It's okay to cater to "casuals"

too much of that already. casuals are problematic.

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If Blizzard does not add cool things on par with KSM/Gladiator/Mythic boss drop mounts then I don’t even want to play anymore. Why do all the cool things have to be gated behind becoming an elitist shill with time and money both? Just make cooler things for people who do world content for once, give us more, and throw us a bone ffs.

Everybody deserves to be able to get some sort of cool reward oh and just remove FOMO entirely or continue to kill this already dead game.


My interpretation is that someone who spent 1 hour doing arenas back in BC and never intends to do it again, out of thousands of days played, is incredibly close to “never”, and nowhere near “a regular participant in hardcore elite gameplay”.

In fact, considering how 50% of subscribers used to queue for random PvP during wrath, and now participation is at an all-time low and dropping even further, I’d assume whatever data you are extrapolating from is irrelevant on every level.

You mean like the datum you included and drew some weird conclusion from?


Cool, never means never. No means no as well, be careful with that one.

You sure are, buddy. You sure are.


:rofl: :clown_face:

You’re so odd.

Sub is ending for this account. See ya around…

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No, you shouldn’t. People who are claiming to be casuals while sinking 60 hours a week or more into the game (and you know this is you) whilst being totally and completely intolerant to any form of the difficulty in the game aren’t entitled to rewards in competitive content.


Shreds if you spent half of the time in game as you spend crying on the forums for casual content and things being too hard. You’d prolly be a world first raider.

For a casual you seem pretty terminally online on the forums.

Everyone is for more side secondary progression, but you’re going to lose support when you say SL has nothing for solo/casuals. SL has offered the most solo casual cosmetics and side stuff to do to date.

3zones 4 difference story campaigns that fuse into 2 more main story content quests.

A whole language to unlock and explore. A zone full of rares and secret treasures to find.

This is in shadowlands. This is why people who play the game look at your posts and question it. We can see it’s in SL and you ignore it or say it’s not good enough and bad. That’s 100% going to make blizzard not do it again.

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Yes, we should. People who are claiming to be casuals while sinking 60 hours a week or more into the game (and we know this is us) whilst being totally and completely intolerant to any form of the difficulty in the game are entitled to rewards just like everyone else who pays a subscription fee.


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Covenants were excellent. I’m specifically talking about long-term activities that roll out in later patches to sustain us during content droughts. Hence, my suggestion no patch should go live without some of the content I’m suggesting.

Because I haven’t been clear enough when I have stated what I want. I need to specify that my request is about sustaining casuals the same way they sustain raiders with new content and new goals.

Incorrect. I see it, and I did it while I was leveling or shortly after I capped. It was great while it lasted, but it’s over.

Zereth Mortis and Korthia are not what I would consider casual. They’re just a bit too punishing to be fun for me in terms of combat/fighting and quests. I enjoy fishing there, but I already caught the one special mount from ZM and there wasn’t much else to do there for me.

I think those end game zones are nice. I liked the Timeless Isle. But the content I’m suggesting is supplemental to that. Something outside the main purpose of those zones that is accessible even to people who don’t ever want to visit those places.

Well, in the unlikely event that Blizzard sees this and feels the way you feel, allow me to clarify that this is not my goal. My goal is to have things to do in the game that I find acceptable. Archaeology and Fishing were my end-game pillars. One is missing and the other got anemic updates. It’s Blizzard’s right to shift focus and change things up as they see fit, but if they don’t introduce anything new along the same lines and to fill the same role as the things they remove, they’re going to leave people in a situation similar to the one in which I find myself.

This situation led to me canceling my accounts. I would love to reactivate them, there’s just no content left that I’m willing to do. It would’ve taken 5 minutes to code an achievement with a title for catching 100.000 fish in Shadowlands, and I wouldn’t be complaining right now. I’d be fishing.

Take those five minutes next time, Blizzard.

But until this testing season 4 everything had more other stuff, or made stuff easier for solo/casuals to get? So this isn’t really a valid thing to complain about? Its already what they did.

A little pointless to say what I just said, but I’ll still do it. They did support you just as much. Every major raid had a major new zone, or change to that zone. There is an end to raiding. I’m not sure what you think raiding content is. You can clear it in a day. You can clear the raid in a few hours. So I guess i’m confused on what you think raiders get that casuals didn’t? Hours wise you got more.

I don’t think you’re really being honest here. You’re saying. That if the game had added a new archeology toy, and a fishing title. You’d have had all these extra accounts to do what? Get the same toy, and fishing title? This is completely against everything you just asked for.

This isn’t ever going to be a focus for blizzard. It shows little to no sign of returning into Dragon isle.

At this point Shreds you’re not a casual. You’re just a forum junky. You’re not really playing the game, and by this post, and the one before it. You show no real desire, or want to play the game. You’re asking for things that to you makes sense, but to almost every other player it doesn’t, because of that you have to understand. Blizzard won’t care about it, or for it.

Though its hard to tell what you want, and whats actual honest opinion and whats just trolling/bait posts.


These are pretty much polar opposites and if we’re trying to be honest and have a dialog about anything content wise. Its kinda impossible to do so when people are that inconsistent.

Casuals need significantly more love in Dragonflight than we got in Shadowlands, that’s for sure.

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Cause the more accurate term is solo players.

It become ‘casual’ cause people started using it as an insult for bad players but it has since been reclaimed but now the word can be owned by anyone since you can be a casual raider, casual pvper, casual solo player etc…

Then theres also cross sectional solo players who dabble a little in group content but not fully.

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your whole list i would cover in a summer and be bored with it.

doesnt seem like there’s sustainable longevity there.

im not dissin tho, to each their own.

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The purpose of rewards in games of this genre is not to bloat the egos of a small minority and encourage them to treat those they see as lesser mortals badly without consequence.

The purpose of rewards is to encourage players who participate in content to continue to participate and continue to pay money to do so, whether or not you see yourself as an angel of vengeance who is doing god’s work by acting like an entitled jerk.


Thanks for letting me know what the purpose of game design is, with all of your game dev experience. Go ahead and start making up numbers too, I love it when you do that.

The weird thing is casuals actually want a challenge as well. Casuals in FF14 step their toes into hardcore content, and willingly hit that wall until they succeed. It’s a double edged sword.

On one hand you have players who are willing to deal with it. On the other hand you have egos who take forever to adapt, and a lack of genuinely challenging content (Well it is challenging but also not?).

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Then players won’t play the game.


Is it okay to cater to casuals? Sure. Do I think WOW should cater to them? No. I don’t think they should cater to any one branch of players… WOW is the type of game, where there is content for all types of players.

So this catering non-sense should not exist inside this game.

Been hearing it since ‘05. I understand this is your particular issue. You’ll be here in 2032 too.