It's time for one sided Faction changes

What servers are having these queues? It’s 5-8 on Herod. I think it peaked at like 12 minutes on the early morning hours like 7am - ish server time.


Yeah its called phase 3. You were ok with the massive one sided faction abuse in phase 2, now you are crushed under the weight of your own population disparity such that the evenly based queues kick you in the nuts. Now you are here to complain about a problem you bandwagoner FotMers created.

Sit on your queues, they are about to get worse and I will enjoy every minute of it. In the words of many people like you…Reroll PvE and stay there.


He’s not wrong though, alliance were basically dealing with queues to get into brm, dm, strat. There really isn’t much difference as far as I’m concerned. I agree with you that it’s a problem but as far as the point that guy made it’s extremely valid


It’s not really server-wide queues. It’s region-wide queues. The PvE realms help even out the population a bit on US East. The Oceanic servers don’t have the same situation.

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The good alliance that just wanted discussions and sympathetic views about world pvp were met with the bitter horde answers.
Folks like the OP and myself arent the bitter horde. Much like the alliance, you shouldnt lump all of us together.
I understand blizzard probably wont do anything about it.
For me personally i just want to enjoy instanced pvp and be able to join a game more frequently. I never did world pvp except for the first 2 days so im definitely not one of the bitter ones.
OP wasnt after sympathy from the alliance and begging for anything but at least he got more of an understanding on how alliance feel about it lol.


Reroll Alliance. Player made solution to a player made problem.


You forgot the “go back to retail” option.


Sorry but it’s not about lumping anyone together. It’s about a general perception from Horde against the Alliance.

I get the whole passion for your faction exists for both sides, but there’s no way anyone on the Alliance will entertain this especially with Horde touting it.

It’s deserved. Blame your faction.


See, you just illustrsted the problem. Normal realm mentality says, “we need to do 5 man instances to gear”

PvP realm mentality says “we control the zone, we earn the right to do 5 man instances”

Alliance always had the man power to control zones. They didn’t want to earn the right. The believed they were entitled to access.

On a PvP realm.

i’ll bite. horde had it easy in the wpvp phase on almost every server due to population advantages. now your que time is long, so you propose an option to switch.

quite the narcissist arent you?


Merc mode should never happen. It has nothing to do with classic.

Don’t think there can be faction transfers. Paladins and shamans can’t swap places.


Classic example right here. The horde isnt one person lol. Calling someone a narcissist when OP probably had nothing to do with the world pvp lol.

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:open_mouth: He’s an undead rogue… of course he did.


the idea that a horde would propose a faction switch is narcissistic. people knew what they were getting into when they chose a faction. anyone with a brain knew horde would have long ques before classic released.

horde have the racial advantage for pvp, the leveling advantage in quest hubs and could basically control the world.

so more people decided to go horde for an easier time in general. so deal with the que times. there’s a reason so few alliance que.


“Git Gud”
“PvP Happened”
“Delicious Tears”

I remember all of these Horde comments during Phase 2, Pre-BG’s.


You enjoyed the massive lopsided Alliance genocide by Horde when you had insane Horde to Ally ratio on most pvp servers, now deal with the bg ques that come with playing on the easy street side of imbalance.

We will reap the rewards of instant ques in perpetuity for having to deal with all the BS we had to deal with as Alliance playing on a “Horde” server.

Here’s to all those horde that “lived” in IF and 24/7 camped FP’s and boats,
“Enjoy your Que, Quit crying, Quit or Reroll, Go back to Retail”


He has a point though. All of the original horde responses were pretty much, “you knew this was going to happen, so it’s your fault”.

I’ll be interested to see what they do about it, but I doubt they have faction transfers even ready to implement (if they even are considering this)–they just added the support for paid server xfers in the last patch.

Merc mode would be a retail level change…That’s probably the least likely to happen by far.

Honestly the only current solution may be to expand the battleground and find a way to handle the lag. Or possibly attempt to split the servers so the most imbalanced ones are penalized the worst, while servers with balanced factions are rewarded…hopefully driving people to reroll if they have the time/energy.


Or just add oceanic players into the Us queue at 5 minutes, like they do on retail.

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What Treck said, allow a 1 way ticket to join the US queues. MAINLY dont group 19 players from us with 1 OCE player in the bg on a OCE realm blizz

Great memory, mr horde posting on a non Classic character. :wink: :fist_right: :fist_left:

We Alliance have been saying that too. Get off PvP realms if you don’t want to wPvP