It's okay to cater to "casuals"

It’s pretty easy to get gear nowadays how much more casual you want it. Takes like no effort at all getting decked out in 262 just doing 2’s doesn’t lfr drop the same or higher. Everytime they put stuff in like torghast it gets hated on which I know legendaries but you could go in there solo do what ya want. They make mission tables they get hated on til the removal lol.they try to add stuff in like archaeology then no one does it either I hardly no anyone who took the time to make mounts and pets in zereth.

I honestly wish there was a 10-man LFR where you learn the mechanics of the fights. Still get the determination buff and separate wings but you can actually get into a group, learn, and improve.

Or the simplier way is getting into a raiding guild that can actually teach you. But saying you’re a casual with only a few hours a night to play, have crap gear, and want to learn the raids, isn’t the most appealing to guilds.

Blizz and Ion have said in the past the number of people who participate in LFR justifies the dev time and money spent on raids.

I would also say I, and others like me, spend more time in game doing things than a decent amount of raiders and M+ peeps.

Don’t have anything more to add to this really. Good post. Nothing wrong with having content for casual players.


It was a bad system.
Motes require hours upon hours of grinding, and everything is just so random with no guidance on where to get it from.

The whole thing basically requires 50 tabs of wowhead open or youll never get a single one.


This is implying everyone wants to do all those things which is false.

People love to say that the Mythic raiding community is small while ignoring that the demographic of player that cares about pet battles or any other singular area of gameplay is even smaller.


In the past, ActiBlizz has stated that the majority of it’s playerbase are casuals. So, you see, not really that made up is it?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


They do, though. That’s why there’s so many difficulties, why the slime cat can be obtained in Normal, etc.


Always have been! :slight_smile:

Oh well since you said it that changes everything. Or you could provide the source. Until then it’s a folktale.

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Where would you say it should be? Through s3 (all the major patches) you got normal raid ilevel + 2 legendaries & a 4 piece tier bonus for doing pretty minimal effort stuff. That’s awfully rewarding compared to the golden era of wow.


I would also say I, and others like me, spend more time in game doing things than a decent amount of pet battlers and LFR peeps.

It’s okay, Asmonvåld, I can back him up. I was here when that information dropped. We don’t need to mandate that he go digging around the internet if he doesn’t feel like it.

You, however, are more than welcome to go rummaging through information that predates your particular interest in our ever-casual virtual world. :slight_smile:

Oh deep burn.

Nah you’re the ones with the folktale. I have no false claims to support.

Hehe, thanks! :slight_smile:

Linked above is an old Polygon article from 2013. Tom Chilton was interviewed regarding the successes of Mists of Pandaria.

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What would these rewards look like?

Flying donkeys. Transmoggable little red plastic shovel and sand bucket for off-hand so you can look like you’re making sandcastles. Cool/fun toys or new hearthstones. Darkmoon Decks you could do actual in-game “readings” with. THE RETURN OF MOHAWK GRENADES. Special Food items that cannot be made, but only earned through time-gated activities, but which do things for a short time that other foods aren’t allowed to do anymore - like make you the size of the city bank for 60 seconds after you consume it. A battle pet that looks like Godric the Grafted from Elden Ring. A cursed tabard with the Eye of an Old God on it. Whole new themed sets of rewards for brand new holidays that are added into our calendars.

In short, the rewards would be anything fun.

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The 69& arena stat makes me giggle because I’m five. The last time I stepped into any PvP content was back when it was required for the legndaries. So… Draenor or Legion? Maybe BfA? I mostly purged BfA from my mind so I might be misremembering.

I think the way rewards are done now are fine. You want to do something hard? You get rewarded. You want to do LFR? You will get rewarded, but not as much, because it is not the same level of raiding. And don’t at me - the R stands for Raiding - but it is the easy level. Nobody should be getting a mount or anything approaching those doing it on harder levels. We’re on easy mode and the rewards reflect that. Don’t like it? Pay, which I have done in the past, or test the RNG of the group finder.* Also, before anybody hates on me, I am a LFR hero. My only jumps into higher level is on older raids and a 1 kill on more recent ones for the mount. This is the way it is, the way it should be, and the way it is going to continue to be.

Anyway, there is so much to do as a person who doesn’t want to go into raids this expac as I took a long break. In the next two to three days, I’ll have flying. I only came back because I’m getting promised a dragon. :grin: But I’m already planning what I want to do next and… Going back to do the last Legion raid is high on my list. So is finishing Dragon Soul - I’m having issues on the spine - but that’s just me. I’m caught up on the story, for the most part, thanks to thsoe who put the videos on YouTube.

*Blizz does need to apologize to the LFR base on the slime cat BS. That was cold.

Blizzard forgot the meaning of ‘fun’ right about the time Ion tried to remove flight.