It's ridiculous how paranoid you people are

I’ve been very outspoken on the forums for a while and it’s always the white knights that project.

If I could get brownie points for the random person I never met that I helped for 3 hours that whispered me asking for help with class and spec while I was busy with something else, I don’t care. When I got this stupid “trust level upgrade,” I don’t care. These social credit systems are dumb.

Nah, people just assume that because you call out bad practice, bad ideas, or hypocrisy, you must be guilty of something.

I have always been tolerant and polite in game but I’m not going to put on a smiley face on here when they’re spitting BS in my face and telling me it’s pie.


No. I think both need to be done. They fired a bunch of people, reviewed policies, etc. They can ALSO enforce the rules we have had forever.

This is not an either or thing…

Blizzard having an internal problem does not make it ok for the player base to also be terrible to each other. Two wrong don’t make a right and all.

Fixing both is good to me.


The top portion, that is tied to the bottom now, are not enforceable rules and they have not always been there. They were tooltip suggestions. They do not belong in the list. They are already creating an atmosphere of cannibalism due to entitlement where being denied group entry, or basic criticism, is seen as discriminatory or “harassment” and retribution follows.

Forced charitable actions are not “manners.” Stop blowing farts in my face and telling me it’s perfume.


Being a decent person is a laughable expectation now?


No, those are not enforceable. Nobody said they were. They are suggestions about how to get along in an MMO. You can’t report anyone for it. You do not HAVE to do any of those things, ever.

The only thing that is enforceable is the same stuff that always has been - the stuff where you use your manners when talking to strangers.

Again, a suggestion is not forcing you to do anything. You can ignore every single other player you see and let the mobs eat them. You can use the game tools to kick any player the group does not want, for any reason. You can invite anyone you want, for any reason.

What you can’t do is send that player a string of profanity and slurs. That is it. You have no other obligation.

If you don’t understand that, then I see why you might be upset with it.


Then why are you worried? There’s nothing in this social contract that wasn’t already in the TOS.


It doesn’t stop does it? From now on I will just give the link:

Read the upper portion of the list. Now, if you want to try to say that not doing any of the upper portion makes you an “indecent person,” you’re dishonest.

…Is your assumption that if the words do not flow freely from your mouth that capable people cannot come up with a reasonable assessment based on your comments? I know I can, and have.

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Nobody’s doing that. You’re being asked to act within a set of guidelines while using someone’s property for recreation. Just like checking into a hotel or buying tickets to an event, you agree to act within the rules.

I wish I could like your post twice just for this line.


They have that right.

You’re in their establishment. They don’t have to serve you.


FFS, those were suggestions. No one is forcing you to go out of your way to help other players. They’re just saying it’d be nice if you did. It’s a suggestion.


Look. Majority of the problem surrounding this contract is that these items are being tied to the bottom and terms you must accept. You can say you interpret it differently but it’s there. And it’s already fostering vigilance based on hurt feelings for being ignored or denied. It has no business there.


The problem are the people that now use it as a reason to report. You do know they expanded the report function, right?

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If you think:

  • Being polite to strangers
  • Not using profanity/slurs/etc.
  • Helping others for free for years
  • Supporting workers who are abused/mistreated
  • Wanting fair treatment for everyone

Is Left? So be it. That does not seem political to me. It seems more like being decent to other humans.

P.S. I do a lot of animal rescue type support too. Is that also left?


They are 100% dishonest. Not worth the bother.

No one is paranoid the posts are Trolls because most of us think the social contract won’t do anything.

I feel like you need to go back and read it again.

It doesn’t say what you think it says.


There is no option to report someone for not helping you kill a mob. There is no option to report someone for declining your group request. There is no option to report someone for kicking you from a group.

None of those things have report options. None. Nobody is going to get in trouble for not stopping to help someone. Nobody is going to get in trouble for using the game features we have to control their groups.

The only thing they are going to get in trouble for is using a string of profanity at someone to tell them why they kicked them, etc.


And you really think Blizzard’s going to take those reports seriously?