But if it brought x amount of people back to the game, the ladder would feel a lot better.
LFG needs a revamp too, there’s so many things wrong but, old stuff would definitely be an incentive to que, i’d like to think it’d be more inflated for those rewards to take place too, not like you que prime time and face 3 teams and 2 of those teams are jungle/fmp boosters, or double druid/x :))
HUH? Balance wise it’s pretty decent? X to doubt.
and balance probably feels 10000% times worse because the ladder is dead, queing 3’s is dead, but eh. There’s so many things wrong with a lot of classes.
I mean BM is pretty wild, but every other class doesn’t seem overtuned. Fury does do some wacky damage when it can stick. One of the more balanced states I’ve seen in awhile. Maybe not healers.
Look at a lot of classes damage breakdown, stuff is not balanced.
Five matches a week isn’t a big ask really. As far as the issue with alts, that’s on you. If you wanna play 20 toons, get ready to do 100 games a week if you want to maintain your rating.
As much as I hate the bracket, could also be added to shuffle tbh, with the same rating. 2.4 is free right now, so would be achievable to do for a lot.
Players have majorly rejected any content that felt like a chore. This would probably have a more negative effect than positive. If they did implement rating decay wouldn’t that incentivize people to just keep their rating at zero until the last few weeks of the season to avoid chores.
I guess that’s possible for a certain percentage of players. However, that would lower overall inflation and you’d risk not getting the title/mog you want. Now, I don’t want less inflation, I want more participation. How to achieve that is up in the air.
I just bought the early access to POE 2.
It has no pvp and I never thought id enjoy a game with no player combat but I cant justify logging in to waste my time in que as a healer or dps when im having this much fun.
Im waiting around in town for 80% of my playtime hoping a que pops unless I want to 3 and 3 as a healer all day.
Right now I can log into League or POE 2 and be playing and engaged in under 5 minutes.
Games automated, money grab , obvious to a 5 year old at this point. Then theres free to play games on steam with better quality everything is why the games dead.
Game isn’t dead for any one reason, or any simple reason.
It’s death by 1000 cuts due to way too many chefs in a kitchen over the last 10-12 years. There’s been a slow, but consistent breaking down of everything that made wow what it was back in the day.
Mmr, participation, balance, speed of changes, feeling of time being respected, gearing and etc are all parts of the equation.
Splitting the player base across numerous titles, brackets and etc was silly too
Crazy how wrong you all are. PvP isn’t dead first of all. I get 10 min solo queues during prime time. Even LoL games take 10mins to setup. Second, MMOs are a dying genre. There are less players and it’s hard to get new ones to be as dedicated as the original player base.
You guys are dooming because it’s the same few try hards in 3s and they don’t care if there aren’t new players because they don’t want to play with them, or you. They’re perfectly fine going against each other and they would actually prefer to never see any of you. They think you’re bad at the game and you’re not cool enough to hang with them.
All you have to do is turn on some rank 1 streamer playing shuffle and watch him freak out on no names to see that’s true.
Majority of the player base plays the game for the rewards.
Chasing anything other than glad? Queue the most inflated bracket.
Trying for glad? Wait for the last few weeks of the season.
Doesn’t get any simpler than this.
Affliction is definitely at the top of the pack. Not sure what you’re complaining about lol
I can think of 4 season 4’s that were all really fun.
TBC Season 4
Cata Season 4
MOP Season 4
WOD season 4
It’s less about the season than it is the fun of playing the classes and getting good at them and learning your comp and playing with your friends.
Unfortunately this modern system has kinda eliminated friendships in favor of antisocial behavior for solo players.
I’m sorry which one
Anyone that thinks wow pvp community is toxic has never played league or dota or cs go. Wows community is God’s gift in comparison.
Toxicity never stops good games from popping off.
Why are we under the impression that things being easy to get means the game feels rewarding. It’s the actual quality of rewards themselves that matter.
A lot of the elite sets are ugly. (Bring back mop/wod/legion class set design team when?)
The glad mount is gross.
The weapon enchant is way lower quality and dim looking compared to 12 years ago.
Legend flag can’t even be used in arena(LOL)
Whenever new expansion comes out there’s a major opportunity to have the game become popular again because alot of the classic Andy’s and long gone players return for a few weeks to play retail. Blizzard got it right with start of dragonflight(s1 df pre ret patch prob most fun season I ever played) but then completely ruined it.
The shuffle/blitz copium tank is huge.
Solo q should be a big part of wow but if I want to play an exclusive solo q pvp game I’m on marvel rivals or dota 2 instantly. Games like these have 10x better solo q experience than wow.
Queueing for pvp shouldn’t require sub and low level pvp should all be one bracket with standardized gear where new players can learn the game.
Idk most specs are A/S tier than not.
You’re a funny man.
Lmao bots bruh, automation, full automation is there goal like hots . They milking you like a fat hormoned jersey cow.
Shorter seasons, no free rating bracket, consistent communication from devs about how mmr works.
Better lfg
Better in-game UI options for cd and dr tracking.
Ez fixes