It's not fair to pay $15 a month for this

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Captialism. You dont like it? Dont buy it.


It’s not. There is no “classic subscription” everyone pays for a WoW subscription.

If anything they would have two separate $15 charges. We wouldn’t want that now would we?

  1. Retail patch updates are paid for with the subscription fee people pay to have both games available to them.
  2. You get 2 games for the price of one now instead of 1 game for the price of 1!
  3. Good news is you pay the same amount you paid before, but now get 2X the games!
  4. Paying less would be beneficial for people that pay to play a game. That is simple math, good job.
  5. If people can’t afford to pay $15 a month then they shouldn’t pay it. And if somebody is struggling to pay for a game they spend hours in each month they should probably spend all that time working or trying to find work. Or, for those where that is not an option…just not spending the $15.
  6. Both games are trash. There is zero reason for Blizzard to cut their revenue just because of your garbage list of reasons. And I’m not a huge fan of theirs, but your logic is undeniably stupid.
  1. Your first point is a conclusion supported by your opinion.
  2. And? Your sub allows access to either or both.
  3. Unless you play 24/7 you are paying when you don’t play.
  4. WoW’s sub price hasn’t changed in 15 years and now you have access to two versions of it.
  5. And? The economy is unfair. It’s not incumbent on Blizzard to fix that for you. If you find $15 to be too steep an investment, I can name several exceptionally good MMOs that you can play for free. These include: Elder Scrolls Online; Neverwinter Online; Revelation Online; Star Trek Online; Star Wars: Old Republic You have to purchase ESO and SWTOR but the others are free to download and play to your heart’s content. And all have engaging character class builds, content, stories, and numerous other activities and absolutely none is arbitrarily time-gated.
  6. Maybe, but you haven’t stated any persuasive ones.

Flexible pricing can be a good thing, and you aren’t one of those guys who want make it more expensive. Though 2 reasons i’m not agreeing is the simple fact that it’s Blizzard, and second, they seemed to be keen to keeping both of the versions up without leaving one behind, hence the 15 dollar sub to access 2 games. In this instance, i’m rather it be 15 bucks for access to two games.

But i never understood this hatred to one side to a point where you even refuse to pay a sub to access your favorite game until the subs are separated. Just seems silly if you ask me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You know this applies both ways, right?

Ehh… on the scale of 1 to 10 of how different they are from each other, it’s about a 5. While the little things like mechanics, setting, pace, content are different, what is similar is how you play them. If you can play Retail, you can play Classic, and vice versa.


I’m going to be completely honest with you… I seriously don’t care about that. We get that you have a life (i’m talking to whomever makes this "i have a life/job/family/cult/whatever argument), it’s still no excuse to change things around. i’m not saying you should quit being a gamer ,i’m saying you should manage your schedule to fit the game and whatever you want to do ingame somewhere on your timeline, or play a different game altogether.

Also while i don’t have a problem with Multi-boxers, it is safe to say that i don’t think a lot of Classic fans would be so hot on the idea of allowing more Multiboxers in the game.

if $15 (plus tax cause Uncle sam needs his share of bitcoins. :us: :crazy_face: :hammer: ) is too much, you might have bigger problems then not being able to afford a video game’s subscription.

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The value proposition of everything from 8.2 to shadowlands costing over $150 in subscriptions is pretty poor.

If they’re going to abandon the game for 10+ months and the next update is going to cost $60, maybe temp cut in the subscription fees is warranted.

Because were not paying for development of new content, were paying for the development of the next patch, which we’ll have to pay for anyways.

  1. Classic is basically just a “mode” The content exists, they’re just releasing it in waves like it did back then.

  2. They’re the same game, but at different time periods.

  3. This is not the definition of a scam. If anything, it’s pretty cool they made classic a bonus to a normal sub. I don’t play classic because I lived it and have no desire to go back, but it’s nice that people have the option to play current or old school should they desire to.

  4. I mean regardless of being classic or retail, of course you could make the point that if anything is cheaper people could buy more/be happier because they save money.

  5. If you’re at a point where 15 dollars is really breaking the bank, you should reconsider playing WoW. I’m not saying low income people can’t have nice things, but you have to have priorities.

  6. Not really. Like I said, I think it was a great gesture that they included it in the normal sub to begin with. 15 dollars a month is a very reasonable amount of money.

Oh my frigging god, stop saying things are “scams” when you mean “I don’t like it.”

It’s not a scam just because you’re unhappy. It is a scam when you have been deceived.

You knew how the sub worked, it’s all spelled out, it’s right in front of you, you have made an informed decision. You have not been scammed.

“Literally” might mean “figuratively” now, but by damn I’m putting my foot down on scam.


OP: Indeed, you have literally not been scammed.

Solder: I’m 100% with you on language corruption. :beers:

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WoW has always been $15 a month. Why would they ever lower it?

As for this… minimum wage is now $15 in some states. I think it’s more than fair considering all these years and they never raised their sub cost.

It’s not Sunday yet

The money WoW makes is used too help support all over Blizzards projects not just WoW.

Everyone loves a good bogo! Who wouldn’t?

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Minimum wage has nothing to do with it. A lot of people live beyond their own means. Remember, cable TV, internet, cell phones, paid streaming services are all luxury and not needed yet some people think they need this stuff.

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$15 for a month of gameplay is pretty good IMO. I’d just as easily spend 30 bucks on a DLC that i’ll beat in 2 days. Atleast with wow if I spend a little time playing the game I can pay for the game without even having to spend the small amount of money.

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If you feel that way then unsub till shadowlands? The 15$ a month is for access to the server. (For the record there’s plenty of times I’ve felt that way and Unsubbed in the past).

The sub fee has not changed. They did not raise it when Classic released. There is no scam. You got Classic for free with your retail sub.

Then you shouldn’t be spending money frivolously on video games.

They are World of Warcraft. It’s the same game, same engine, same original story… we could keep going…

This makes zero sense. The profit is for the gaming company as a whole.

  1. Retail patch updates should not be paid with Classic subscription. It’s pretty obvious.

It’s their business, their rules. If you find it unfair, don’t pay.

  1. They are completely 2 different games and so far, they don’t have any crossovers.

Is the same game, 2 different versions. Again, they can structure the payment system whatever they like.

  1. It’s kind of a scam to pay for a game when someone doesn’t play it at all.

you are playing to play World of Warcraft, you choose which version you want to play.

  1. It would be beneficial for those who have a family that pays a monthly bill for their kids/wife/others. Also for multiboxers.

If you have a family of 4 playing classic, you still need to pay 60 dollars a month. If you can’t afford 60 dollars a month, then you should prioritize other important things.

  1. Not everyone has a high income. For some people, $15 is a lot.

Sorry, but people who consider 15 a lot should be focusing on spending money in more vital things.

  1. Pretty sure there are more reasons for why there should be separate subscription fees.

The only reason that matters is how they want to structure their business, take it or leave it.


It was always $15 per month for just regular WoW, and classic is thrown in as an added benefit of that subscription which is a pretty good deal. If you choose to only play classic instead of taking full advantage of your subscription, that is your choice.

I think $15 is a pretty good deal to be able to play a game that doesn’t try to nickel and dime you for everything you take for granted in a mmo, and doesn’t release overpowered must have items that are cash shop only.


Its actually reversed retail pays for classic along with shareholder investments cash shops micro transactions. Your sub allows you access to both for a single payment and since the sub is now taxed you definitely want this over a single separate pay as its a grandfathered in amount.

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