You’ll be back.
It would also have taken longer if Ion was still the highest paid employee who plays the game. There would have been no way Ion would have agreed to opening this game up in patch 9.1 with how he views raiding.
It’s also been the party trick they use towards the later parts of the expansion, not this soon, not shortly into the first patch of the expansion. And especially not this many changes all at the same time to do nothing more than bring us a x.5 patch that is nothing but changes to the existing content.
Anyone should be able to see that this many changes are only going to delay 9.2 and therefore possibly turn this into a WoD 2.0 where we end up cutting content in favour of the next expansion.
The difference here compared to WoD is that WoD was supposed to be a 12 month expansion, that was Ion’s biggest thing he wanted to bring in, a 12 month expansion release time with no flying.
This time if they were really just making the changes to appease the players like they did in WoD, Legion and BFA, it would have been planned, it would have been something they can flip a switch and make happen much sooner than what this is taking, it would not eat into releasing new content for the expansion, it would certainly not make the outlook seem like they are going to have to cut content, there is no way this many changes at this time of the expansion was planned.
I stopped playing almost 2 months ago I think. I still keep a sub active just so I can post on here. Even the forums are a lot more interesting atm than the actual game.
The real move to be afraid of is when they advertise a one-time-buy permanent subscription. Then you really know they’re about to pull the plug. Gotta bleed those silly gamers dry.
“so long and thanks for all the fish”
The copium is a illusion there never was such a thing. People want to hang on that last bit of nostalgia. How long you think the Nostalgia-ium is going to last?
Game is close to 18 year old and looks like the developers are wrapping up the game to close down soon. Cause were not going to see 10.0 at the sub losses thats going on right now. 10.0 will be dead on arrival.
Unfortunately people will take the bait. It will give Blizzard an excuse to make the next expansion a toilet and people are forced to stay subbed.
“Introducing the World of Warcraft BATTLE PASS”…followed shortly by the servers being shut down. Seems like something the Blizzard I know would do.
If you are not subbed, and don’t have the game installed, why come to the forums?
He never left…
I wish you well but please don’t assume you speak for everyone.
I’m a casual player and have been so for nearly 10 years. This is my hobby and I enjoy it. It isn’t the priority of my life but a nice way to relax.
Good luck.
Don’t go away mad. Just go.
for Bearer and Crazi, for what it’s worth, they actually deleted their characters. SO I guess some people are pretty serious
Some people like it, MOST people don’t.
There, fixed that for you
I have a warrant
Another Mirror
Oh this isn’t a warrant, it is my blood elf shopping list
There, fixed that for you
The numbers don’t lie.
People are leaving this game in a mass exodus.
It’s impossible not to notice.
Wow has went from the #1 mmo, to #4.
White knighting and being a shill for blizz isn’t admirable.
It’s just stupid at this point.
The game is bleeding subs.
4 million down to around 2, or less than.
Stop trying to pretend that people like this game with all of its issues anymore.
It was funny, now it’s just sad.
I stay because I have hope, but at the same time, I’m not gonna hold my breathe.
yeah, i like to stop by whenever the developers do some silly garbage to see shills like yourself defend it
Hmm,I could just mog a coat rake or a dresser manikin .Would that be the same?
You have a lovely time and send me a post card when you get there!
If they drill more holes in the boat maybe the water will drain faster…