It's okay to cater to "casuals"

He’s had some horrible foot in the mouth takes. I don’t know if he does it because he wants to be a meme but I’ll give him that he at least tells the truth on his motivations, sort of.

They effectively took a racial away from Dwarves with the non update to archaeology for what will be 2 expansions upcoming. Yikes. For what it’s worth and I’m sure you’ve seen me say this before. I like doing the content they offer but that includes all the content not just me doing their raids, m+ dungeons, and rbgs. I like chasing Zin’rokh and Scimitar of the Sirocco or getting the Chef title, etc.


You don’t have to do high-level raids or arenas to experience all of the content. Normal dungeons and LFR are not high-level content, anyone can do them.

To add to your list:
Experience all professions
Try all classes and specs
Try both horde and alliance
Try RP
Do achievements

If you run out of things you find fun in the game, try a different game until new content comes out.

Walmart is as big as it is because they caught onto the concept of selling more kinds of products…even some auto services, lol, to make as much money as they can.
Remove the food aisles, hardware and car tires…offer fewer options, and sales go down accordingly.
IF blizzard wants more participation they WILL make the game better for ALL kinds of players, not just Ions raiding buddies.

I never wanted to use First Aid…until it was removed.
once I saw the stink about bandages being added to tailoring (and that part doesnt bother me in the least), I got to looking at First Aid and really missed something I never was interested in when I could have used it.
It was flavor…a little more RP to the G this game is supposed to be.
it was sheer laziness to remove it, as with just about every other thing of RPG value theyve removed.


The blizzard of the 90s and 2004-2005 certainly did understand it.
Todays actibliz only understands $$$ for investors and CEO’s.

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I won’t overplay the challenge WoW provides. It’s not easy but it’s not hard either. It’s no Diago vs Tokido level of difficulty. No Team Liquid vs Cloud 9.

But I do agree the toxicity is overwhelming in WoW. FF14 is only slightly better. They have no means of knowing whether or not you can run the instance. All they can do is force an item level and hope you know what you’re doing. If you don’t, they’ll leave after 2 pulls.

Believe me when I say, if they could have a means of knowing you can’t do the fight, they’d use it. They just can’t. It’s against the ToS.

I’m pretty sure Blizz broke gearscore back in the day, most likely because of the above. They could very well do the same with raid io.

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No offense to anyone, but Ive played old Nintendo games that were ‘harder’, lol.
It shouldnt be impossible to play in the first place. Its an RPG. Its supposed to be about the story and the role playing, not some head banging arcade game you can never beat.
If I ran my table top RPGs the way some want this video RPG to be made my players would never show up on game night again. lol.

Most of the ‘toxicity’ Ive witnessed has been by those such as in here who foam at those of us voicing our issues just as blizzard staff has informed us to do in here.
Well, that and the failed raiders who couldnt make the cut who come into LFR and leveling dungeons to screech at players to build up their own bruised self esteem.

There was tons of content for casuals with rewards in SL unless you think covenants with all the transmogs, mounts and rewards were geared for raiders. There was also six zones for you to quest and explore not counting the maw plus the mage tower was reopened for soloers. Not sure what more you could want unless this is another archeology rant.

I mean game difficulty is highly subjective. I play at a fairly high level in rhythm and fighting games, so WoW is kind of a walk in the park for me. Hand eye coordination out the wazoo. I will say though that FF14’s difficulty is meh compared to WoW’s.

Mythic+ requires me sober. Savages require a barely functioning brain that can remember positions (And my 1 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 3 > Combo > Repeat). After the 900th time of watching one of my lesser capable static members fail, I can be five shots deep in bourbon and still manage decent DPS.

WoW’s difficulty curve is no better, no worse. The difference is we don’t tolerate bads in our groups. You don’t reach the 900th run because that person is benched permanently. That’s part of the casual appeal to FF14. Folks are more willing to work with worse players. I mean why wouldn’t we be? They’re our friend and we want to beat content together no matter what the pace.

I admit I don’t see it much in Mythic+. Folks just kinda fume and stay quiet. Maybe leave if it gets bad.

But I do see it a lot while leveling. Harassment, intolerance, anger, hatred, racism, bigotry; the whole nine yards. We kill of our casuals’ desire to play just as much as we kill off a new player’s

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So Mists started at 10M subscribers and ended at 7.7M and that article declares it a success. It also doesn’t even reference retaining players, in which the only players mentioned as to who are pre-existing are the ones that are focused on WoW’s “roots”, aka instanced content.

Not only does he not specifically state what kind of actual impact this had on them, but he doesn’t even reference what exactly they changed. It’s all just broad, fluffy promotional garbage.

If anything, everything would indicate that the peak of WoW and it’s 12M players was comprised of hardcore players, not casual.

ZM exists…

Literally a zone full of things for casual players to do, so why do people just ignore this?

You mean like ZM with the pets, mounts, transmogs, catch-up gear? How about the side quests that give new customization for characters? You mean like those things?

Mists did not start at 10m. Wrath peaked at 10m, and dipped before it was finished.

LFR is conclusive proof, again, guy…your approval simply ISNT required.
IF this game catered to hardcore players ONLY, LFR wouldnt exist.
IF raiding was doing really well without LFR, LFR wouldnt exist.
it was created BECAUSE there were TOO MANY players who wouldnt or couldnt play…or werent InTERESTED in playing…normal and above.

LFR exists BECAUSE of all those casual players who pay the bills around here.
END of debate

Im ok with it then. Usually when we see these ideas its always “It should reward super powerful items!”

Go google it, MoP pre-release brought it back to 10M and then hemorrhaged more players.

It’s not about my approval, it’s about actual reality. LFR was added during Cataclysm, and WoW has done nothing but lose subs since Cata. I actually have a stronger argument that LFR is hurting WoW more than it’s helping it.

What you are seeing with players like the OP is there will never be enough content to satisfy them. To say that SL was not catering enough to casuals when you had four covenants with numerous transmogs, mounts and pets along with korthia and ZM with their own mounts, pets and transmogs proves that no gaming company could ever make enough content for them and it would be foolish to put all your eggs in that basket. SWTOR made the mistake of devoting all their resources to the casual crowd and it killed their game because all those quests with cutscenes were completed within a few weeks and there was nothing to do at endgame because the PVP planet was broken and the group content was broken. Thus, the game went FTP in six months and this was a game that had $250 million dollars put into it and based on one of the most well known IPs on the planet. WOW has been very smart by adding casual content but not at the expense of the endgame.


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Repeating yourself with your opinion doesn’t make it any more valid.

Go grab some facts and then come back, but maybe you’re too casual to fact find.

read your post…look in the mirror.
you see to be unable to apply your own arguments to the person the most apply…yourself

Everything I’m saying is based on numbers, aka facts.