I will carry you around. I have the sandstone drake.
That’s fine. You do what you wanna do. I was just stating my own view point.
As with multi-boxing, just because Blizzard doesn’t ban you for it, that doesn’t mean everyone agrees with their stance.
It’s “completely fine” in the sense that you won’t get your account deleted for doing it. Is it completely fine for the WoW’s community/gameplay/player experience? Obviously that is up for debate.
Pay to win game, why wouldnt it be ?
Blizzard sell gold and boosts.
And that means nothing because the game is Blizzard’s and their agreement is all that matters.
Direct your eyes to the sentence below the one you quoted for further clarification
Because no one wants to see that bullsh*t
You shouldn’t get harassment, but I wish blizzard would step up and make it against ToS, but I guess you gotta sell those tokens somehow.
If I am multiboxing, or someone is carrying for gold, or anything of the likes, really, that has nothing to do with anyone else’s business.
Still the exact same argument, there is no “debate”. I play the game with my toon, with my people, and if you dont like what I do, just play with other people.
Still really no debate. It is like someone in the internet wanting to debate my choice for lunch.
Don’t complain to blizz if you get scammed.
Ive said many times and truly believe that carries are a community created profession in game and need to be accepted as so.
Real life professions get created from a need or demand of a service all the time. This is no different.
this wouldn’t happen if your lunch choices weren’t so bad!
Im ok with it they keep selling it it still keep on not buying them not my problem.
Selling caries goes all the way back to Vanilla when Stockades and Deadmines were the early power leveling dungeons. ZF was the same later on, though not as much. You can call today’s raid caries a mix of inflation, more complex fights with more lucrative rewards.
If you microwave leftover seafood in the office microwave you’ll discover how much your lunch will be debated.
What you do in a community doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
I don’t report gold sale carries advertised in chat. I generally either have Bad Boy blocking them, or I just put that toon on Ignore.
There is nothing in the rules against it, unless it becomes spam. Then it can be reported.
I do that just for the lulzs. I feel I’m providing a service for those with first world problems.
Forgot to add:. Of course selling carries is okay. I won’t partake but unless it’s endless spam I don’t care.
The problem is you guys push that every other comment.
Rewards like the limited-time AOTC mounts, all of which have existed to give bored raid guilds a way to stock up on gold for the next expansion by selling carries to mount collectors.
As someone who occasionally does sell carries, even I don’t advertise in the group finder. I would rather make a second account, hop realms, and advertise on level 1 alts than advertise there; simply because Ion/other game devs have said that they don’t want it to happen.