Ion is that you?
This is what I’ve been advocating.
The harder stuff can still have their rewards; they’ve earned them. But that shouldn’t be the focus of the game.
END of story.
Then players won’t play the game.
Not all of us play this game 40 hours a week as a JOB.
And EVEN IF we did, a JOB doesnt NEED to be challenging to earn that PAYCHECK.
TIME SERVED…WORK…ANY work that the job entails…is WORTHY of that paycheck.
He’s the sort that makes Ion make dumb decisions that has killed this games subscriber numbers
This is what I’ve been advocating.
The harder stuff can still have their rewards; they’ve earned them. But that shouldn’t be the focus of the game.
This is a VIDEO GAME, not brain surgery.
It doesnt need to be hard to be entertained by it.
RPGs have ALWAYS rewarded PLAY with REWARD.
Apparently not, considering people who aren’t engaging in competitive content aren’t enjoying competitive rewards.
lol…here he comes again.
just putting on ignore.
This aint worth my day being wasted arguing with this sort
This aint worth my day being wasted arguing with this sort
Agreed because you aren’t getting the best gear for being a frog in zerith Mortis. Even if you spend 80 hours a week doing it.
The weird thing is casuals actually want a challenge as well.
Challenge from the game doesnt bother many of us.
This game can be played by children. Its not ‘hard’ in the least. Ive run mythic content here and there. A few more mechanix is childs play.
The problem MANY of us casuals have, and youre seeing in here with the poster I just ignored, is ATTITUDE of players who RUIN this game.
I’d run mythic all day long IF WoW players didnt act like that guy does.
And its not even real raiders doing it. They dont care what rewards we get. Its the raider wannabes and failed PvP camp gankers in here railing on casual players daily, lol
Cause the more accurate term is solo players.
It become ‘casual’ cause people started using it as an insult for bad players but it has since been reclaimed but now the word can be owned by anyone since you can be a casual raider, casual pvper, casual solo player etc…
Then theres also cross sectional solo players who dabble a little in group content but not fully.
I started out not playing group content at all. I was warned off player behavior when i started playing WoW in 2017 by someone who had played since launch.
Ive been playing pvp online since it became a thing so after a while I jumped into the dungeon finder and gave it a shot.
Absolutely loved 5 man runs. Well before legion ended I jumped into LFR and was playing it so much I got geared enough to try normal.
Between those two and seeing how players were behaving, enough was enough.
Some kids foaming about some one making a mistake and we had to wipe and start over. Instead of helping the player understand what he needed to do, this clown is screaming and cussing in the chat box at him.
Yeah…I play to have fun, not deal with rabid 40 year olds going mental over a video game.
I stopped running pretty much all group content after that one.
At this point I run group here and there when the mood strikes, which isnt much. Theres about a 20% chance every run that someone is going to do something stupid and someone else is going to start abusing them in the chat box over it and Im gonna pop myself and say crap to cause emotional scars and get suspended.
It aint worth it.
So now Im solo and casual.
And I EXPECT to be paid for my time investment.
lol WoW isn’t going to last in Blizzards hands for that long.
Maybe 2-3 years from now at best.
Many casuals mythic raid, and push keys.
The weird thing is casuals actually want a challenge as well.
Not all of us, but some do.
Many casuals mythic raid, and push keys.
And many do not.
I think Blizzard just needs to “cater” better to people who like feeling rewarded for their time and effort, and that it should include most of their players.
That’s really it.
Wasn’t this game made to be the far more laid back chill version of Everquest back in the day? A game so hardcore in design you had to literally wait hours for a boat to arrive or days and days for a rare and camp it? Not to mention the death mechanics etc…
Then WoW comes out and you can quest up to the max level which was unheard of right? Everything about this game is about pushing away the entitled elitists and welcoming in the masses by design… or it was.
You have all these people telling others to get good and to remove LFR and shun the casual playerbase in a game that was built for them. Blizzard tried going the more hardcore route in Cataclysm and it hurt the game pretty bad, and requiring proving grounds in WoD for dungeons was weird as well.
It tried to push us out or make us git gud and it hurt itself in the process.
Go ahead go full Cata again, hell make everything super tough including the leveling. Bring back cc being required, managed tank aggro or you pull packs off the tank, etc. Bring back needing to manage class resources and manage mana and triage carefully. Sure some people will love it but if you go full hardcore it will more than likely hurt the games population.
Maybe 2-3 years from now at best
Been hearing this since ‘05 too.
Doomers gonna doom.
if you go full hardcore it will more than likely hurt the games population.
I would never come back if they did that. But I wouldn’t be surprised either.
Not saying I wouldn’t at least try it but what a lot of these kids need is really a good dose of humble pie. It’s one thing to have pride but another when you rub it in everyones face how great you are and how everyone else should be like you.
That’s way too self centered.
That’s way too self centered.
I think it’s reasonable to request more content for a broader swath of the population in addition to what we’ve already been getting. The Blizzard Team is large enough to spare a few devs for a task as impactful as this one. If they’d just give the task of cultivating specific types of content to dedicated teams, the rest of them could focus on their more narrow field of specialty without ever concerning themselves with peripheral demographics and how they might respond to the content.
When everyone has plenty to do, hesitant players are less likely to engage with things they don’t enjoy, and so it is less likely that complaints will arise. Nobody gets genuinely upset because content exists that isn’t for them. They get upset because so little content exists that is for them, and they want to play, too.
Blizzard used to understand this. I wonder if the abandoning of that philosophy can all be traced back to the Ionization of the Development Team?
Ionization of the Development Team?
I have no sources on this, it’s just conjecture, of course.
However, I think it’s more to do with the Kotick plan of success for the game. Every quarterly call or at least the ones I’ve heard over the last few years has him concentrating on “ESPORTS”.
He’s always rifling off numbers of ratings that ESPORTS as a whole gets, and to back up his claims he’s regularly compared them to that of professional sports like the NFL. He wants a piece of that ratings market. Riot’s League series comes to mind. Well, what does that mean?
They only do tuning passes to classes after their ESPORT productions are over. The meta is set and anyone who isn’t playing a meta spec has to deal with things the way they are until the MDI/AWC are over. It doesn’t exactly answer your question but I do surmise that in a way Ion’s hands are proverbially tied.
It is no excuse though that they just gave up on archaeology. If something seems to not be so popular, why not go back to the drawing board and find out what people don’t like about it and make it better. They aren’t all idiots. They found a way to make M+ a thing from Legion. I don’t remember if they got the idea from SCII mutations on Co-op missions but I won’t argue it’s been one the most successful pieces the game has added.
It is no excuse though that they just gave up on archaeology. If something seems to not be so popular, why not go back to the drawing board and find out what people don’t like about it and make it better.
The worst part is that Ion (not blaming him by himself) already stated that they pulled archaeology to do exactly that. And then they just never got back to it.
That’s objectively worse than just proceeding with an update to its existing, if flawed, model.
I mean, they don’t have to defy the laws of the universe and behave like super humans in order to satisfy their players. All they have to do is not actively ruin things people enjoy.
But I’m with you on where to lay the blame. Bobby is the real problem and always has been.