It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

They tried, but knowing the current balance team we got, one is going to be miles ahead of others, but still do less damage than a warlock or shadow priest or demon hunter or rogue.

im just saying if my damage is going to be trash, at least make the rotation flow… it feels clunky and unfun. hell i would take back the mists Howling Blast build over this breath bullcrap

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all they would need to do to fix the flow is give back the artifact talents that buffed our resource generation that we lost. going into bfa we basically got a huge nerf to runic empowerment procs, oblit runic power generation and with the change to runic attenuation. the long deadspots where we sit around waiting for runes was unheard of throughout legion even early in the expansion with low haste.


And what makes you think they will try to balance shi t anything better than we have now? You will just end up with one mediocre subspec if not both.



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Frost already is a mediocre spec.

This expansion is crap, we all know that, and one of the biggest reasons is poor class design.

They are losing a lot of subs fast and they cannot afford to f** up again, so it is inevitable they will need to redesign a lot of classes and put some effort into it in the next expansion.

Knowing this, there is a good chance they will at least try to balance it properly, also there is a chance they might bring back the possibility to use 2 handed weapons again for frost since it looks like a lot of players want it and they will probably want to please as many players as possible.

Alternatively, they can also change frost to be 2 handed only and maybe make Unholy DW, seems more fitting to me.


I think a lot more players would be upset if they all of a sudden made it a 2h spec. Then we would just see posts like this over and over again. “Blizzard why can’t I use my legion artifact!”

More people will come to the forums to complain about something than to talk about something they like.

The only thing I could see is them adding a transmog option.


Good point i forgot about legion artifact. Thats why we want to have both options. Transmog option is a solution, and i’m ok with that, but for wtv reason they are reluctant in giving us that.

I can’t remember now, but there was someone explaining that transmog dw one handed weapons into a 2 two handed wouldn’t work, probably because the auto attack animations and weapon speed. So it is more likely they will add the 2 hands option and everyone is happy.


They’ve stated that they don’t want to break spec or class fantasy with mog. It’s just there to allow your favorite or prefered look within those boundries.

We already have toys and costumes that change your weapon from 1H -> 2H, and vice versa, with fully functional combat animations. This is not a limitation.

It’s still very unlikely. Plus, plenty of people would be unhappy if it was added back in the same way and resulted in the same disaster of design we had before.

And why do you think adding the two hands transmog option would break class fantasy? Two handed weapon can be equiped by any DK spec, it is within their fantasy. Besides class fantasy is not defined only by weapon choice, it won’t break any boundries.

Good, another reason they should bring it back.

Yes it is unlikely, but not impossible. Some would be unhappy (same 3-4 dk i see in every 2 hands frost dk thread), but by the looks of it there will be way more pp happy to have this option. If it is the case, that most pp will be unhappy, which I doubt, just add the transmog option.

I can understand people concerned about balance issues if they bring two hands back, but be against a cosmetic option that fits the class fantasy since its introduction is bs.


forums are not indicative of overall population. likewise the same 20 odd people constantly making threads for 2h frost do not represent a large group of people that want 2h. neither group has a quantifiable representation of what dks as a whole want. the issue is only one group (yours) is actively claiming that they are the majority based on anecdotal data. the number of people you can possibly speak for is insignificant compared to the overall player base. once again people that are content either way or actually like dual wield are generally not going to be here to comment on the subject as forums are just an outlet for frustrated people or people looking for help / discussion on a subject.

both mannari and i have stated we have no problem with a completely cosmetic option on a personal level iirc. i dont think many people who oppose 2h returning have ever stated that wasn’t an option (if so thats stupid). we’ve only said that given blizzards statements on the subject that its highly unlikely to happen.

just to reiterate

transmog option: good go ahead and ask for it. just keep the threads on the subject consolidated so it doesn’t clutter the forums with several 2h frost threads talking about the same thing.

subspec option: its a bad idea. needs to stay dead. the ramifications for it not just for dks but other specs blizzard has chosen to streamline by giving strict weapon choices would also then have to be accommodated with subspecs.


-_-… Really now… thanks for your permission.

