It's okay to not upgrade your gear

Upgrading gear is a waste, get your mogs and mounts and leave this garbage mode of a game. If you’re running raids and doing dailies, then run raids and do dailies in retail where you will get to keep your upgraded gear.

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Yeah, but I have been running raids in retail, past two weeks I have been getting sockets out of vault because retail gearing is already mostly over, now the only thing in retail that matters are the Mythic raid mounts.

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Nope, you can enter heroic not at 70

If you’re 2 weeks into this event and still need to be told weather or not to upgrade your gear for your goals or playstyle I think you’re beyond help.

the people complaining about bronze/gear apparently haven’t been happy with raiding, dailies or queueing for Bronze/upgrades AND also choose not to level alts at an increased speed for free 100k bronze by 70, they’re just complaining to complain at this point


that’s actually false.

the method guide for mop remix states the following:

Starting from level 25 you will gain access to LFR and normal Mogu’shan Vaults, and this culminates in being able to tackle heroic raids at level 70

also see this wowhead page

Remix: Mists of Pandaria - Relive Mists of Pandaria Raids and Heroic Raids in Patch 10.2.7 - Wowhead News

which has a table listing what level is required for all content:

see the bottom, where it lists heroic raids being available at level 70.

anything else you’d like to add?

Your comment does not mesh with the official stance of blizzard…

Do not second guess yourself… upgrade your gear or you are playing the game wrong.

Edit: tell all your guildies, tell twitter/social media this is no longer about earning fun rewards and revising some of the greatest content wow has made.

And that guide is incorrect or speaking in a general practice form. You can. Literally get someone 55 or so, turn MSV to heroic, and walk in.

actually you cannot.

and this guide is also incorrect? i dont think so.

Alright, well continue to say ‘it’s not raining the weather channel said it would be cloudy and I’m not looking out the window right next to me’.

Can only do so much for you.

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Doing the same and having fun. Got a bunch of people their necks tonight by blasting ToT while leveling an alt priest on my second account. I actually played through the campaign as I did not play MoP. Having fun and getting loot that could have taken me years to farm!


When it comes down to it, being able to enter a heroic raid before 70 sounds like a bug because it does not scale down and it would be impossible to survive anything in there when underleveled and undergeared.

Considering trying to enter the other raids on normal before reaching a certain level give ineligible for instance errors and won’t let you in and attempts to summon would not go through? Seems like a bug.

You can enter heroic dungeons and scenarios right away despite most people would get deleted, least up until alt cloaks. I think it’s just the coding makes it so if you can enter one version you can enter the others.

Dungeons are not raids, and the dungeons are scaled to level so if you go in to heroic dungeon as soon as you can on an alt, you can technically destroy it because it is scaled to your level and if you have jewelry and cloak upgrades from your main, it is easy and does not become a wall until Level scaling kicks in at around level 65.

Heroic raids are scaled specifically to level 70.

It wasn’t like that on the ptr and early time of the event. With level 15’s working hard and making use of our resources it was common for a boss like Herod to take 10+ tries because he and his trash would one shot people on auto attack. The tanks would be jumping between 100-5% life just from autos and sometimes outright die in a global. They were not tuned for characters without alt capes and quality gens.

I’m not talking about early days because we’re not there anymore. You don’t even need epic gems to be overpowered with the account wide jewelry unlock, a Max alt cloak from level 10 is overpowered and assuming you put things in sockets you will remain overpowered until 65.

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This is not true. Their usefulness is definitely an issue but technically is possible.

I know any heroic raid group I host isn’t going to have a low level. 400 seems to be the sweet spot for more or less guaranteed success. I’m not playing remix to re-prog decade old content but this time with randos. Even if I don’t remember every minor mechanic/detail, I can react and adapt and do what DBM says in a pinch on command and some heroic groups I’ve been in…struggle…with even that much and I know I personally feel like a mega jerk if I have to kick someone from non SOO content knowing I’ve screwed their lockout for the day so I avoid that at all cost.

But what I’m saying is your average player isn’t going to beat heroic dungeons unless they are carried or have hyper gear, just like heroic raids.

I mean yeah, if you wanna be a leech.
And it’s not like it’s uncommon, just look at how many people sell boosts and carries.
But if you neither like being nor want to be a leech then you only have one option.

At this point it’s kinda impossible for someone to be a valid contributor if they have been shirking or slow/selfish to upgrade.

Like if I queue for a dungeon or scenario, it’s getting melted even if I literally do 1 ability per pull. The alternative is I straight up do nothing…there is no middle ground save for keeping basic gear and swapping to it which I’m 100% not doing.