It's the slime cat mount recolored, isn't it?

I like the new 6 month sub mount, don’t get me wrong, and I also like getting it free while saving money, but it’s the slime cat, isn’t it? Soon as I saw it, it was like if it were green and had some bones floating in it… Yeah.

Tint it blue, take out the bones, slap on some lunar new year themed armor and good to go. It’s good not to have work go to waste.

Only downside is likely never getting the slime cat mount. But, we did get the book so not gonna give up hope entirely.

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If you make the skin translucent, add some bones, slap on some skulls, Ban Lu is also a slime cat.


What’s a slime cat?

Looks like an update spectral

When you buy a spectral tiger but it’s from Wish


The Gooey Slimesaber was one of the losing options in the choose-the-mount competition last year.


You don’t know slime cat. Slime Cat knows you! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You could say the slime cat was just a recolor of any existing cat.
They all use the same base model and just get a fresh coat of paint and some extra bits and baubles.


I’ll subscribe to this theory :face_with_monocle:

Aren’t most of the cat mounts reskins and recolors?


I don’t think they ever actually released an official model for the Slime Cat mount.

They only ever had these models for the cats you find in Maldraxxus and the pet.

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Wowhead had some fan-made mock-ups of it because during the contest it was described as a “slimy sabre cat dripping with ooze…”

And honestly, since the Soaring Spelltome made it into the game after losing the contest then slime kitty should be added. But not as a version you pick up in the cash shop.

No. It’s Xuen/Ban-lu recolored.

Yes. (But Wen Lo would have looked a lot better using the flight running animation like Ban-Lu. )

Maybe… this is personal opinion though. Someone out there will like the wings better.

It’s a goo kitty cat. That’s literally the first thing I thought when I glanced at it. That’s not a compliment either.

I asked them nicely last year to not incorporate the element with the New Year mount. Really disliked how it made the ox feel so dead. (As it was metal that year) This year it is goo cat for water. This is fine, they do not have to listen… but now I am not buying it. So that was there choice, not sure how many others will not purchase it. Blizzard will find out if it is popular…

People trying to influence others about not buying from cash shop does nothing for me either. I understand where they come from and how it could potentially hurt the game. (I believe they could put a positive light on the blizzstore and make it a positive thing actually… if they really wanted) Ultimately if I see something I really, really like, I will buy it. So I guess I should be thanking them for saving me some money?

This overall would’ve been much cuter. For real tho. Xuen would’ve been awesome. :heartpulse: Or something way similar to it. Too late now and no I don’t want more kitty cat mounts.

Oh and this wasn’t to discourage anyone from buying it. Buy it if you like it. This was about me expressing my displeasure with it. You do you.


I like tigers but I hate how they used an outdated model for a 2022 subscription mount. Why would they use the mop model when they have darkshore and storemount models?


We have slime cat at home


Was one of the mounts back when they let us vote. The tree won.

I don’t remember pictures of the slime kitty though and for some reason all I can picture in my head is the Maldraxxus slime kitty pet.

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Also the reason it looks like water is because certain years are given a certain element. This year is the water tiger. I was born in the year of the gold monkey.

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