Its really simple why game is dead

I just used my key and grabbed anyone willing to queue for my group. It wasn’t that hard at all, but neither is 1800 at this point in the season.

Which brings me to my point. The next thing to get is the enchants and then weapons. All of which I hate so I’m not gonna try over it. If I could earn tokens for old tier I’d keep queuing, but as it sits I’m not interested in the remaining rewards.

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you new years even drunk? people hated shadowlands for a reason

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Torghast/renown was a bit of a drag on alts but was otherwise pretty cool.

Well, rm was gross and then there was that early cosmic fiasco but other than thatttttt :dracthyr_a1:

Chorghast…I hated that hole.

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I thought it was fun on some specs.

Others were dreadful and doing it multiple times a week mandatory made it lose whatever charm it had real quick.


Shadowlands was great. I will forever miss chain harvest.

I would do Torghast all over again if it meant I could have it back.

Are you afraid that if you cannot get an elite set someone else has then that makes you a lesser being? Is that what this is about?

Nope, I like collecting shinies. I’m not the one trying to keep people from getting the shinies.

Then collect them. No1 is stopping u

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As in bring back the worst PVP gearing the game has ever had?

Hell no.


I’m not gonna try to speak for everyone, but I really don’t think that making things more accessible has had the effect you want it to;

In fact, I feel it’s the opposite.

At the end of the day, a huge component of MMOs is the grind, whether it’s artificial or not.

Blizzard has made rewards easier and easier and gearing easier and alting easier and we are seeing less participation.

Part of the reason for that is there isn’t a grind required like there used to be, which I personally believe is a win. That being said, there IS truth to the fact that “forcing” players to grind keeps them active.

Also, 99.99% of rewards in this game are free, we see the most in-depth engagement for that 0.01% that are not (namely gladiator and HoF).

People just don’t try or commit nearly as much/hard for things that they know they can just grab later on for free.


yeah hey buddy speak for urself

Is this because of making things easier? Correlation doesn’t mean causation.

What’s more likely to me is that wow is still kinda grindy and nobody plays games for the grind anymore? To be fair, I don’t think I ever played wow for the grind. It was for the people. To which the grind actually gets in the way.

Part of me looks at games like league or fortnite and it really just looks to me like people enjoy gameplay and collecting shines (ie the whale that is cash shop skins). They don’t give an f about earned shines, they’ll just cold hard buy it.

I wanna be an anarchist. Delete blitz/shuffle and return the game to the social piece that is the only reason I’ve played this long. Then completely remove restrictions on any elite sets and glad mount and put it on a battle pass track where you have to basically play all season to get it. Would be too crazy a risk though so it’ll never happen :rofl:

Ultimately nobody knows why the game is in the state it’s in. Fun to hypothesize though.

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I am playing far more in TWW and have had two friends come back to play wow specifically because gearing and alting is better.

Not everyone wants to play ranked either.

The gear that is no longer in the game? And how do you propose I do that?

I get the current sets I want. It took me a couple hours yesterday to go from 0 to 1800 in RSS on my paladin. I haven’t even tried to do it shaman yet because the set is ugly.

I’ve pvpd in what most would consider casual forever. My schedule has never allowed for me to find consistent team mates to push rating, so I have almost always done random BG’s except on the few occasions where my brother and I use to do 2’s. RSS has allowed me ( and many others) an avenue to get some form of accomplishment for our “efforts”

For you, and this time I’m referring directly to you, your rewards for your efforts are R1, top of the ladder, glad mounts, titles and the personal feeling of being one of the top players for you spec in the game. The cosmetic mogs are something that are just there for you, you see them day 1 of the season, but for many it is their trophy at the end of the season. There is an entire market around selling the 1600 token and 1800 mogs.

I’m suggesting that the PvP sets be removed from rating, and made available to everyone through a trading post type system. Make it so you get credit by doing the weekly PvP quests and only give credit for wins in arena (all forms) and in rbgb. That way it’s not something you can do by afking your way through random BG’s. Everybody gets wins at certain levels. And of course, bring back the old PvP sets on a vendor and once you get the current seasons set, the bar ticks over and you start working towards a token that allows you purchase one of the sets.

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Make it slower for lower ratings and quicker for higher ratings even.

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I honestly think your first point is the reason for the second point these days. 20 years ago wow was basically it, there wasn’t a new game popping up every 20 minutes, there wasn’t 5 different versions of wow fracturing the player base back then, and most importantly, kids didn’t have tiktoc brain yet.

There are still rewards that require time, effort, teamwork, and actual skill in this game. I don’t think we can blame the participation numbers on ease of access.

Also, I do agree with you about alting and gearing. That is a direct result of the M+ scene and nothing else imo. Mythic raiders and what used to be Hardmode raiders always had a roster of toons they maintained at great effort, it was the introduction of M+ that has caused many of today’s issue including but not limited to ease of alting, gearing, and now PvP balance.

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Absolutely, I can’t see a downside to the system. I don’t think people will stop playing if suddenly I’ve got access to old PvP mogs. It would only increase participation.

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Disagree with old sets/old items/mounts being obtainable, that is a loyalty check imo. Should have been playing then and had explored the game fully!

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Ye, played then and played enough. :dracthyr_love_animated: Cool sets are cooler when they’re rare.

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