It's the end of the world (of warcraft) and I feel fine

People who want content removed because it’s not what ‘they’ specifically don’t do.

Content that I honestly enjoyed was taken away. But I was given a new type of content so it’s not really much of an issue. I will admit I hated DF S4 and quit super early and didn’t come back until TWW.

I don’t believe I’ve insulted anyone. Just stating my opinions.

How many runs does it take to get good enough to do 10s? I’m not talking about the “only M+ pusher” that plays M+ day in and day out. Not just 10s but 8 dungeons worth of 10s. Innate “skill” will only take you so far. You need practice and to do that you need commitment. I mean sure you could do it but say you get 8 hours a week to “casually” play. In that 8 hours of casual play is there any time to do anything other than grind M+? To actually make it to 10s I don’t feel like you could do much (if anything) else.


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Complete 8 dungeons in 8 hours?! Aren’t you the optimist. I don’t ever recall having a week that good.

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The content still exists and is able to be casually completed.

This is an insult. It has no neutral or positive meaning. Only negative.

That is different for each player.

Not really.

You absolutely could.

Casual does not equal playing badly.

You can raid for 6 hours a week, just 2 nights a week and clear mythic raiding.

You can do a few hours of m+ each week and work your way up.

You can play 16 hours a day and still be bad. You can play 6 hours a week and be great.

Exactly. You’ll be banging your head against that wall time and time and time and time again. Nothing “casual” about it.

You dont have to do 8 dungeons a week though…

That isnt a requirement.

Mostly right, though not sure about the salt towards the unemployed.
Basically, casuals generally stay around longer compared to those who just burn through the content they want, then unsubscribe and complain about WoW being dead.

Or they dont do 80% of the content, and complain WoW is dead because there is nothing to do.

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No it’s not. Blizzard even stated that the new system is a +10 to the old system. A +2 is a +12 in the old system. Ten entire key levels were officially deleted.

Eh fair. My point stands. M+ is the sweatiest it’s ever been in the history of wow.

That’s not going to be casual for most players I can almost guarantee.

You’re saying you don’t need any commitment to get all +10s? Is that really what you’re saying?

My point is you’d ONLY be doing that content in your playtime. You couldn’t do anything else. No alts, no old content, no mog farming, no mount farming, you’d have to commit to doing ONLY M+ or raiding during your playing.

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How are you going to increase your knowledge and skill to work your way up to 10s if you’re not even doing 8 dungeons a week?

The people who are playing Era at this time have zero interest in playing retail. They already have their own guilds and would quit if they no longer could play as they wish.

Fact: there are people who remember Vanilla as being the hardest game in its genre, one where there were no casuals and everybody joined the right guild and the right clique within that guild and raided until they had Naxxramas on farm. They can’t accept that one of the original marketing points of the game was that it was a game anyone could play at any time, even if their friends were not online.

This is only if you believe people playing casually must be absolutely bad at the game.

I dont have that negative view. Maybe try being more positive?

You are over here “casualgating”.


Gatekeeping what is considered casual play.

I am saying you can casually play and get 10s.

I disagree.

But I also dont think people playing casually are horrible at WoW.

If a person is too good, you tall them sweatbeasts.

if they play casually, you call them terrible at WoW.

By doing them at your own pace? The season is long.

Once again…is there anyone in WoW you dont have a negative opinion of?

I don’t see how changing an attitude can nullify ten key levels being Thanos snapped out of existence but I definitely can’t change your mind.

Just stating my opinion on it. I mean if there are casual players that can all tell me I’m wrong I’m all for it. Once I’m proven wrong I’ll change my stance but until then I stand by it.

What is playing casually to get 10s? What does that look like a week? How many hours? How many dungeons? I’m just trying to get an idea of what you think it’s like.

I don’t think that either but I don’t consider someone that plays 9 hours a week but ONLY does M+ every minute they’re logged on casual. In a general time commitment sense I suppose so but I’d love to see someone that literally only plays 9 hours a week get all 10s without spending all their time grinding M+. Alls I’m sayin.

It’s still a commitment.

But you would never accept it.

Your opinion is that to be casual, you MUST be bad at WoW.

Otherwise, what is your definition of a person playing casually?

You’re wrong though. I’m saying the “casual” play you’re talking about requires commitment and grinding M+ to get your goal. You can get it but it’s going to take a long time and in that long time while you’re playing, you’re almost only doing M+.

Logging into wow for a few hours a week and doing a variety of activities. Leveling an alt. I believe you’ve said in the past you don’t even have an alt, is that correct? I feel like we’re looking at this from extreme opposite ends of the spectrum.

I dont have an alt. But I am currently in the middle of doing the celestial tournament. I find plenty of other content I enjoy doing.

If your basis is specifically people who only play 3-4 hours a week. Then sure.

But that is not typically what is meant by playing casually in these conversations.

I would think many of the casual alt-a-holics play more than me.

I am not going to tell you what you should or shouldnt do with your time.

I will agree that if the argument is that “casual players are ones that only play -3-4 hours a week”, then yeah. Timing all 10s may be difficult.

But if you play a minute more than 4 hours, then you arent casual. Right?

Sorry, I apparently hit edit to reply to you instead of new post.

Sure. But if I’m only doing 4 dungeons per week that means I’ll only end up doing each dungeon twice a month, on average. That little repetition will mean that it’s unlikely I’ll acquire the knowledge necessary to successfully run 10s. Since the rewards for keys below 10 are worthless to me, m+ serves no purpose. The most efficient use of my time is to not bother with them at all.

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What do you mean when you make the statement “you can do 10s by playing casually”? I feel like bringing the word casual into this usually means alts.

Well thats the thing with casual. it has a million different definitions.

There are people who play WoW casually, at like 60 hours a week.

They enjoy quests, collecting mounts and pets, mogs, or just hanging out.

If you play alts, but more than a few hours a week…by the definition you gave me you are not casual. And thats where I have disagreement.

You can play 10 hours a week and clear mythic raiding, and push 10s. 10 hours is a pretty casual play time.’

Playing casually doesnt define one’s skill level. Just like playing many hours does not mean a person is good.