It's Testosterone Tuesday

I miss Youtube poops. This one’s my favorite:


So I’ve heard…

reddit especially seems to have nothing but good things to say about TRT, and I spend a lot of time over there. I’ve seen a good share of “before and after” posts from dudes who went on TRT and then “magically” lost 20-25 lbs of fat without really doing anything or changing their eating habits

I haven’t really looked into TRT myself/had cold feet since I’ve heard it can reduce your fertility, so I’m also thinking about the possible long-term/down the road stuff

But might look into getting tested coming up here pretty soon, just out of curiosity

I slapped my Felguard. In the FACE.

just think of test this way

its quite literally what makes you a man

as u age u lose it

u dont have to

the science is all there its fully legit

i sound like a paid spokesperson i know but its the truth

if you can comfortably afford it then do it

I went to the gym and then ignored those people that are desperate for attention and validation from type 1’s

I told my wife no and she listened without complaint.



Got a great workout in. Personal best of 170lbs x 12 shoulder press today.


Thats too funny. I hope its true

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I was sitting on a hill, throwing rocks at Zigstur, watching him eat it.


I get that, but I’ve also heard there’s possible side-effects with blood thickening, fertility and such

If anything I would probably be looking into it as a way to boost my metabolism (as most of the success stories seem to indicate it does)

Seems like my metabolism is a bit slower than I’d like it to be :snail::snail::snail:, think I gained 5-7 lbs from last year without really changing my diet or habits

Just a sec, my wife asked me what I was chuckling about just now and I can’t let her see this post…


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Take the red pill. You will be OK.

i cant speak on that

i can however tell you there are garuanteed massive side effects to having low test

its not just about fat loss and muscle mass

better sleep, organ function, vitality, clearer mind, improvements in places you didnt know you were severely lacking in

anyways off my soap box


This is my fave, lmao.

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There are some really funny Mass Effect and Skyrim ones I can’t post without violating forum rules.

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I broke down cardboard boxes LIKE A BOSS!

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I am going to say if these concerns are such make an appointment with a medical professional and discuss it with them and then , if they do decide taking T is an option they will go over things with you ie dosage,side effects ect. At least any decent one will.

And also as far as cost can varry as some insurances cover it.

IE maybe for different reasons being on it for 2 years now, I have yet to pay anything out of pocket for it.

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Nothing beats the Skyrim Shuffle.

Now twirl honey twirl!

Gentlemen, we’ve reached the zenith. Peak manhood.

Here I thought it was Taco Tuesday, for the ladies

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