What is your damn point
Yes we get it, yes the people on this forums currently are not the vast majority of the people who play Death Knights, and by your own admission do not care one way or another clearly, otherwise they be posting, wouldn’t they, they feel as though their voice won’t be heard. I plead you to reconsider. So if they don’t care, why do you care. I think this is the Crux of the opposition. Why do you protest? I am in no way advocating for the removal of single-handed weapons from the death knight, if anything I wish to add to it, we had it before. Is it your goal to stop people from trying to enjoy the game how they want to play it? As seen that you’re kind of slow and you don’t understand, what I mean by people, as in some people not the vast majority, I’m not sure why you rail on points that don’t matter. You trivialize what people say and try to pick it apart for no apparent reason other than selfish and intent. It’s very clear to me and a few others. That you are the epitome of fun detected. and the issue with Blizzard today. I guarantee you can’t let this go and that you will post on this. There’s a 100% chance that you will say something in response to this, but understand this. You’re the minority on this forum and we shouldn’t listen to you.


I stated Blizzard’s stance, not my opinion. Please try to keep these distinctions separate.

Specializations are more or less by definition a subset of the overall class fantasy. Not everything applicable to the class level is true for each individual spec. Warriors use shields, but not every spec uses them, nor does it make sense for every spec to use them based on individual spec fantasy. This can go the other way with Titan’s Grip, as well as for several other classes various spec specifics; Resto Shaman don’t dual-wield, Marksman Hunters don’t use polearms, Retribution Paladin’s don’t use shields, etc.

“Not only” does not equate to it not mattering, or not still being part of the fantasy. Fury Warriors aren’t exclusively defined by Titan’s Grip, but it’s nonetheless part of the spec fantasy.

I never said I was against it. Please try not to put words in people’s mouths. And again, class fantasy and spec fantasy are not wholly the same thing.

Kusarii was correct, I personally have no issue with them adding a cosmetic 2H Frost option. But I don’t think it’s likely based on Blizzard’s own statements and stances made on the topic, nor do I think it’s a good idea because it would likely be a Pandora’s Box situation. In that regard, I think it would be more trouble than it’s worth for them to add that, unless they were willing to relax mog for all specs to essentially not look like themselves anymore; but I find that even less likely. At the end of the day, it’s the kind of thing that I wouldn’t personally advocate for, but won’t stand in the way of either because it’s all cosmetic.

Thanks man I’m glad you like the idea of DK’s having 2 handers


That is their stance on the topic of classes transmoging another armor types, like plate classes transmoging leather/cloth armor and vice versa…That would maybe break class fantasy, but weapons are another thing. You assumed transmoging weapons would break spec/class fantasy, that is why i asked you.

Sorry that part wasn’t meant for you, but for some pp that say its just a silly cosmetic option.

I agree with you, but it is an indicative, if we were to make a poll, for example, there is a very good chance that most pp would be in favor of bringing 2h back.


this already happened on this forum a few months back. someone made a poll of the subject and it fell to the same problem i have with using forums as a representation of overall opinion.

people that don’t care or are happy are not going to bother posting and the poll would obviously be heavily biased in favor of the aggrieved party and thus skewing legitimate results.

do you actually want me to respond or do you just want everyone who enters this thread to pat you on the back for making another bring back 2h frost thread?

the point im making is that you dont make sweeping balance changes to a class based on outcry from a vocal minority on a single forum.

Well if pp don’t care about their class/spec, there is not much we can do, but for the ones that do care, how do you propose to measure it?


its difficult to measure based on just forum feedback as the only simple way to get blizz to listen would be hitting them in the wallet (not advocating this btw) but i would recommend a constructive post on General discussions on relaxing transmog options for specs like frost that had their weapon choices restricted and upvoting the heck out of it.

in this way you could attract not only disenfranchised dks but other specs like fury, enh, etc to give the topic more traction.

the more consolidated and constructive discussion on it the more likely it is to catch devs attention.

its a long shot but imo the best bet for getting something like this to change.

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I see, i asked because i think there isn’t much players can do aside from what you said. I think the transmog option would be the best option to achieve a common ground on this matter.

Too bad you are not advocating this… I would do this post, but it is a bit difficult for me to express and put some thoughts together in english, because it is not my native language.


you should have more faith in yourself. your english is more than passing.

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