It's Testosterone Tuesday

I spent my morning telling everyone how alpha I am, and then whined on twitter about how no one appreciates masculinity for an hour.


I held a door open for a lady.

Not all manly activities involve testosterone.


I flexed hard enough to rip my shirt

Peak manly

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All that training with the drogbar is paying off, brul!

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If you can do this, you’re allowed to stay:

If not, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.


Hey give it a couple days and it will look like that. I shaved this morning lol

What on god’s green earth is this unholy abombination?

No that’s tommorow after I take my shot but thanks for the reminder for tommorow

*pours self another rye whiskey

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AI apparently.

I had black coffee (I heard that’s manly), but I brewed it in a Chemex which arguably is kind of an unmanly brewing method. Also it was cold because I accidentally fell asleep before it was ready to be poured

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I vacuumed the office, took out the trash, and swept out the truck

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I posted on the forum on my phone while on the toilet.



I put gas in my car. I didn’t even look around for a guy I could ask to do it for me! I did it all by myself.


Just wondering, how much are those out-of-pocket?

Thinking I might get tested soon just out of curiosity/as part of a general health checkup

Depends. Did you go on a long difficult journey to get it notarized? Or get into an epic battle with the notary where they would only notarize it for you if you beat them?

…Well, i watched some YouTube Poops from 14 years ago. And i still find them funny.


It was a long and arduous drive down I-95, chased by the police the whole time, and then an epic duel with the employee at the UPS store.


from a legitimate clinic you can expect roughly 200$ a month

full routine bloodwork and seen by real health professionals

cannot recommend it enuf its been life changing

well, i can’t speak for today but yesterday i mined-up a crap-ton of copper ore, smelted it, and sold it on the auction house so i could buy some crappy low-level grey items for my highmountain tauren prot warrior. trying to level him without using heirlooms, and without swapping out of prot spec… which is tough, since he started with a two-handed weapon.

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