It's not about LFR, it's about following though with what you started

that only works if blizzard has decided to discontinue LFR. If the LFR “difficulty” is released then it stands to reason that “any” will actually include “any” not just “select”

but if they do go live and there is an “LFR difficulty” then at what point does “any” no longer mean “any” and in fact mean “select”? Everything you just said in that thread depends 100% on Blizzard not including an LFR version in this new season. If there is an LFR version then it will inevitably fall under “any”, because it will be a thing.

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Gutted… i thought they were making a step in the right direction. These sort of rewards should always be available for LFR players imo (all players). Otherwise LFR players are just getting treated like 3rd class citizens. Sady sad sad blizzy blizz. Do better.

At the moment Blizzard have the stance of if you queue solo for anything then you don’t deserve nice things.

Your player base is ageing. A lot of us don’t have fixed hours of play anymore or the same amount of time to allocate to gaming as we used too. Which makes organised play harder. I wish they would lose a lot of this “prestige mentality”, im not saying all, keep a little bit if you want for those high end tournament players you stream so they can feel spesh. But hell you keep a lot of pointless cosmetic stuff locked from a large portion of your player base.

Blizzard need a boost of CO2 so they can be fizzy again. They are so flat at the mo.

Stay fizzy people.


If it’s any consolation. This is very much the same company, and the merge hasn’t happened yet. I’ll reserve complete judgement about a year and a half from now, maybe 2 years, because MS isn’t going to walk in and the company magically changes on a dime. It’s going to take some time for them to clean house and restore order.

Blizzard can’t even afford yet another controversy but it seems they are adamant to take as many Ls as humanly possible.

They really should just let LFR players get it that way, it hurts absolutely no one by allowing this.

And before the elitist gatekeeper raiders/m+/pvpers show up here: You guys already have access to the best and coolest rewards all the time, every single expansion. You are guaranteed an endless flow of meaningful good content for 2 years. Most of us who are on the fence or considering quitting, haven’t gotten anything good in 2-4 years really.

The story/lore? In shambles, and people mindlessly want all classes on all races which kills the entire point of the game, they also want nelfs running around Ogrimmar, none of this benefits anybody whether they like that reality or not. So yes, in shambles because we now have people running around demanding things they don’t actually need at all.

Casual content? What casual content? I have 591 mounts, right? Of those mounts maybe 100ish are meaningful or cool, but they all obtainable still, none of them are truly that special really because of this. World content? Even worse, did you slog through finishing even one covenant and all of its associated cosmetics, sets, mounts, etc? Probably not, who in their right mind would?

The main point is the minority always tends to get what they want and the actual majority which relates to this cat and LFR tends to get nothing by comparison. Y’all got enough, let other people get cool things too.

Oh and 1 more thing, Obsidian Worldbreaker was obtained through LFR, no one had a problem with it back then, so no one should have a problem with slime saber being obtained through LFR now.


I think people are going way too far with this, when it’s very likely just a case of incompetence.

Blizzard didn’t bother proofreading the achievements. Or the people who prepare the in-game text didn’t actually check with the people doing the content. (Which isn’t new - it generally seems like nobody at Blizzard talks to anybody else who works there, they’re all working in their own little bubbles.)

I disagree because like I said, people have been talking about this cat for months. They’ve been doing this on platforms Blizzard reads and they chose to remain silent.


Yes, I know.

Did you know that the shield from Guardian Druids’ legendary isn’t reduced by Necrotic stacks?

Because I’m quite certain that Blizzard has no idea, even though it’s frequently talked about and is an obvious bug.

The people who know how to make games have all left Blizzard (or been shown the door).


Each week, one raid will be marked as Fated. You may enter a Fated raid in any difficulty (Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic or Mythic). Note that while a raid is marked as Fated, you cannot enter its non-Fated version until the following week when another raid becomes Fated—so plan your transmogrification and achievement runs accordingly! You can find our Fated raid schedule here.

Once you enter a Fated raid, you’ll notice that all enemies and bosses will have adjusted stats—the goal here isn’t to make your raid group go through progression again; we’re aiming to provide a proper but not insurmountable challenge for those already experienced with the encounters.

