It's not about LFR, it's about following though with what you started

Especially in, like, the shortest season ever.


What’s wild too is they did the whole social contract to bring to people’s attention what they agreed to in game to try and improve the community. Then create a situation like this that helps breed toxicity in the community. After they had just bred toxicity in the community during BFA.


It’s in the contract we all signed. Section 9B

Alterations to the Platform. Blizzard may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Platform or Accounts at any time, including removing items, or revising the effectiveness of items in an effort to balance a Game. Blizzard may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Platform or Accounts without notice or liability.

Yeah. There’s literally no positives to this choice other than maybe token sales.


Which is a catch 22. What are we supposed to say. You can’t change anything in PTR, or live to improve the game, ect. Of course we have to agree, but it’s not in the spirit of baiting and switching a mount. That’s not why we have this agreement. It’s because it gives them complete control. If nobody agreed to this, there’d be no game. This agreement should be in good faith, and not to coarse people into subs, and other dirty shinanagins Blizzard chooses to do.


If the content is going to be trivialized then why change it to begin with? I don’t understand arguments that support this kind of change because they are almost always inadvertently arguing against their own opinions.

“Oh, but people will just get carried or buy carries through the content. Problem solved!”

Why would this be better than people just playing the content they want to play and being rewarded for it?


I guess this just reinforced the idea that LFR is not raiding.

They need to specify that things that are not currently obtainable or progress-able are subject to change?

Are you new to gaming?its astandard practice.

Yup, the thing we all agreed to. We all agreed to is so it seems silly to complain about something WE AGREED TO.

Don’t look now Blizzard but your pants are on fire.


Is this the hill you really want to die on? A technicality?

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An industry wide standard yup sure is thanks for asking

It’s not an industry-wide standard. What video games are you playing where the developer deliberately takes awards away on a whim, never mind 3-4 days before the next patch is to release?

More importantly, what exactly is it about this change you so vehemently want to defend? What purpose does it serve the game, if any?


Yes it very much is. Things that are not released, obtainable, or playable yet are subject to change.

You agreed to this in the eula too.

Again, what other video games are you playing where the developer deliberately takes awards away from certain player groups, especially when that content is about to release? You didn’t answer the question, likely because you don’t have an answer. Therefore, it’s not an industry standard.

Flipping open a dictionary and turning to the page with “bootlicker” would have nothing more than your photo and this comment. If you have to resort to the EULA for your argument, you’ve already lost lmao


The award can’t be taken away if it was never given to anyone on the first place. That’s a clear entitlement issue.

Nice zinger but all this proves is you are incapable of actually argue against my point. Good luck persuading blizzard with that retort

I see we’re dealing with a 10 year old here.

You know that the EULA doesn’t concern you, right? The only people who should ever care about the EULA is Blizzard because it’s only ever written to save their own asses.

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Wow I fixed that autocorrect fast and you still caught it. Were you waiting here for me? <3 Further proof you can’t address the points btw

The eula concerns us all because we signed it. If you weren’t ok with blizzard making alterations to their game at any moment, why did you agree to it?

You still haven’t answered any of my points but okay.

Keep bootlicking my guy lmao


I’ve destroyed your points conclusively actually. Nothing else to go over there.

Well since you’ve proven you’re incapable of productive conversation, I think we’re done here. I’m sure calling others boot lickers on the forums will persuade blizzard to listen to your demands. :smiling_face:

:rofl: :rofl: