It's time for a Shaman Tank @devs

I have been playing wow since 2005. I and many others along the way have espoused that it would make sense to have a shaman tank spec. Shaman is my favorite class in terms of dps both melee and ranged and i like it’s healer kit. I’m a bit ADD so I like to have versatility in the class I choose to main. Druid also has all 4 specs but i’ve just never been a fan of feral (sorry kitties). If you finally gave shamans a tank spec I believe it would make sense. They have earth powers to help bolster their defenses and shields. lighting for stuns and cc. fire for small periodic damage for aggro management and water for a bit off self healing. I think adding tank spec to the class would go a long way in helping me maintain focus on a character and thus keep me tied to the game.

-Long time subscriber and fan


Nah, we good. We already have enough specs for the devs to ignore when they are underperforming and massive nerfs when they are decent.

Spec design is also a problem. Delete PW >>Give Spirit Walk slow/cripple immunity>>>>>>2h>>>the need for tanking. The next class added is probably gonna have a tank spec anyway.


I’m with you. I’ve always wanted a shaman tank. I love their play style and toolkit, i love enhancement and resto, and if they added a tank spec, I’d never have to play another class. I’ve tried to only main my paladin, but I always just side main and spend more time on my shaman.

This game needs as many tank specs as it can get. I also don’t think we need another class. I think adding all these classes is what causes such large discrepancies in balance.

I agree with everything here, except change the >>>> signs to = signs. There is no reason that can’t all be done.

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When posts starts with ‘’ been playing since vanilla’’ are cringe. Your opinion is not better because you are a veteran.


Actually, most every company on the planet values the opinions of loyal, long-standing customers over Johny come lately.


I don’t think they mean it validates their opinion more, i think they just mean they remember a time when you could quite easily tank a lot of dungeons.


^^^^^this … wasn’t meant as a flex …I matter not

Shaman makes the most since for the next tank class. We already can use 1 handers and shields. They just need to give us a taunt, and figure out a way for us to mitigate damage, I’m thinking something like monk but with totems absorbing x damage. There use to be a glyph that added a heal to flame shock ticks, make that a talent so we have self healing. Make lighting bolt and chain lightning have zero cast time but put them on a cd that has a chance to reset like avengers shield. Stuff like that.

Ur gonna have to convince whatever blizz dev believes that Shaman is a “glass canon” class. We too squishy to tank.

I miss SL Enh being able to near full heal in a global with MSW Surge.

I don’t want enhance to be the tank spec, i want a 4th spec added. But yes, Id like them to fix our survivability. I dont mind trading our dps for heals with MSW, what I mind is the mana cost. MSW used to reduce the mana cost depending on how many stacks, down to zero mana. They could even keep the mana cost when used on other players to keep it from being to powerful.


I don’t want a 4th spec added. Shaman is fine with the current 3. I get people tanked in Vanilla as shaman, people also only auto attacked as a Ret paladin, doesn’t mean we should bring either back. Let the tank spec nightmare end already.

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Why? If you don’t want to tank, don’t. What is wrong with having the option?

A lot of players, myself included, love the class fantasy of shamans. I love the spell animations, the overall play style, and the general concept of being an elemental warrior. I also really enjoy tanking.

Having additional classss that can tank can only be a net benefit, especially if it’s a class that already exists in game.

The anti-tank shaman brigade never have a real argument as to why they don’t want one added, just that they don’t.


“I like DK class fantasy but want to play a healer so Blizzard should spend limited class development time to cater to me.”

Same argument and just as valid and shouldn’t be implemented.


Except there’s no history of of a DK being a healer…

Your argument boils down to “I only like eating chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla icecream, therefore no other flavours should exist for icecream.”

We aren’t talking about making rogue a caster spec or a warlock melee spec. We are talking about a class that used to be able to tank and can still equip 1 hand weapons and shields.

Shield does not = tank, it never has. Shaman has never had the tools to be an effective tank. People made it work in a version of the game where they could make Voidwalker tanks work. It was something that your group had to build around. Again the “cater to me” mindset.

Shaman is not a tanking class. Point to anything in the lore that shows Shamanism doing anything tank-like. It’s not in their skillset. The only reason we even have a melee spec is because Thrall exists.

Other classes have other flavors, not every flavor needs to exist within every class.

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Other than being able to spec into additional block chance and amount blocked, threat modifiers, spec into more dodge, more armour, and more parry, you are correct.

Paladins were not very good tanks in vanilla either, I’m not sure on the lore of them, but they are usually one of the top tanks now.

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It’s no secret that Vanilla classes were unfinished through the entirety of the original game but Paladin tanking got implemented 17? years ago, Shaman was never developed. Those talents helped shaman survive in open-world and pvp. (They actually designed with pvp somewhat in mind back then) They never had any talents for increasing threat and if increased threat on an ability = made for tanking then I guess Priests should tank as well because Mind Blast had increased threat originally.

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False equivalency. Shamans were actually very viable tanks outside of raids, priests never were.

That’s literally my whole point. Shamans had a tank spec that wasn’t finished, and instead of finishing it, they removed it. A lot of people, myself included, wish they would revisit that idea and actually finish the original concept.


Yet ignores why they removed what they did implement in the first place. It doesn’t fit with Shaman lore and they weren’t going to try and fit tanking and melee dps in the same tree. The feral tree was that experiment and it never really worked until they separated the specs in Cata(?).

Ele and Resto were a split of the original Shaman unit from WC3 and Enhancement existed to imitate Thrall in the same way Havoc DH imitates Illidan.

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Yeah sorry, when I said spec I meant build. But yes, guardian and feral is a great example of what should be done with shamans.

I’ll be honest, I’m not a lore guy. I think its important to varying degrees. Should a rogue be a caster, no, because of lore. Should a mage be a healer, also no, but thats despite lore. From what I’ve been told mages can heal in lore.