It's not simply 'turning on' an xp buff

The purpose of the XP Buff is to have that in place BECAUSE they are going to slash dungeon xp boosting.

They have to make sure the changes, which are not small, to many many dungeon enemy behaviors are tested properly before turning on the XP buff, they never said their goal was to give us 50% xp buff AND still be able to get dungeon boosted.

It’s not a switch they are flipping, it’s a patched in change to core components of enemy code.

The patch already exists in the Season of Mastery servers though to nerf the dungeon boosting.


Stop simping for a company that hates it’s player base!


Holy hell that nose is brown… This is tech they have done for SoM already.


For SOM enemies, this has to be made for TBC dungeons etc. it’s still more work than just copying SOM code from a completely different client.

If only they had weeks of preperation


You are not thinking properly if you think this is applied to individual dungeons or mobs rather than level curves like everything else in the game… Even drops like cloth etc are by level, hence why mobs by kara dropped new cloth all of a sudden come tbc prepatch. The tech for the tuning is already in, all they have to do is apply it to tbc.


Disregarding the people that have no idea what goes into a change like what they did in SOM… yeah true, it does need time, and they are probably taking some more time since the same team has been obv busy (they just launched Wrath Beta as well in the past month) .

The issue for me isn’t that we haven’t gotten it yet, that makes sense, since they need to work on a patch for it. It’s the way they relay the communication about it that is o out of 5 stars.

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If you really think the code is different per dungeon and not a global enemy table, sure.

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Give us Midsummer buff back lol.

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No one wants this. Bring buff plz, stop making stupid changes.

literally who cares if boosters get to super boost people for 2 weeks? 0.001% more ruined wont change the other 99.999% of classic ruined

Then why did they announce it 28 days ago with “In the coming weeks”?

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So people would resub. It clearly worked. Ive seen a lot of new faces on the forums this past month.

yep they have been ‘testing’ before and since SoM…


100%, look at what happened

They announced this a month ago, got a resub wave for TBC

Today they drop a buff on Retail, now they get a resub wave on Retail.

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I think you have the perfect name for these takes. Doing the Cage proud.

You would think they would either turn on the XP or sell boosts. The whole nothing-time before an expansion is bad enough, but this is the second go round for BC and it seems worse.

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It is pretty much almost like a switch actually

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100% incompetence and lack of care on blizzard’s end