It's time for us to go

its like im watching a bellular video


I know people try to get people arrested for jokes, but I don’t think puns are at that point yet. Give it another 5 years.


We are heading that way, aren’t we…

To be fair, most people that play the game started every other expansion. One expansion wins people in, the next bleeds them out, then the third one brings them back. Etc. Been like this since Wrath honestly. Cata bled players, MoP brought more in, bled out more players in WoD, Legion brought more in, BFA bled them out.

Shadowlands has I think successfully bucked this trend by both bringing in new players but also driving them out. The first quarter report with SL focused a lot on “how many new players are playing the game!” like they did in Legion as well rather than addressing player retention.



Some people like it, some people dont.



Let me guess, do you also just happen to cross paths with your ex when they are shopping, getting their hair cut, or having dinner and feel the need to let them know you are doing just fine?

Imagine feeling so betrayed …by a GAME… that, instead of playing a different game you do like, you lurk in the forums of that game and try to convince other people it sucks.


You already moved on to bigger and better things because it’s all garbage but you can’t even move on from the forum… oooooookay, sure.


I would be using the /vg/ thread on 4chan because it’s more engaging but the janny is taking a snooze so it’s just littered with pornography every comment and other games piling in to laugh at how dead it is looking.

Doesn’t help the containment thread of wowfu-g we had got dogpiled by upset wowg posters so the thread got deleted because it was getting far more traction and the wowg thread couldn’t maintain enough posts to not get auto deleted for falling off page 20.

For a guy that bans anyone in those threads that mentions FFXIV, Vauthry went out of his way to trigger a Rejoining and save his dying world.


You think that Blizzard “genuinely” does things out of the goodness of their hearts and not strictly statistical, financially and profitably driven… like every other corporation. I think you got bigger things to worry about than a player that quit but still hangs out in the forums lol.

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I don’t have anything to worry about here because I don’t depend on Blizzard or this game. lol

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They haven’t figured out the forums are the most fun you can have with a WoW sub yet.


Im confident the Forums will survive well past the servers shut down by the sheer will of a few characters in GD

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I’m confident a month before shutdown they’ll unveil a 6 month sub mount then announce the shutdown when a ton of people buy it pretending they had no idea it was going to happen but refuse any refunds to players.


I don’t know who “us” is but since I’m sure you aren’t speaking for me I wish you all luck :heart:


It will come with a very on the nose mount called: “The Last One”


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Doing Loremaster archievment, my weekly raid, couple of dungeons, having fun so far.
Hyped for Classic SoM. Some guldies are still around.

When i get bored, i will unsub… Then blizz drops the next patch as always

I disagree, its time for YOU to go. What’s this “us” part? I don’t know you and you need to make your own decision on leaving wow and move on.

People unsub and think they are part of some movement and think everyone is unsubbing to fight against the evil blizzard and you will be a big hero as leader of the resistance or something, but the truth is, nobody cares. If you quit WoW, move on, you are not dragging me down with you.


despite what the forums here say, new world is fun in a new game sort of way, its nice to be a part of if while its new anyway.


if i have to carry the people that ruined this game on my back in the direction we need to go back to then thats what i will try to do because me love wow :muscle:

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Good luck, if you don’t praise every dumb decision the devs make they don’t care about what you have to say and they’re the ones ruining the game. Unless you can snap your fingers and make them magically care about listening to their players and putting gameplay over personal politics then you’re kind of screwed.

It isn’t the players ruining the game, it’s the developers at this point. The second these developers took the lawsuit as carte blanche to make WoW into a political soapbox instead of an MMO every problem became their doing. It isn’t players driving each other out anymore.

Arguably it’s been their fault since Legion ended. BFA they drove people out by refusing to listen to them about many things in the game and in some cases doubling down. Shadowlands they decided again that they know best and were ignoring players on covenants. Then took 7 months to drop the first content patch which consisted of timegated story and a daily hub the size of an island expedition with a bland raid full of reused assets. First they were ignoring feedback and their players, now they’re being outright spiteful and insulting them on Twitter or taking potshots saying things like “If you’re not a developer on the game you don’t know what you’re talking about with game design.” in reply to people saying “You need to change this system.”

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