It's okay to cater to "casuals"

Ion has admitted that some design decisions being made to cater to the Race to World First was a mistake, however those changes were made to mythic raiding. That being said, the existence of 4 versions of raids, 4 versions of each dungeon, queueable content for all three pillars of the game design, lots of open world content every Major content patch indicates to me that this game is catering to casual players to some degree. You may not have the best gear or the coolest mounts but you’re also not doing the most challenging content so I’d argue you haven’t earned those rewards.


eh…‘earned’ is subjective.
If we are putting in the time we should get some payout for it.
Shouldnt be as nice as mythic raiders, but should be worth the time investment.


Citation needed.

Time spent entitles you to some rewards, but time spent with no challenge should only take you so far.


right…thats what i mean by mythic players should get better stuff. RPGs have been this way since at least back to Red Box DND. Big risk, big reward.
But no one will play if there is no DESIRABLE reward for time served


It should take you all the way to the tier of rewards created for people who do not engage with challenging content. It is important to remember that if challenges are required to obtain rewards, a significant portion of the player base would never receive any rewards. Myself included. So I definitely advocate for compelling rewards for non-challenging content.


What people find challenging is relative. I would argue that what you deem challenging many casual players would not.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Not only is this nonsensical, it doesn’t line up with the actual facts! Not only was raiding more popular before LFR, if Blizzard cared about raid numbers, they never would have introduced Mythic+, the one thing that has eaten away at raid participation more than anything else ever within the game! Raiding currently, with LFR mind you, is at some of it’s worse participation numbers ever!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

The reality is blizzard wants our money. If they want our money they need to make me WANT to play. I play to ENJOY myself. I pay for a round of golf to ENJOY the game. Same reason I pay my subscription here. If they cheap out on rewards and/or entertainment, theres no reason to pay my sub.
Why would I pay $60 for a round of golf if the course is covered in mud and goose feces and the greens look like a plowed field?
I wouldnt.
By the same token, people wont pay to be miserable with this game…or entirely UNentertained.
Personally Id settle for less reward style payout and BETTER content.

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as far as I got before I trailed off onto something else.



How can you argue that when I haven’t stated what I deem challenging?

I am curious what you consider challenging, however.

Link actual stat because I can’t seem to find it .

I can agree with this. Unfortunately what could be considered a desirable reward is subjective. I’d argue gear upgrades in line with the level on content you’re completing is acceptable getting 252 gear from ZM after working on cypher research does this decently well, though I can agree with what I’ve seen since Season 4 started that that should have been bumped up a bit to keep it in line with at least lfr gear. Mounts, pets, and other cosmetics are a little trickier since they’re completely subjective.


Hello, I see you replied to my post. That’s ok, I’m not sure you could have handled anything outside of your bubble anyway!


Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Search Step into the Arena

For me, it comes down to content they do and time they play, like I would consider both those that do multiple forms of content yet are on for hours almost every day of the week as casual as one who pushes 1 form of content yet is only on for like 2-3 hours 2-4 days/nights a week

You have campaigned to have interrupt removed from classes baseline because you can’t be bothered. If you need to interrupt you don’t do it.

Has this changed?

Im gonna fix this little problem rignt now… :wave:

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Hello, I see you replied to my post. That’s ok, just make sure to fix whatever it is that helped you come to that conclusion on raiding as well!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!