It"s real they are doing it




It will be very interesting to see how the economies are affected by this. Boosting communities moved more gold than people can even imagine. Now all that gold potentially can be redirected back to the AH properly?

Also, LOL to the people that died on the hill of: “Blizz will never ban them cause they bring profits via wow tokens”.


Are they actually going to hire the staff to moderate chat channels now?

My only issue with boosting was the insane chat spam.


Don’t worry, people will still insist on things they don’t like being designed around selling tokens.


so, boosting isnt traditional? hasnt it been around for a long time?

Looking at how well posts from yesterday aged is good stuff.


As posted in the main thread: Blizzard also “banned” ClassicLFG yet it’s still being maintained and used. This seems like an empty PR move since there’s no way to actively enforce this.

People HIGHLY overestimate the role of tokens. It’s getting frustrating to even read about.

I’m not sure what to think of it tbh. On one hand I never thought trading for gold was that bad (even though it borderlines p2w), on the other hand, I imagine this will for sure come down hard on RMT.


Final fantasy did it and they are fine


What about viewer keys ads in LFG?

First, good that they’re finally addressing this.

Second, I wanted to address this.

They will certainly design things around profits. It’d be foolish to expect them not to.


All the “services” do not matter if the game collapses because the majority of people are boosting in organizations. The regular play suffered because of this which in return ruined the gameplay loop which in returnÂČ was one of the causes why people stop playing WoW and going to FF14.

If a service offers a better dungeon/raid experience than the regular one
 then this is concerning.


Banned? I thought they changed API to disallow certain features within the app. It’s been over a year or two since I touched classic, so my memory isn’t the best. I wasn’t aware they banned an app, tho.

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As far as I know, they didn’t offer a better service. They offered a faster one. But I guess one could argue they are both one and the same?

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It’s just weird that initially when talking about addressing this, Blizzards stance was ‘we can’t action those accounts because some of them are compromised so we’re going to force you to use an authenticator instead’
 and now, here we are


Since day 1 of the game. My guild sold BWL and AQ40 boosts in Vanilla.

BellularGaming had several topics about this.
It really comes down to “if I pay money, then I get the perfect run”-problem compared to a regular run where people either leave or you can’t get a group together. And if all good players boost, then there is nobody there for the regular players.

This was the right step to do from Blizzard and we should applaud for them finally taking action.


Now you can talk in the trade channel like we do on Moon Guard.

Boosting communities never targeted Moon Guard.

All we do is chat 24/7 365 in the trade channel on Moon Guard.


There’s absolutely ways to enforce this, what do you mean? It’s just resource and man power intensive, so many thought Blizzard wouldn’t/couldn’t do it.

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