It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

Except that they’re not. They’re talking, thinking individuals who are very much like all of us with their own personal preferences.

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I make bad arguments and have no idea what I’m talking about. Explaining it isn’t worth my time because I’m wrong. Thanks for playing troll.

Cater also has the meaning of ‘to attend to’ I.E to ensure everyone’s needs are attended to. Could you clarify?

Whereas the example you’ve given - I agree with is incorrect. One cannot specialise to everyone.

You have zero hard evidence to support whatever it is you are claiming here. Sometimes we mistake emotions and physical sensations for ideas. But you don’t have access to the actual data that would support what you’re claiming here. You’re just taking an opportunity to punch down on whoever you imagine, but are incapable of proving, casuals to be.

What exactly was this huge variety of content back then?

Raid? Only 1 difficulty then. Needed a ton of people and usually a guild. Now: multiple difficulties, easy to pug, variety of sizes. Better for casuals.

Dungeons? 1 difficulty then. Had to walk, hard to backfill, low reward ceiling. Now: varying difficulties, queued for convenience in easier ones, actual endgame rewards available. Better for casuals.

World content? Dailies to grind then. WQs and dailies to grind now. Much better rewards in terms of power now. SL included a crapton of mounts & cosmetics also. Better for casuals.

PvP? Well we’re still using most of the same maps but you don’t need to have a 4 man team playing AV on one toon 24 hours a day. Advantage then for gear issues, but DF should bring that back to a draw.

Professions? Advantage then until DF.

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Funny that you think you have a mind when your entire post shows you dont


Its always the guys that aren’t any good at the game that openly make these kind of remarks.

The players that focus on doing end game content do not care what everyone else is doing.


Get bent. This game does not cater to casuals. It’s all about raiding and mythic plus. Plus what I do with my time is of no concern to you. I even have 2 accts so i can put one on follow and collect raid pets,and transmogs, and mounts. I bet that really boggles your mind. We’re not supposed to add anything to the game, we’re supposed to do whatever it is we enjoy. If that happens to be collecting stuff over end game progression, so be it. If that bothers you, there’s clearly an issue that extends far beyond this game.


*reads OP

I agree Dark Souls should have an easy mode.


It’s all the same… If you play less than me, you’re casual. If you play more than me, you’re a sweaty with no life. There are people who believe “everything” revolves around them. Self entitled pos’s.

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Who’s fault is that? Its widely known that they fired 800 employees after record gains, in 2019. You think they don’'t have half that staff, or even 1/2 working now?

Who are YOU WORKING for?

I bet I can guess

sheds a tear for Buzzard inc.

Lol buddy if you really did that you’d see I’ve not done any competitive content or anything past lfr since tbc and wrath lol.

I didn’t even play all of bfa I flat unsubbed lol. So idk what numbers you think you got. Lmfao

I remember having my corpse summoned in EQ and losing exp and levels in ffxi

I came from RuneScape. Deaths in that game were terrible, sometimes erasing months of progress depending on if you had expensive gear equipped.

So you say these players don’t exist but acknowledge that WoW would be the #1 MMO if Blizzard catered to this “irrelevant” audience?

I smell bait.


You’re right, Blizzard should just implement another contract that you have to agree to as soon as you log in on your first character.

“This game is NOT for casuals. This game is ONLY for EDGY HARDCORE players with TONS of FREE TIME on their hands to RAID WEEKLY. If you DO NOT ACCEPT THIS CONTRACT and AGREE TO PLAY ONLY LIKE THIS, WE WILL DE-ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT!!!1!!”

This you? Sounds pretty casual to me.

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No, they really are.
Your content is not being affected by a new pet

Alright, so, let me get this straight?

Ok, so, secondary professions, basically? And the entire battlepets system.

K got that, but like, there’s also

So add 5 mans to the list as well, which means Mogrim is asking for… secondary professions, battlepets and 5 mans (cya M+ and everything related them) to be completely abandoned because


All because he intensely dislikes

So in summation

Got it :+1:t2:

Edit: I had to come back because I realized removing 5 mans also nixes M+ and wanted to include that.


i mean us in the top whatever % don’t really care whatsoever what other people are up to. we just play our content, we don’t really need to be “catered” to.

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What happens when it doesn’t exist anymore? Because, the continuous decline of subs shows the game has been catering to the wrong players for many years now.