Mages can dispel curses which is a kind of healing I guess. Don’t know if I’ve heard of a mage healing injuries.
“F Enhance if I can get what I want” is what this says. This would have left enhancement as a f-tier spec instead of being in the good spot it got into during BC.
It shouldn’t be done currently because they would have to rework the entire base class tree to fit it in. Our spec shared abilities don’t play into any sort of tank spec.
Why would a new 4th spec not go to the new role that they are trying to establish which also falls much more into line with Shamanism than a tank spec?
It possibly could. But if i had to champion for one of the other, it would be tank. I despise the idea of a total support class and believe there is no place for them in wow.
If I’m not mistaken, old school Rockbiter increased threat in vanilla and maybe through BC? I dunno exactly when they took out the threat generation part.
Primarch appears to be on a Crusade to attack anyone and any thread who wants to Earth Weapon tank Shaman as we had in Classic. Be mindful that they also snip and spin people’s posts to try and make them appear different in context than what the poster actually means as well.
I enjoy Tanking, but I’d enjoy it more if I could do it as a Shaman with a 2h as I did in Classic.
I would be so happy if we had a tank spec! I freakin love shaman’s ties with elemental magics and all the lore around them. Getting more fleshed out earth skills would be the coolest thing and a tank spec would be perfect for showing the earth side of the elements some love. Sorry earth shield but you’re boring.
I’m totally down to play an earth shaman dwarf tank who can actually use the shield instead of wearing it on his back. As long as it’s a fourth spec and they don’t mess with enhance that is.
We have 3 leather armor tanks already but no mail? It’s time Blizz.
Rockbiter increased threat
Earth shock was basically taunt
They had a taunt totem, could block.
Shamans were actually more effective tanks in vanilla than pally and druid until druid got reworked.
Not saying i want a tank spec, id rather a full totem spec like engineer from warhammer or similar if we got a 4th spec. But if sham had an earthwarden tank spec, id actually tank for the first time
Yeah I don’t understand the reasoning behind the hatred. 2 handed enhance would be cool, but I think it would be to rng. If they got rid of ss dre spam build fair enough if they could get it balanced, but we don’t need 2 rng specs. I really love the elementalist build and I hope it stays in some form always. If I had to choose though it’d be a tank spec first.
it makes sense for shamans to get a 4th spec
ele ranged (fire)
enh melee (storm)
restro healer (water)
warden tank (earth)
we currently dont have a shaman that follows the earth mother and how we know what spec each follows is though ascendance
plus doing this would be nice cause it will open up another tank for the hard pressed tank numbers without needing to add another class plus extra bonus would be the first mail armored tank currently 3 leather 3 plate no mail and no cloth
Shaman don’t pick and choose between elements. From the World of Warcraft class page:
Shaman are spiritual guides and practitioners, not of the divine, but of the very elements. Unlike some other mystics, shaman commune with forces that are not strictly benevolent. The elements are chaotic, and left to their own devices, they rage against one another in unending primal fury. It is the call of the shaman to bring balance to this chaos. Acting as moderators among earth, fire, water, and air, shaman summon totems that focus the elements to support the shaman’s allies or punish those who threaten them.
While we become an Ascendent of specific elements, it has more to do with the attacks we are using than headcanon about “choosing an element.” Isn’t this the same forums constantly complaining that the Ascendance model is bad and “a placeholder” anyway?
Don’t know if anyone here has gotten the update about earth magic but apparently it’s support magic now, not tank magic.
Can you show where this is stated at where blizzard has said this specifically that Earth Elements are support and not tank? Where it is said that Earth is support. What better support than a tank. You support your group by taunting and taking hits while your group kills/heals.
This part is the easiest. You just give the tank spec a mail armor passive that increases armor by x%, increase dodge, etc. All the tank specs have it.
Guessing he is referring to Augmentation. Most of its abilities are Earth based. If Blizz is serious about keeping “support” as a spec (I think they shouldn’t) I could see Shaman getting a support spec as 4th, but tbh, Evoker stole so much thunder from our class. So instead of an earth-based support spec (and basically copy Aug), I think tank does make more sense. Game could use another tank spec anyways.
And for the record, I would 100% play the tank spec and grow the tank population (Since I don’t play other classes anymore really).
Funny thing is, Shaman should probably have the support spec (given our lore and class playstyle history) and Evoker should have been the Earth tank spec =)