Each boss encounter will be empowered by one of four unique Fated Powers. These will vary from boss to boss and week to week, presenting challenges for your raid group that reward Fated Infusions, temporary powerful auras for your efforts. Should you conquer any boss in a Fated raid, you’ll receive rewards according to the difficulty level you’ve completed them in. The item level distribution for Fated raids is as follows:

Raid Finder: 265-272
Normal: 278-285
Heroic: 291-297
Mythic: 304-311

All gear obtained in Fated raids can be converted into set pieces at the Creation Catalyst.

This is from Blizzards own article about fated raids.
Note the bolded raid levels.

I don’t even know what you’re talking about and you know I’m on the forums every day, trolling someone.

There’s no way that’s been as big of a topic as this mount.


My point is, the people working at Blizzard know way less about WoW than the people who play it.

To the point where they seriously have NO IDEA about large tracts of the game.

Having seen the Slime Kitty, I would never use it & don’t have any interest in getting one even if I could do it in LFR.

But those who want it should be able to get it on raids of “any difficulty,” like the achievement says. & whether it’s incompetence, like Brewa says, or some conspiratorial mindset like Tovi says, is irrelevant to me: either way, it’s bad optics.

Do better, Blizz.


Like I posted earlier today:

I just don’t think this is some grand plan on their part. I just think somebody goofed up.

There was a high-end player in another thread that admitted they sometimes AFK in LFR. I like how that part of the playerbase uses the “people can AFK in LFR” spiel as an argument for why LFR doesn’t matter. When the truth is that at least 90% of the people who AFK in LFR are likely high-end players being lazy and ruining the experience for everyone else.


those bold words imply that LFR as a thing will exist for these fated raids, so text that says “any difficulty” should thereby include “LFR”. That was the entire premise of my post. If LFR wasnt included then “any” would obviously means normal or higher, but if LFR is included then “any” must by definition include it as well. Failure to have “any” mean “any” is misleading


here in australia some time ago i went into a supermarket and bought a 1kg block of toblerone that was marked at half price, when i went through the checkout they charged me the full price, i raised this with them and as a result i got the item for free, because they made the mistake.

Blizzard is going to have to either A, be tight and just blow off the fact they got it wrong and they effectively griefed some portion of the userbase, possibly even costing some real world money with all the negative PR that brings OR, suck it up and give the item as initially advertised.

Sometimes the customer isnt always right, but sometimes they are, you cant offer something for a price then not give it


I mean, sure? But when have we ever known Blizzard to retain any common sense?

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I agree with you.
The bolded part was for those who say Blizzard doesn’t think LFR is a “real” raid tier.

sorry im not the best at times i’ll confess lol. i try to multitask alot, im no good at it!

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I sometimes wish I understood their thinking. If I were to go to the Dark Side of the Logic, I’d be thinking it was to tempt people into buying tokens. If your casual player or new player is getting into Shadowlands content now, isn’t up to doing Normal or higher raiding, has no guild or friends to do such things with and can’t get an invite to a raid, then about the only other way to get is to pay for it. And if they have no gold, they have to buy it.

With LFR they could at least just get to the required gear level and hit the queue button. I’d appreciate it if Blizzard could prove my negativity wrong and just put the damned thing into the LFR prize pool. I mean, for gawdsake, at this point in the expac why does it even matter?

Maaate, a kilo of chocolate! Where was that at, Aldi? Not that I’d buy that, you understand, my T2 Diabetes would never forgive me… (:

All my friends that have started to play this game DO NOT care about raiding. They would love to get this mount but no way they would pug normal raids to get it. Thats asking too much and i feel a lot of players feel like this. Right now, i dont really know anyone who is raiding or anything. Most people have left and i dont think they will return until dragonflight. I simply dont have the time to pug these raids ive already done before. This is recycled content which should be treated as such. This is pretty much timewalking, but with ‘fancy new paint’. I wont be doing normal for this mount. I will do it however if its with lfr as i dont want to organize a group to do considering ive done these raids before and the item level gear will be replaced in a few months. Whats the point? Why bother? It seems blizzard is trying to force people into normal raiding by hanging a mount in front of us. You would assume after all the fails you have had doing this in the past, you would of learnt by now.

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