It's the end of the world (of warcraft) and I feel fine

“When you design for everyone, you design for no one.”

I fear whatever it is they plan for this game ‘after’ the World Soul Saga.

What kind of lore can they possibly come up with next?

We already killed the Devil, the Lich King Devil, the Dragon Devil, the Super Mega Space Devil, The Super Mega Ultra Death Devil in Hell, Cthulhu’s cousin twice removed, and now we’re leading up to fight the Super Ultra Mega Insane Top Tier Void Darkness Devil.

Where can the story possibly go from there?

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Loss of vision for the game makers. It’s become noticeable.


I think world of Warcraft current system works pretty good and don’t think of the game being bad or dying.

If I wanted to be super hard on it though, I would like a pvp rating system revamp, I don’t think the top 1% of playerbase should be the goal (aka glad) bell curve should be shaved to the top 10% which I think would create a massive flow of players to get into pvp as the goal is then more obtainable.
I believe delves should be locked to single or duo party to revitalize mythic+ priority for party content :person_shrugging:
And revamp/bring back guild based reward incentives for all content :sunglasses::ok_hand:
But I’d be fine if none of these changes happen I’ll just be hard stuck duelist :sob:

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WoW has been focused on the casual player since WotLK

If all this focus and it’s still dying…

Then maybe it’s not the casual player keeping it afloat.

Every expansion is “what else can we do for the casual player”.

learn to use your brain. contextually if you are a broke casual you arent part of the casuals mentioned. good lord.


I think the biggest issue for WoW right now is a lack of people to actually test their game to see if it’s stable. This is getting Bethesda levels of bad.


Well the key squish didn’t help the casual players. Just sayin’

Warcraft is an MMORPG. That means- Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game…role playing…not Fortenite, not Bingo Blitz and definitely not Starcraft or Diablo. The RPG ( based on Advance Dungeons and Dragons skill tree(s) ( depending on which version your group is playing). RPG’s are fan-based. This means- we ,as players, are included in how RPGs are created via game play. In return- MMORPG games release content based on that play. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a huge consideration regarding the content. RPGs are not created the same. Warcraft allowed a player to create a character based on its abilities ( AD&D) and the skill, time, and pride the fan takes in their character. This connects the player on a deeper level. We play our characters and give input to save and further the game. Fan-based games can grow with players, do not take advantage of this relationship as the fans will quickly move to other content ( Asherons Call Turbine Industries)

Thank you
30 year Advance Dungeons and Dragons
10 years Asherons Call
20 Warcraft


Yes, not 100% of everything has helped the casual player.

But as far as development, its pretty clear the casual player has been the main focus.

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I don’t deny that the casual players have been “a focus” but not sure I’d say “main focus”. M+ and raiding is more difficult than ever and caters more to high level players than it ever has.

I’d definitely say just because casual players got a few bones thrown their way that the “elite” players are being ignored.

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What specific content is created which only benefits the hardcore player?

Once an expansion you get an extra boss phase in a mythic raid?

M+ is the best thing to ever happen for the “casual” palyer.

Whoever is pushing out their vision for the current design of the game’s role hierarchy kinda sucks at it.

Tanks made out of glass and mobs who outdps the boss. Healers have to heal the tanks now, but there’s more one shots than there’s ever been. Nice.


The M+ key squish.

It used to be. Now it’s a sweatbeast’s paradise.

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Putting all the resources into developing new systems, which are usually just rehashes of old systems, instead of putting it into the “tried a true” systems that people play for – 5 man group content and raiding. I dont really raid anymore, but itd be nice if there were more dungeons throughout expansions. Timewalking should be every dungeon in the entire catalog and not a weekly xpac focus. Theres so much content that just sees zero use. They can complain about the difficulties in scaling all they want, it literally couldnt be much worse tuned than it currently is. The graphics engine is just at its end as well. Blizzard style is timeless, but its a joke that this is still the best MMO option and its 20 years old. I also think mythic+ is just not interesting to a large amount of the playerbase, as the numbers pretty much show. Timers as a mechanic just isnt fun. They never have been.

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Thats not content created. And it doesnt benefit only the hardcore player.

You can still absolutely do m+ casually and gear up.

+2s are not a sweatbeasts paradise.

How does the key squish benefit the casual player? A swath of content was cut from the casual player.

Ah, the +2’s that drop 597 ilvl…if you’re lucky.

Man I’m SO glad we got delves in wow. I honestly don’t think I’d play TWW if it wasn’t for delves.

So whats the issue?

At what point is it ok to insult other players?

+5s? +7s?

What is the cut off for acceptable gear for people playing casually? You can absolutely do 10s casually.

I refuse to accept that playing casually = being bad at WoW.

come on, if we all survived 15 hours without TikTok, we WILL survive a few hours of Tuesday WoW downtime, something we already know after 20 years

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