It's not about LFR, it's about following though with what you started


It’s kind of our own fault for taking a datamined achievement at face value, assuming it wouldn’t change. You think we’d know better by now.

It wasn’t datamined. It’s both on the PTR and in the game. They just changed the terms at the last minute.


This is live. If you can log on you can see it on your character right now.


Dont count on this being a short season.

Oh, my bad. Ppl said it was datamined.


So you mean to tell me that these people sniffing Blizzard’s behind are actually just full of it?


I mean how embarrassing would it be if the gm interpreted something wrong. The txt is clear as a sunny day. I’m pretty sure they even mentioned verbally it would be LFR and up, though I can’t specifically remember who. Either way the achievements clearly say it. Lol, are human beings actually working at Blizz. Like, what is going on over there.

Their argument is that even though this is in the game right now, we shouldn’t see that as official, which makes no damn sense but you know. Shillers gotta shill.


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Ah yea, I can see that. “season 4 has been extended to April 2023 due to Dragonflight delay, in that extra 4 month period, the slime cat will really now be available for any difficulty!”

Casuals were looking at this as something for them to do .

Blizz pretty much said “Raid or die”



You can find a raiding guild, or…


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i like you.
we can be friends


I know I can

But to be honest raiding at 55 is not as easy as it was at 45 . More things ache .

I will never pay for a carry

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I was implying this was Blizzard’s plan.

They know un-guilded have two options:

  1. Deal with trying to find a PuG to kill all thirty bosses, or
  2. Pay for three quick carries and be done with it

To be honest if any difficulty was a typo it should of been caught months ago and not at the last minute.

If they would of done it back then , yes people would be mad but probably would of gotten over it and not subbed for season 4.

But they waited until people did resub for it and then said nope .

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This is one of the rare times I knock the dust off my tinfoil hat.

They also waited until after the 6-month sub mount and the preorder and it’s just in time for their new boosters chat channel too.

It may not be related but damn those optics.


Here’s what’s crazy to me:

They hot-fixed the ZM currency to be BoA, but not “correct three typos”?

Either it was intended to have ALL four difficulties qualify and it was a last-minute change, or there’s serious confusion at Blizzard and nobody knows.

They knew. People on the forums, Reddit, Wowhead, etc. have been talking about it since the cat was datamined.

They purposely waited until the last second which is why I dusted off my tinfoil hat.