pretty much.
my reward is mogs and mounts. I dont really care to get high end gear.
if they leave me at 250 ilvl and give me tons of DECENT mogs to farm that dont require high end play and give me lot of questlines to do, I’ll pay my sub and be happy about it
It’s the players who “pay the bills”
No, I supported them being removed from baseline in talent trees because I have no use for an interrupt. It was not a campaign, but how Blizzard had already designed the trees.
I can’t be bothered, but that had nothing to do with the suggestions I made regarding interrupts. I was trying to help out the raiders who are frustrated they can’t get people to interrupt in pugs. I was never going to interrupt no matter how the ability was included in the game. It simply has nothing to do with me.
I have never needed to interrupt, nor will I. I don’t engage with content of that type.
No, it’s as irrelevant to what I consider challenging as ever.
I disagree on that. I believe that you have an incredibly low bar on what casuals find challenging. It appears you think otherwise.
I feel Blizzard would do well to dump their time into something that isn’t world quests. The most repetitious, tedious, boring, awful content in the game.
They won’t though, because they even had a video congratulating themselves on coming up with world quests. Congratulating themselves, like patting themselves on the back for making the worst content ever.
I enjoyed world quests before shadowlands. The rewards are fine enough for me, they just aren’t fun.
We didn’t have as much of this stuff from BFA to Shadowlands. It didn’t feel good. While I enjoy these:
I don’t want anymore of that.
This is isn’t a source, thanks though.
My bar is the probability of success vs. failure.
If a person is more likely to fail than to succeed on the first attempt, the content is challenging and so, I don’t attempt it.
If success is more probable than failure on the first attempt, there is no challenge and the content is acceptable.
Us “casuals” find fun things to do. I decided to finally max out my Half Hill cooking stuff. I have spent two days slaughtering beasties and fishing. I robbed all my alts banks for veggies. What I didn’t have, the new AH did. Along the way I got a bunch of achievements. Wandered to Timeless Isle and the Isle of Thunder. It was a fun few days.
Achievements were introduced in wrath
You put a lot of effort into saying
“We need more evergreen content”
Which yes we do.
Better than putting a lot of effort into using interrupts.
Are you talking about PvE?
I mean pvp is desperate for some more content as well. We have brawls but when they rotate every week and about half of them are awful, that does not help. The last PvP map we got was in BfA, and its one of the most disliked maps and not even in the rated rotation.
I had fun raiding back in the day. When I was in high school and had the time. I don’t have to waste hours raiding only to get nothing from it. I take hiatus’ from the game so I’m not in a raiding guild. All my old raiding friends quit.
So there’s finding a group, buffing up, explaining fights, trash mobs, wiping a few times (I’m guessing since pug group), running back, doing it all over again, and then lastly probably getting little to nothing from it. So if I had to choose between that or cursing my luck while farming mounts/transmog in old content…I’ll choose the less stressful one.
Side note, running old raids you never got to do when they were current is so exciting and fun! Well…till the 20th+ run.
welcome to why retail wow sucks and why mmos are a dying genre, because of complaints like this
lets just press 12333 and win
FF14 and ESO seem to be doing just fine, but I get your point about people just wanting stuff. I’m a filthy clicker casual but I’ll farm rep and quest grind every day if there’s something I want bad. Raids don’t seem worth it to me though. Heck even LFR gives me anxiety cause more than half the time I have no idea what’s going on.
Anyways, I don’t think they should cater to any specific group. There will always be people that want one thing or another. What they need to do is make good content. That’s the foundation and they used to have that. The rest could be managed and adapted.
Right now, we don’t have that. Here’s to hoping Dragonflight brings it back.
I want content for everyone, too. The “get to max level and queue for raids or arena” is a horrible design IMO. It’s like a minigame in a world of a game. I think a lot of people, however, confuse making content for everyone with dumbing down complexity. I think there should be high skill ceilings in everything, while still making content for the most casual of players. (I don’t fall into either tail of the standard distribution, I’m not super good, nor do I want to be the person who can win by pressing 4 buttons)
lmao…its nearly hysterical that ANYONE could deny this fact.
WHO is LFR for? Hardcore raiders? lmao.
LFR is here because they know raiding wasnt getting the attention they wanted it to.
It is catering to casual players…literally the end of discussion lol