White knighting? LOL I think you should check my post history, ive done anything BUT white knighting for blizz.
I made a simple statement, some people like the game, some dont. Not exactly a hot take there boy.
As far as shilling? Well to be a shill implies you must be paid, and if blizz wants to pay me for my often controversial takes on their own company, im no fool, i’ll take their money
If we as humans don’t look back, history repeats itself. Sadly the world prefers to only look forward, and with that it is in the continual turmoil it is in.
thats been the issue all along. it was just not as obvious. wow, to my sudden realization, has been real world political from at least tbc, about the time they expanded into the global market.
I will never understand why people put for the time and energy to talk smack about a game they don’t enjoy anymore on the games forums rather than just moving on with their life.
This is normal. It’s almost like the OPs in these threads hate the idea that anyone is still having fun and enjoying the game and try their best to convince them it is an illusion, they aren’t really enjoying the game; but those Jedi Mind tricks don’t work on all of us
I wasn’t really referring you by that part, mainly the people saying that blizz is doing the changes because they wanted too, not because of the lawsuit
I’m pretty sure the mess hit the fan back in late July of this year when California launched its lawsuit against Blizzard because they’ve fostered a terrible work culture of sexual harassment and discrimination followed by Blizzard’s damage control team fumbling their response time and again. Combine this with the contempt Blizzard often shows its players and their refusal to listen to player feedback about their bad systems and you have a recipe for hemorrhaging players. It has nothing to do with “woke” culture.
I have unsubbed. I have like 5 days left and won’t be able to post so not sure how others that claim to have unsubbed “awhile” back are posting (heck maybe they bought a 6 month sub I dunno). Anyway I figured since the dev team is now making a game that the dev team wants there isn’t much hope for the game left. They can play each other I guess.
I’m truly not going to hate on anyone wanting to stay. I hope they have fun.
I don’t know why players need to justify taking a break or quitting with other players. Just leave if you don’t like it here, stop acting like an angry toddler flinging mud.
And there you have it folks! Confirmation that patch 9.1.5 will include a new currency called “copium” that will be used to grind out another new reputation.
I came back after a 4 month break… I can fly and jumped renown quickly… but my server has certainly lost many players and with 9.1.5 coming out never at this rate I unsubbed again.