Its really simple why game is dead

Good! I have 7 of those as well! :smiley:

1 draenei, 2 orc, 1 tauren, 1 troll, 1 zandalari, 1 dwarf.

Yeah you don’t get to make up your own definitions of the meanings of words just to fit your own personal belief system.

Alot of people that type stuff like this are projecting that they have lower self esteem from not being able to get something in a video game.

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Just had a hunter with 2.5 Cr in a 2.1 lobby legit let them just take the node.

This guy had never been above 1600 ever…

No achieves nothing…

No win trading at all… Nothing to see here.

I could see this tilting people who care about bgb and the grind.

Would be a total turn off for me if I cared.

I asked you what you consider a casual in wow. What is your cutoff from casual/hardcore to pro? Is there a Websters definition? Or, is there just a group of players who don’t want to be considered “casual”, but aren’t pros, so they consider themselves “hardcore” to separate themselves from the plebs?

Strike a nerve did I? Sorry, wasn’t trying to personally attack you.


A casual gamer is someone who plays video games for fun and relaxation, and their gaming habits don’t interfere with other aspects of their life.


I am just telling you the psychology of individuals we see making those kind of statements. Usually They are unhappy they are struggling with getting a reward in the video game and this is a way to vent their frustration.

So anyone who’s not an addict?

Thanks Dr Phil.

But seriously, you play at a level I never would be willing to sacrifice my personal life for. When I was referring to the “you”, it was the collective “you” not the personal “you”. Could I play at your level, we will never know.


So if you are spending time in real life outside of the game posting on the forums that would disqualify you from being a casual.

Why? Because I have a mobile phone and a 5g connection?

Talking on a forum on a phone on Wednesday morning while the kids watch Bluey hardly makes someone an addict. You don’t get to make up your own definition of words either.


Yep you are an addict! Seek help lil bro

I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the free session.

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Bubble don’t you know, anyone who got an achievement in a video game that I wanted to get but was unable to is a massive loser. Obviously


They clearly state that transmog is why people play. Top rated players burn through all of that quite fast. So, if that’s the only reason they play, the OPs solution is to have the system spew transmog at the pace they are burning through it.

Exactly what I was getting at. This is where the problem lies IMO. And, if scrubs (i.e. the bottom 90%) cant ever achieve the ratings needed for a weapon illusion, they might try only at the end of a season, because it is easiest. Or, not at all.

The system to earn transmog could be better. Mmr could be better.

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I feel like people making many alts is somewhat mitigating the queue times being initially bad. Now that everyone has ez made quick alts it’s like the brackets are filling up across the board again. Not fully mitigating it, but some. Enough for me to feel satisfied with queue times being relatively long compared to the start of the season. I’d say it’s worth it. Right now it feels like there’s a lot of real competition. I don’t wanna fight a bunch of nobodies at the beginning of the season again! Feels too weird.

Yeah, I was in a handful of your 2600-2800MMR lobbies while you were grinding your evoker. Hit 2430CR, had like 2 bad games and my MMR dropped like 600pts. Had a bunch of just awful teams and dropped to like 2300CR. And theeeeeen it was alt time!

I don’t want that. Things like glad mounts should be rare, even though more people buy them than actually earn them. I’m purely referring to the “elite” PVP sets from past seasons. Keep the current season locked behind 1800 to give the illusion of prestige if you want, but put an old set token on a grind like the trading post.

They make all pve gear still farmable. PVP mogs should be the same.

I mean, sets used to be 2200. Then 2000. Then they dropped it down to 1800 and inflated every bracket while adding solo queue options.

It wasn’t always like this.

Nah, mythic gear needs to go away when season ends.

PVE has zilch for playing it when it’s current aside from ksm.

im just opposite i think mythic raid tints should retire with the patch and they need a Mythic+ armor set that also retires


Bring back rating requirements for individual pieces of gear, boom rated PvP participation goes up!


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Ye, need a carrot between ksh and r1

Each piece has rating requirements rn

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