It's time for one sided Faction changes

Could you be more descriptive? Did I rub my hands together first, licking my chops as I decided which class would be the easiest to gank Alliance with?

A lot of imbalance on oce servers, since ts only the 4 servers the que for horde is a lot higher.

A lot of complaints are from oce.

I don’t have a camera in your basement so I wouldn’t know what you did with your hands while staring at the character creation screen. You also picked the worst class in game if you’re looking to gank therefore leading me to believe you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Just reroll Dusty, got to earn your way to 60 alliance

So you are just another lying snake exaggerating your grief for the sake of some justice?
Keep your chin up.

What exactly did they do in vanilla like you are describing to help?

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WoW classic is all about rerolling and alts. It takes a week to get a toon to 60. You want to play a 60 alliance, you earn it by leveling one up

Just WHO is going to faction change from Horde to Alliance OP? Horde have a numbers advantage on pretty much all PvP servers and they’re not going to want to switch to Alliance where they are grossly outnumbered and can’t hardly play. Get real here LOL.



We win!

You probably would have picked orc over undead if that was the case. That stun resist is straight up frustrating.

Not everyone picks for the racials you know?

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Which mean 90% of the Alliance here talked out of their ***.

Doesn’t matter anyway since you can just transfer.

I’m well aware. I did roll a human rogue on a pvp server after all. Go re-read his post and then my reply. If it still doesn’t make sense, see me after class.

Pretty much. I was equally un-sympathetic with the alliance complainers as I am with horde ones. The information about the pros and cons for each faction was out there long before classic went live. It strikes me as weird that so many people would throw themselves into a game without doing any research whatsoever. Alliance should have known they’d get ganked hard on pvp servers. Horde should have known they’d have to deal with battleground queues.

I’m curious as to what server transfers will do to solve battleground queues though. BGs are already cross-realm so in theory it shouldn’t matter which server you’re actually on since the pool of players is shared across all realms. I’ve seen players from Atiesh (west coast pve) and Faerlina (east coast pvp) in all my BGs so far, so it seems to not care about server type or location. Is there some other bit of information regarding this that I overlooked?

They have a point. If you dont like the queue times, reroll or quit. Lets be honest horde players were throwing that quote around like candy at a parade. This is the real world butterfly, sometime the dump you took on someone else gets taken on you.

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We waited 13 years for this, whats the big deal rerolling if it gets you playing at max level faster?

AV had been tuned constantly through out vanilla and by and large addressed issues as they arose. Between the 1.5 Korrak AV and the 1.12 version we have now it was constantly being tinkered with to properly tune it.

The report AFK feature was a direct response to GMs getting waves of petitions reporting people for being AFK and GMs had to issue warnings to these people, or even remove them from the battleground individually if warned to many times, it took up a lot of time because the issue was so large.

HKs used to be global, like LT and Balinda give honor now. During this time nearly 25% of all people in AV were afk jumping. they correctly adjusted this because it broke the balance.

Those are just a couple I can recall, in addition to the all the tinkering with how much honor is given out for objectives. These are all starting points to restore balance and at least reward the people who play a lot and are actually playing over the people who are playing a lot and just jumping in the cave leeching from those playing.

That’s all nice, but the topic was faction balance?

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It may have been but it got lost among the spiteful Alliance constantly spouting reroll until Blizz shot them down.

I think they were telling you to reroll alliance if you want to avoid queues for BGs. Having you reroll as horde on another server wouldn’t solve that problem.

Either way while a valid suggestion it was lost in childish rage.

If leveling wasn’t such a drag I would happily make an Alliance toon to 60 as over on retail I have multiple 120s. Its just classic right now just isn’t the bees knees. Maybe when the ZG 20 man comes out it might be alittle more inviting on a casual level.