It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

Do you know that WOW was originally marketed for casuals. They wanted to take players away from the extreme hardcore scene that EverQuest and FFXI offered.


That is true. Old magazines promoted it as an accessible online game. And then Ion Hazzikostas rose to power.



It’s more accessible than ever with many different entry points for various end game modes, even more so in the past. Not to mention the ease of finding groups to play with.

You don’t need a guild or consistent group for anything with the exclusion of maybe CE raiding?

If we’re talking solo players it’s still better than the good ole days. What solo content existed vanilla through wrath?

My memory isn’t the best but the only thing I can think of is the argent tourny.

That’s true but gatekeeping starts with rio and ends with FOMO items these days. And on top of that, everything takes too long. World quests (compared to Legion), raids and on top of that you have also enemy scaling.

So run your own key? people can choose to play with whoever they like. If it wasn’t rio it would be some other metric.

Everyone is on the same footing when it comes to rio at the start, every one of these “gatekeepers” built their score from 0, why do you get a free pass?

WQs are literally single digit minute activities?

wait theres people who like these lil things stapled onto the real game? some people like redoing the same world quests and fishing?

Not anymore, content is too time-consuming for the life I have.

No, not anymore. Do you remember how WQ were in Legion, party- and gameplay-wise?

Mah lets just cater to the people who mythic+ all day


Interesting that I was unable to view your armory to determine how many years you have been playing and how much time you have put in over the years.

The elitist player will claim that “I only play a few hours a week, and every casual or new player should be able to reach the highest level of difficulty by doing the same,” while completely ignoring the fact that most players saying that have played many thousands of hours at a high level of difficulty over the years.

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This is usually the case. The game is supposed to be a hamster wheel but the back is broken now because of various reasons, which is why we see such a big turnabout wave.

So basically you want to narrow your market, not widen it? I think WoW is big enough to cater to everyone unless something costs a raid tier or some such.

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Implying that any type of player someone comes up with doesn’t exist :laughing:

Heyyy those are my people :] If you armory me you’ll see I haven’t even done all the dungeons on NORMAL yet, let alone stepped foot into a Heroic :smiley:

We out here bro

“few and far between” is different from

You have all the content you should need :slight_smile:

No need to flame your post, you’ve done that yourself :rofl:

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Sure it does

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im already burned out, nothing to to draw me into the game, dont fancy trying to pug in american groups as thats what i have to do due to my rl timing now, not to mention couldnt be bothered hoop jumping while juggling razor blades and a missile launcher to meet the “requirement” to pug. This “experiment” has nothing at all for me, its just a drought to add to the existing drought.

As for DF? Well if they are honestly going to be doubling down on this “inclusion” at the cost of excluding everyone else. Nope i’m done. Im already playing other games each day now. I dont need to have a minority agenda crammed into my face, especially under some false banner of “inclusion”.

dead content, no content, upcoming anti-content. What do i have to look forward to? I’m only still allowed on forums cause i have like 2 months left of my 3 month sub. The price i pay for not cancelling sooner and allowing it to renew

Lol casual meaning something totally different than what you’re thinking. Back then in those lawless days of MMOs, there were penalties for dying. You’d lose experience or your gear. WoW did away with that. That was the casual design.

Why is it that the handful of people who refuse to engage in group content for rewards they so desperately seek always claim to be “tHE mAjoRITy?”

I mean they use to be in previous expansions when the game sucked less.

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Its okay not to cater to the “1%” also…


Come on. You know I’m gonna ask for a source to the claim. You know I’m not gonna accept “trust me bro” either.

Re-release of Classic, TBC and Wrath.