Its really simple why game is dead

No no, to buy the actual gear - not the transmog.

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That’s an idea.

I’d like that.

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Absolutely not. I’d be in AH greens.

They need mount for solo thats a given imo. Rated brackets 2v2/3v3 need old school wod esque sets completely seperate from pve

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Why? They’re popular enough due to ease of access and inflation.

A lot of people dont want to play bracket rated pvp. People that have family and work a lot just want to come home and queue up the times in queue are not as bad at peak hours. To not have a unique mount for 2400+ solo and imo it shouldnt be gated to 3v3, when solo is basically 3v3 with arguably a better format for casuals. 2400 is still quite hard even in solo for most, add 2400+50 wins for a mount its even harder.

Oh yeah, I remember those brackets. Players there actively work against the team.

Used to be a thing, 'tis the only reason I ever did any arena at all.

I think lack of power incentives results in a massive drop in participation, ye.

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People do need a reason to do things. Getting those gear upgrades could low key be a good motivator for people.

And your rating was tied to a single team. Things change.

Are you afraid if someone gets elite PVP gear from legion that somehow that makes you a lesser being? Is that what this is about?

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You guys really wanna watch this game die don’t you?


Mythic raiders and mythic+ players having cool unique rewards for achieving goals with their friends sounds like a net positive for the mmo genre. No?

Like I said earlier 99.99% of everything in wow gets added to your collection by pressing moonfire one time, clearly free handouts aren’t keeping the game relevant in its old age

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Yeah, my shinies. :dracthyr_love_animated: Nobody else. Grrr. It’s not enough that my mogs are cool but they should also passively make everybody else feel bad.

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They do, for the duration of the tier/expac. Most M+ raiders could care less that someone can get the tier recolours 2 expacs down the road. The ones that do should be shunned from the game.

Basically what it seems like you lot are. I’m sure in your mind you think keeping things at a constant state of FoMo is great, but it really isn’t. I get the 1800 sets I want, I’m not stressed. I just think it would be neat to add an avenue to aquire the older ones now that they have been retired for a decade.

I feel like it’s most people. :dracthyr_a1: Liking rare stuffos, anyways.

It’s something they might do eventually as they have been bringing more and more stuff back, which might be cool. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

There is nothing wrong with certain things staying rare. Things like AoTC and it’s mount, KSM and it’s mount, the titles you get from certain mythic bosses plus a guaranteed mount drop, all things infinitely more complicated than getting 1800 in rss.

Whose pov we talkin here because ksm is considerably easier than even mid-late season rival


KSM is harder
I logged into my holy paladin alt earlier today, I hadn’t done a single rss but someone said the starting mmr was 1850ish. It took about 2 1/2 hours for me to get 1800 on it. I pugged KSM last expac as an enhancement shaman, and while it wasn’t hard, it was definitely harder than 1800.

ksm is like dungeon equiv of 1500 cr

the only tricky part is find people who’ll play with you without gear/exp

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