in the bfa item and classes forums.

Well, you can always test it. I’ve dont the math just using str, which translates to attack power at a rate of 1 to 1 and I was 200 damage off of the listed number for obliterate. I didn’t calculate versatility in which might be where the 200 damage came from.

And it should be the other way around. Weapon damage determining the damage of a melee ability, supplemented by Attack Power for the sake of gear scaling.

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its probably a mistaken for art team or however deal with the scene, they prob just though it was cool.

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I’ll try and take some time to verify the accuracy of the information this evening, and if i do I’ll post the link to the original article in thread. Long day at work so just going to take a while to unwind first.

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I know it would be a lot of work, but I would Hope Blizzard could find a way to introduce a better system of weapon choice for all classes across the board. They say that they want to focus on player agency, that would be one way to do it…


I don’t necessarily disagree, but i can see why they did it to make tuning overall smoother. What as particularly interesting was that previously purely attack power based abilities, i.e. Howling Blast, benefiting from weapon damage when before they hadn’t.

I was a fan of the old set up with weapons where types could have different effects (I.E. maces with chance to stun etc), otherwise, weapon skills as they are don’t make alot of sense anymore for restrictions. Like, shamans not being able to use one handed swords as an example.

What should really blow everyone’s minds are feral and guardian druids.

I agree but this is Blizzard we are talking about. When they announced tbc they also said that players would be able to choose what /dance animation they could have but that never happened. And back in vanilla they had said for a short while that rogues would be able to use mail armor. Again never happened

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Well according to other sources it is supposed to be weapon damage then main stats.

That could very well be but they should something like that. Players will notice and then push for changes to happen.

Yes you’re correct, never hold your breath when they promise you anything… :frowning_face:

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