It's not the Game's fault. It's the players

-The game allows macros, for some sensible personalized tuning,
The players make complex addons that reach automation.

-The game gives advantage to people who cooperate in order to reach a common goal
The player invents multiboxing and does everything alone

etc. etc.

It’s not the game. You will destroy everything that can be destroyed.


What’s up now Hikus I don’t understand you’re point here and I don’t want to put words in your mouth.

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I think he just thought a ‘deep thought’ and is trying to verbalize it.


Title, I agree. Post itself, not sure what you’re trying to say.

Is Hikus replying to his own posts yet or is he still in manifesto mode?


It’s like Charlton Heston hollaring at the end of Planet of the Apes.

The #nochanges crowd doesn’t care that this new Classic uses the retail macro system since it’s a quiet QoL change that they use to their advantage. Talk about adding a barbershop and they all freak out though.

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Ikr they should also add transmog

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Are we all just complex macros made by the user overlord ICBIGTT… has my life been a lie all along

I, personally, am not one of those people.

Take the red pill.

This is the human race as a whole. I’ll refrain from a much longer rant on this fact, all the data is there for you if you want it. We’re a virus.

I honestly think the “virus” monologue from Mr Smith in Matrix was one of the most accurate things ever said in a film.

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only good Matrix was the first one.


It was in the first one…

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Just copying this over from your other thread.


I never said that, so you’re flagged.

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You also said you would never respond in your own threads, yet here we are.


population reduction + genetic engineering + growing humans in pods = problem solved

~150 years ago Karl Marx said that we must take control of the means of production. Today I say that we must take control of the means of reproduction

And logical reasoning is one reason I don’t hate on China as much as some do. Do what needs to be done, even if it’s not popular opinion.