It's okay to not upgrade your gear

If you want to spend the bronze to upgrade your gear, that’s cool. I did it, I thought the process was fun, and now I’m full 556.

But just because I did it doesn’t mean you have to. In fact, BECAUSE I did it, you don’t have to.

Every day I do a world tour for normal raids. I try to prioritize low character level and low ilvl. The whole tour nets you about 35,000 bronze. Blizzard made it so other people can benefit from my farming like a degenerate monkey.

I’ve seen other listings from people doing the same thing. I’m sure it will become more common as more people upgrade their gear. Farming raids will become easier every day.

I’ve seen posts saying folks aren’t getting invited to raids because their ilvl is low. That’s probably true. The bosses are HP sponges, and they take forever to kill with low ilvl. Most folks don’t want to take forever to kill a boss. Let’s have some empathy.

That’s okay. Just start your own raid and invite one person with high ilvl (476 is what will show for a fully 556 character), then fill the raid with whomever else you like. There are plenty of folks out there who are happy to help you farm your bronze.

You don’t need to catch up to the grinders. You don’t need to compete with them. You can view them as tools to further your own goals.

I get that some folks have had their experiences ruined by grinders. I get the hate. I can’t speak for anyone other than myself, but here’s how I see it:

If you don’t want me in your group, you don’t have to invite me. If I queue into your random group, then I’ll try to match your pace. If you’re pulling fast, then I’ll understand you want to go fast and I’ll blow it up. If you’re pulling slow, then I’ll understand you want to practice something and I’ll wait for the mobs to get low before I open up. We’re playing a for-fun mode; play the way you want to play, and I’ll try to respect it.

If you have a bad experience, I hope you can ignore it and go next. Everyone has different goals and different playstyles, and there was always going to be friction.

But there’s still plenty of fun to be had in MoP remix, and I hope we can have it together.


Take a step into any Heroic raid with 346 gear and tell me exactly how that goes for you.


No, you have to upgrade your gear

I’ll be sad if you dont :frowning:

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Had a level 58 in a heroic, they walked out with like 6 slots of epics.

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I mean sure it’s okay.

Just don’t expect invites to raids. Even normal.

Normal would never choose a 346 70 over a 25-45 or a decked out 70.


Is this your actual ilvl or just the ilvl of your gear that can be upgraded? I do wish people would stop using the wrong ilvl to indicate their actual ilvl (which should be closer to 476?).

Edit: Nvm, you mentioned afterwards what the real ilvl is.

You are basically saying “It’s ok not to play your alts at all”.

Yes, in a mode around leveling a bunch of alts. Lets just ignore actually playing endgame with them. /s

That’s fine though, it’s ok to have out of touch opinions.


Exactly. op Is as out of touch as the devs who thought this worthless event up.

Its dead and over for me, I’m going back to s4.

The “level alts and be OP” Hype was a blatant lie, this is a grind fest nothing more.

Total waste of time.

I got 3 alts to 70, and its now apparent that I wont be able to be powerful on them, so i’ll go back to s4 where my time is respected and I am already OP.

So sick of out of touch corporations treating like statistics and engagement metrics. What an absolute joke.

Hey OP, enjoy the next 2 months grinding dailies and pointless raids while you flex your ego on lowbies.

I’ll be doing, literally ANYTHING else but giving blizz engagement in this mode.


Good thing I hadn’t intended on it and I certainly didn’t need your permission to make that choice.

Curious. Time was being respected, the time you put in directly correlates to how much power you earn.

Unless you were a frog farmer or somehow got the frog farm flag unintentionally, then the rollback was an outcry of players telling Blizzard to delete your time spent.


I actually don’t mind higher characters willing to carry lower ones-it is like that in the whole game. But what I hate is being excluded because I did not farm frogs and get the gear and I have been getting upgrades on gear but have not been able to do normal raids every day so I am just now rounding 500 in my gear. I have not bought many mounts at all (mainly alts have done that) but I really wish I did not have to put all my bronze into gear-people won’t invite you unless you are well-geared. Maybe you will invite low leveled people in your one run of each dungeon a day, but for the most part, you will not get an invite unless you have a good gear score because even froggers don’t want to carry-they just want to smash with more grinders. I am still struggling some days to do all the major dailies and world bosses and stuff to keep up with those. I definitely don’t have the time to do LFG raids every day-nor do I have the ability to sit in queue and see decline decline decline all day in a limited event. :frowning:

people can’t enter heroic raids until they are level 70, though.

That is obviously not true. I was in one at 28. It was a mistake, but i was in there.


You cannot enter heroic raid until 70, you might be able to enter heroic dungeons earlier though. Was doing a heart of fear normal and we couldn’t summon someone because they were level 31 and the raid is available from level 35 onward.

Raid. Heroic MSV. In at 28.

When first boss Overload went off it oneshot me, but not by millions of overkill.

Just remember one very important thing:

You will not leave Pandaria Remix with the gear you’ve earned and upgraded.

Not one piece. Not one.

When your character is converted in less than 3 months, you’ll be given a set of regular questing gear (probably… maybe something like the stuff you get from the tokens in the retail game.) None of your epic upgraded gear will follow you.

The only thing that will follow your character from Remix to retail is the cosmetics you’ve unlocked – the mounts, the toys, the transmogs – and your character’s level.

That’s it.

Now, if anyone still thinks upgrading your gear is a good use of your time, I’ve got several bridges to sell you. :slight_smile:


Just wanted to say thank you for this, and I like the way you’re helping the community with the efforts of your grinding.

I’ve started slowly upgrading my gear, and holy heck is it fun! Normal world mobs are almost one shot by my spells, and I can nuke rare spawns and elites pretty fast. I’m only up to 408 for my upgrades, but the power that comes with it makes me want to upgrade more. And I’m just a casual player haha

I hope you get some good groups, and keep having fun!


There’re titles for clearing the heroic raids and mythic SoO. Now, you don’t strictly have to upgrade gear to get those titles, but I’d consider those ‘cosmetics’ as well.


IF they can get in! LOL