It's not fair to pay $15 a month for this

wait, so you want blizzard to essentially cut their wow sub revenue in half just because you don’t want to pay a sub fee that hasn’t increased in 15 years? (I’'m assuming the vast majority of players don’t actually play both versions and thus wouldn’t be subbed to both)

and someone can call me out on this if I’m wrong, but due to inflation in the last 15 years, $15 is actually cheaper now than it was during the games release by a fairly decent amount.


You know I pay $16.50 AUD for my subscription. I don’t have a high income, but if I want to continue playing a game that I love, then I gotta pay the price. $16.50 for 1 month is not really a lot of money losing, otherwise, if you think $15 is a lot of money to lose for 1 month to play the game, then that is a “you” problem.

The game has been free since the inception of tokens.

Good luck though with what you want, doubt it happens. The reality is you are paying for Retail and Classic is a bonus, that is all.

Just an fyi you would actually be paying around 10 usd if they split them with taxes.

They ban for cheating all the time

Yeah. I don’t pay for TV service. Just phone/internet/WoW/rent

I don’t dislike TV, but I don’t enjoy it enough to actually be willing to pay monthly for it. Just a preference, but it also saves me money. I lived on minimum wage for a long time and I was still able to afford WoW, maybe not everyone can depending on their bills, but at the end of the day it’s just $15. (imo)

Also if I wanted to save more money I could switch to a government phone but I’m on a family plan

How you spend your money is your own choice, $15 used to mean more, but IMO $15 isn’t much now and the price isn’t going to go up. You can also get (technically) better price deals by buying the higher amount of time subscriptions


I go to some regular restaurant, alone, like Village Inn. It is at least 15 bucks for one meal, with a tip.

So $15 for this, for the ENTIRE MONTH OF UNLIMITED PLAY? Very much worth it, no matter how cruddy it is currently.

“High Income”, hmmm, I’d get some kind of full time job. I mean, $15 is nothing.


You paid $15 when Classic launched in 2004, you’ll pay $15 now that it’s back.

Honestly, Blizzard is well within their rights (as Classic is a completely separate game) to charge you $30 ($15 for each) but they’re not doing that.

Be thankful that the price of subscriptions has remained fairly stable and hasn’t changed to match inflation, otherwise we’d be paying at least $20 or more by now.

its because products like WoW keep you paying based on manipulating the human psyche. its addiction at its finest.
its not easy to just give up something that many have been progressing for years, even if you are unhappy with it.

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Should I be the one to tell him this is not how a company like Blizzard funds their games?

Fine Ill do it since 1 and 2 is the same point. Income from one specific game dont go to a sequel or updates of that particular game only. It goes to one big pile of money and all projects get a budget to do their thing from all the cash Blizzard brings in.

Well since point 1 and 2 is the same as point 3, Ill explain further, Diablo 4 for example isnt solely made from Diablo 3 income or thin air. You probably helped fund it with your 15 dollar a month. Just like you help fund HotS and Heartstone with that.

If you cant aford to spend 15 a month and you have a family, you should probably readjust your priorities.

You can buy ingame time with gold made in retail. And said earlier if you and your wife dont make enough that you cant afford to spend 15 dollars on free time you should probably readjust your priorities and spend some time with your kids they will be grabbing the short end of the stick here if you have no money to have them enjoy their childhood.

Lmao , so it took two expansions yes two expansions to remove boomie bots from isle of thunder or you know the rampant botting thats been going on in classic that know one seems to want to approach.

Funniest thing if read all day.

Hey look they dont even perma ban people anymore , they get 3 day bans then if they do it again they get a 1 month then 6 months then 12 months . “Exploit early and often as they say in WoW”.

They’d better not release anything else in classic. Or I’m out. I’m only playing classic because it’s static. I don’t want a slow repetition or how retail developed. What a nightmare that would be. Retail is a nightmare enough! Just leave classic as is and don’t touch it.

If you have active access to Retail, you can earn gold in Retail to buy tokens to play both Classic, and Retail. I don’t know how viable this is, since Tokens are so expensive now.

Well guess what I don’t want MY $15 being wasted on the garbage that is Classic… but we can’t always get what we want.


Both games use the same client and infrastructure so paying the full $15 makes sense. Just don’t buy expansions or cash shop items if you want to be classic only.

Oh my goodness Herbtainer, how DARE you post such a…post! Be prepared to be attacked and gutted by the Activision/Blizz fans.

Move to South America, they get WoW for pennies on the dollars per month.

Classic is far more grindier. What do you mean?

Pretty sure there is a reason for a single fee, you don’t have much of a choice.

Classic isn’t a game, it’s an interactive museum dedicated to preserving “Vanilla” as it no longer exists in retail.

15 bucks is nothing even if you are being paid min wage. Sorry I dont see a problem with it. Also getting two games for the price of one is great why do people complain lol