My, how your tune changes when it looks like we might be getting two handed back for Frost.
And this is from where exactly? Because my tune hasnt changed. My argument has been the same since the start of Legion, but you guys dont know how to read so its to be expected.
But where is this “2h might be coming back to frost” information?
You’ve been a strong proponent of “Frost should only dual wield and 2H should not return” basically your entire tenure here that I’ve seen, until now.
Where have I said that frost should only be DW. I only stated why it is and have been saying if people wanted 2h then they have to solve the mechanical differences between the 2 and they would have to play the same. Maybe you should go back to school and learn a little bit about reading comprehension.
Also, the PTR is unfinished. Now sometimes saying that has a negative impact, like people talking about Azerite gear and so on, but in this case the full information isnt there so its just speculation. For all we know they could just be different colors so people can use them in transmogs and the 1h versions arent out yet. Also, until recently, all that they had were 2h weapons and you couldnt play frost unless you had heirlooms.
There is so much speculation going on that its very likely people are setting themselves up for disappointment. Not to mention all the models arent in yet. They get 2 models and some tooltips and people fly off the handle thinking “2H IS BACK”.
Come on, people cant be that dumb to just jump to a conclusion on the ptr that isnt even finished being built. Who knows, it might be coming back, who knows, but it might just be a weapon choice with the same playstyle. I would highly doubt that they would go back to what caused them so much trouble.
Seems to me that if they’re redoing the Death Knight starting zone (and they appear to be for the new Allied Races at the barest minimum) now would be the time to include a dual wield item for Frost if Frost is intended to remain a dual wield spec.
That they’ve only included two handed items is telling. Could they include dual wield? Certainly. It’s why I said:
But as of now? No dual wield option in sight for the seemingly redone newbie Death Knight zone.
[quote=“Dreadmoore-wyrmrest-accord, post:241, topic:142698, full:true”]But as of now? No dual wield option in sight for the seemingly redone newbie Death Knight zone.
Calling this a state of “no dual-wield option” in an assumed re-done zone that hasn’t even seen the light of day on PTR is a horribly misleading stretch. We know nothing at this stage except that these weapons were added to the game files. Trying to extrapolate anything else put of their pure existence is meaningless, because we have no context whatsoever.
The confirmation bias is through the roof.
I’ve repeatedly used phrases such as ‘seeming’, ‘maybe’ etc. You’re projecting.
I will, however, be gloaty as heck in this thread if it launches and I am correct, if only because of your very post.
I do agree its way to early to say that 2h frost IS back, but for many players (myself included) , getting it back is an important part of feeling like a Death Knight. The fact that only 2h swords have been datamined early on the PTR means nothing, but it COULD be an interesting hint towards it coming back?
As i’ve always said, hopefully a solution for both 2h and dw-fans can be made.
Wow, incomplete PTR is incomplete. Mystery solved batman. You cant even say there is no dual wield option in sight because you arent part of the development team. They come out with 2 models and you say “well its a wrap folks, no 1h models in sight, 2h for everyone!”.
At this point we are saying, it could be anything and development isnt done. Seeing as only 2 models were even datamined and 4 item tooltips means that they arent done. Saying that 1h arent in sight is such a stretch.
I wish we got back tanking and dps in the same spec, I wish that we got presences back and the old rune system because it was made to be like a rogue, I wish that 2h could be an option but not with separate mechanics because that is what killed it off, I wish we were a hero class again, I wish the devs knew more about the class that they could design it well and not have contradicting abilities in how its designed. But I dont look at some datamined weapons with 2 models and say anything that is so ludicrous like 2h might be coming back, or “A FIRE SPEC YAY!” like what was in the wowhead comments.
People are already running wild with some of the names and the fact that they are listed as 2h. To me that just screams transmog options and its pretty obvious.
I just find it funny how people hold onto 2h so much that they will go out of their way to find anything that could mean 2h is coming back. Thats the flat earther mentality.
Sure I can. I don’t see a dual wield option. Dataminers have cracked everything but the stuff related to the Lich King cutscenes.
There might be more but as of this very moment, there is not.
I dont see any ability changes to support 2h Frost. By your logic at this point I can say 2h is dead forever and not coming back. Right?
The dataminers have only gotten what is in the game files. Blizzard puts unfinished stuff in the game files all the time, its really no surprise.
I like how you ignored the majority of my post though.
Come now. You know better than to pretend that Blizzard will rework an entire class mid expansion. If they quests are set up without dual wield being offered, it suggests that the next rework is being done without dual wield in mind. They could be doing the work now for the spec set up they’re doing later.
It isn’t hard fact, just deductive reasoning.
Yes and of which, that which isn’t encrypted.
Which, again, is why I said seeming, maybe, etc.
Nothing of value was stated.
Oh, so its not in patch 8.3? So its 9.0 that the changes are coming? So why is it ok for you to suggest that 2h is coming back for stuff that is in 8.3 PTR, but its not ok for me to say its not due to it lacking changes?
At this point you are just a troll and you dont want to provide anything constructive. Just throwing the hook out there and your response exposed you to be what you really are. Just a troll with nothing better to do.
It’s my understanding that this is being released in the next coming patch.
9.0 is when spec changes are (likely) coming. Thus far to the best of my recollection, BFA is the only expansion that didn’t have specs laid out on launch.
“sub par build”? Allow me to educate you.
You haven’t done a Mythic Dungeon in your life so you can’t tell me what’s good or bad in Mythic Dungeons. I’m running Keystones that are higher than your IQ, with every possible build besides Inexorable Assault, so I know what works best in each situation. Murderous Efficiency is a supplement for Obliteration, both of which are supplements for Frostscythe during Pillar of Frost. Frostcythe is only one Rune, so during Pillar of Frost I have constant, unmitigated cleave with guaranteed critical strikes for 15 seconds. Pillar is on a 45 second cooldown so I can burst like this every 30 seconds. On top of Frostscythe bursting, I run Gathering Storm so everytime I drop a Rune or two, I get more cleave damage for a longer period of time. If you had actually entered a Mythic instance in your life then you would know this. Keystones are on a timer brov, so I don’t have time to be waiting two minutes to use the mechanical equivalent of amateur hour. I need to burst quickly and constantly so I can upgrade my keys and get better gear. I carefully examine my talents to see how each would work with the other and then I test them in real time. Feel free to look up my stats on on Raider IO. How about recording my DPS charts and comparing them to yours?
Yes a sub par build. you don’t even know that putting razorice on your main hand allows Frostscythe to apply the debuff to everyone allowing for more aoe damageso why should I listen to you about what is good or what isn’t. You said frost sucks in terms of damage but they are actually 5th in raids. most of your mythic+ runs are sub 10 which according to mythic+ runners are low keys.
Again, you don’t listen, I haven’t played since December lol. What do you want? And it isn’t like I can’t look up the information and what people that are pushing higher keys than you are.
That isn’t an ad hominem, you are either extremely stupid or a troll. Why would they change the weapons you get to be only 2h and not change the spec at the same time? Do you know what people will say when they go to level say a frost dark iron dwarf? Why can’t I use any weapons?
So which is it? Are you an idiot or a troll. I at least gave you the benefit of the doubt and also listed troll.
Your arsenal is rather dry for you to be taking jabs at my weapon enchantments. I didn’t even bother teleporting to add Fallen Crusader for days after I replaced the weapon, so using my enchantment slots to try and tell me I don’t know how to play my spec is indicative of your ignorance and desperation in trying to win an otherwise already-lost argument.
It doesn’t matter if my keys are considered “low”. I started gearing this DK as my main two weeks ago, so I’m not going to have 100+ Keystone runs with 15-20 level keys. However, the progress I’ve made is still infinitely higher than yours, considering you haven’t done a single one yet. Clearly though, you missed the entire purpose of my comment by latching onto the notion of proving me wrong in something. The quality of my key number is irrelevant. A +2 Keystone is still a timed Mythic run that requires a certain level of understanding of your class and builds to achieve higher ratings on it. And I wasn’t going on about Raids, but if you’re going to make the claim that Frost is 5th in DPS, then you need to cite a source. The same goes for “mythic+ runners”, considering I am one. I didn’t say my keys were “high” either. I said they are higher than your IQ, which is a claim I can substantiate rather easily. I mean I already have, several times.
Not having played for a while isn’t the problem. Not having done a single Mythic Dungeon or Normal Raid or even hitting 1500 in Arena is most definitely a problem. Looking up information is far different than actually experiencing something yourself. I didn’t get all the information in my comments by doing online research for my class. I tested and experimented with the class myself, and compared the results, which is why I have an understanding of what is better to use in each situation. What have you done? Alterac Valley
You are the one that opened this can of worms. You completely ignored the absolute best dps increase for the dk and you want to complain about dps, you dont have the runes on the right weapons and you want to complain about dps, you have a sub par spec and you want to complain about dps.
And for some reason, you didnt listen the first time, I havent played since december, how am I supposed to do those things when I havent played? Again, what do you expect?
And I dont know why you are so hung up on Alterac Valley when I havent pvp’ed since 2016 yet you want to act like it was recent. Not to mention its the bg that you have done the most as well. So what? Are you just a hypocrite? You havent even done high level keys so why should I listen to you and not the people doing mythics, running sims and creating the guides? You have this “I know best” mentality which is completely destroyed with the lack of want to make your dk better like you have admitted to.