Yeah, I definitely understand and appreciate the time committed.
Also, pre-launch, they had the whole name reservation thing, and obviously so many people were anticipating WoW for such a long time. Some people claimed to have quit their jobs to focus on Classic, or taken vacation or extended vacations. That’s not an every day type of thing.
Having said that though, if people were willing to dedicate so much time for Classic, we also could have looked at the information we had available, both historically, and anticipated, and made reasonable choices, including waiting for greater stability and/or understand of how servers would establish their communities, etc.
While it’s fun (to an extent) to play the Horde vs Alliance game, at the end of the day, we are all WoW fans, who enjoy the world of Azeroth, and spend a lot of time leveling, gearing, collecting items and reputation, etc. and obviously become attached to our characters.
I think the most frustrating thing is that we don’t know what/when the plan is for transfers, and knowing Blizzard, we also can’t say with total confidence that something like faction transfers won’t ever happen in Classic (though, I suspect that they won’t, and I also do not believe imbalance to be the issue some people are hyping it up to be).
Having rerolled myself, I realized that however many days of /played
I’d invested into my Horde side characters, it wasn’t nearly as much as I will have if/when I ever stop playing Classic.
I also had initially intended to play Alliance, but after about level 20, I just couldn’t do it. Having always been Horde, it just didn’t feel right. Not for Classic. Not at first. But, when I started reading all about the faction imbalance on the forums, I got interested, and started poking around, and creating characters on some of the more severely imbalanced realms to check out the scene and talk with people. I ended up meeting some great people from an excellent guild, and that’s where I find myself now.
Rerolling is a lot of work, sure. And dropping your characters, or shelfing them for however long is maybe not something to do lightly, but time will continue to pass, and people who have rerolled, like me, are catching up and/or have caught up. It isn’t an insurmountable obstacle blocking your progress. If it’s something you have considered, it is something you can do.
Good luck!